NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse Logo


Issue 19April 2013
In This Issue
New resources
In the news
Upcoming events
Newsletter Library shelves

Kia ora and welcome to the latest newsletter from the NZFVC, a monthly update of resources, news and events for those working to prevent family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. 


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The Clearinghouse has published two new Issues Papers:  


Understanding connections and relationships: Child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and parenting reviews the evidence on the frequency with which intimate partner violence and child maltreatment co-occur.


Policy and practice implications: Child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and parenting explores the system responses required to support children exposed to intimate partner violence.


These papers provide excellent background reading for anyone attending the Families Commission / NZFVC co-hosted one day conference Children, child maltreatment and intimate partner violence: Research, policy and practice in Wellington on 5 June 2013.    

Keynote speakers include Dr Jeff Edleson, one of the world's leading authorities on children's exposure to domestic violence and Di Grenell speaking on Whānau Ora.   

See the full programme and register now.  


Other news, views, and happenings in brief: 

  • We have made some changes to our website, which we hope will make it easier to find our Publications - Mātauranga.  There is now a drop down menu for Data Summaries, Issues Papers and Newsletters.    
    On the Resources - Te Puna menu, you will find information about the Library and Links to other useful websites. Watch this space for new pages coming soon.
    Recently added or updated events now have a separate page.     
  • A new round of funding to address bullying of children and young people is now open, closing 24 May 2013.
  • Justice Minister Judith Collins has announced some changes to planned Family Court reforms. However these do not extend to other concerns raised in relation to family violence such as revoking the Bristol clause, and compulsory attendance at Family Dispute Resolution in many cases, at a cost of $897+ gst.
  Read on for more resources, news and events.  


 The NZFVC team

@ Tāmaki Innovation Campus
 The University of Auckland


Reminder: The Clearinghouse is on Facebook and Twitter - liking our page or following means you get the latest news and events as we post them.

New resources


Books, reports and other items 


Here are some of the books, reports, and other resources added to the NZFVC library this month. Use the "read more" link to the NZFVC Library online to read the full summary and request or download the item. Please contact us if any links are broken.   

New Zealand
NZ Family Violence Clearinghouse Issues Papers

Understanding connections and relationships : child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and parenting
by Clare Murphy, Nicola Paton, Pauline Gulliver and Janet Fanslow.  Auckland: New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, 2013. Issues Paper 3
Electronic document (38 p.); PDF &  Word DOC files
Summary: This paper reviews the evidence on the frequency with which intimate partner violence and child maltreatment co-occur... Read more

Policy and practice implications : child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and parenting
by Clare Murphy, Nicola Paton, Pauline Gulliver and Janet Fanslow. Auckland: New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse, 2013.  Issues Paper 4
Electronic document (35 p.); PDF &  Word DOC files
Summary: This paper explores the system responses required to support children exposed to intimate partner violence... Read more

White Paper for Vulnerable Children Literature Snapshots 

Children's workforce : core competencies. Literature snapshot - July 2012
prepared by the Centre for Social Research and Evaluation, for Child, Family and Community Policy. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development, 2012.
Electronic document (17 p.); Word DOC file
Summary: This literature snapshot summarises documents relating to the development and implementation of core competencies for the children's workforce (ie a workforce of people who work with children)... Read more

Children's workforce : workforce development. Literature snapshot - July 2012
prepared by the Centre for Social Research and Evaluation, for Child, Family and Community Policy. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development, 2012.
Electronic document (23 p.); Word DOC file
Summary: This literature snapshot summarises literature relating to the development of the children's workforce, focusing on the social worker workforce... Read more

Identification and assessment : Literature snapshot - July 2012
prepared by the Centre for Social Research and Evaluation, for Child, Family and Community Policy. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development, 2012.
Electronic document (21 p.); Word DOC file
Summary:  This literature snapshot provides a summary of overseas research and best practice on the screening and assessment of vulnerable children... Read more

Lead professionals : Literature snapshot - July 2012

prepared by the Centre for Social Research and Evaluation, for Child, Family and Community Policy. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development, 2012.
Electronic document (17 p.); Word DOC file
Summary: This literature snapshot summarises evidence relating to the role of lead professionals within an integrated services approach to working with children and families... Read more

Mandatory reporting : Literature snapshot - July 2012
prepared by the Centre for Social Research and Evaluation, for Child, Family and Community Policy. Wellington: Ministry of Social Development, 2012.
Electronic document (27 p.); Word DOC file
Summary: This literature snapshot draws on international literature, largely from Australia, and focuses on the benefits and consequences of mandatory reporting, and the behaviour of mandatory reporters... Read more





Addressing intimate partner violence reproductive and sexual coercion : a guide for obstetric, gynecologic, reproductive health care settings  

by Linda Chamberlain and Rebecca Levenson.  3rd ed.  San Francisco, CA: Futures Without Violence, 2013.

Book, 56 p.  

Summary: This guide highlights research that demonstrates how a brief intervention using a safety card to educate female patients about reproductive and sexual coercion can improve reproductive health outcomes... Read more  



Applying community capacity building approaches to child welfare practice and policy  

by Shaun Lohoar, Rhys Price-Robertson and Lalitha Nair.  Melbourne, VIC: Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2013. CFCA Paper, no. 13 

Electronic document (15 p.); PDF file & HTML available
Summary: Can insights from the field of community capacity-building improve child welfare practice and policy in Australia? ... Read more 



Breaking the silence : addressing family and domestic violence in alcohol and other drug treatment practice in Australia  

by Roger Nicolas, Michael White, Ann Roche, Stefan Gruenert and Nicole Lee. Adelaide, SA: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, 2012.

Literature review- electronic document (36 p.); PDF file
Summary: This literature review explores the relationship between alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and family and domestic violence services, and is a companion document to Can I ask...? ... Read more   



Can I ask...? : an alcohol and drug clinician's guide to addressing family and domestic violence  

by Michael White, Ann Roche, Caroline Long, Roger Nicholas, Stefan Gruenert and Samantha Battams.

Adelaide, SA: National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA), Flinders University, 2013.

Resource - electronic document (60 p.); P'DF file 

Summary: This resource explores the relationship between alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and family and domestic violence... Read more


Child well-being in rich countries : a comparative overview
Florence, Italy: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2013. Innocenti Report Card, no. 11 

Report - electronic document (60 p.); PDF file 

Summary: Part 1presents a league table of child well-being
in 29 of the world's advanced economies... Read more       



Hanging out or hooking up : clinical guidelines on responding to adolescent relationship abuse. An integrated approach to prevention and intervention  

by Elizabeth Miller and Rebecca Levenson. 2nd ed.  

San Francisco, CA: Futures Without Violence, 2013.

Book, 60 p. & electronic document (64 p.); PDF file
Summary: This Futures Without Violence publication focuses on the transformative role of the adolescent health care provider in preventing, identifying and addressing adolescent relationship abuse.. Read more   



Parenting interventions for men who batter
by Katreena Scott. Harrisburg, PA: VAWnet, a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 2012.
Short paper - electronic document (16 p.); PDF file & HTML available
Summary: The paper explores the question: What form of parenting intervention should be considered for fathers who batter? ... Read more

Practical considerations for parenting interventions for men who batter
by Katreena Scott. Harrisburg, PA: VAWnet, a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 2012.
Short paper - electronic document (13 p.); PDF file & HTML available
Summary:  This paper addresses practical matters relating to parenting interventions for men who batter. "This is a companion paper to Parenting Interventions for Men... Read more


Journal articles

Links to read the article abstract are provided, as are links to the full article, where possible. Please note that not all full text articles are accessible through the NZFVC library, due to copyright restrictions.


New Zealand


Whānau centred health and social service delivery in New Zealand : the challenges to, and opportunities for, innovation  

by Amohia Boulton, Jennifer Tanehand and Tula Brannelly

MAI Journal, 2013, 2(1): 18-32

Journal article - electronic document (15 p.); PDF file 

Summary: This paper traces the emergence of M�ori health service provision and the wh�nau ora philosophy...  

Read more 




Inclusive domestic violence standards: strategies to improve interventions for women with disabilities
by Lucy Healey, Cathy Humphreys and Keran Howe
Violence and Victims, 2013, 28(1): 50-68

Journal article - abstract available online
Summary: This article has a dual focus: to outline a set of internationally transferable standards for inclusive practice with women with disabilities affected by domestic violence; and report on the results of a documentary analysis of domestic violence service standards...
Read abstract
Contact your local library for full text access to this article


US National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence

Children's exposure to intimate partner violence and other family violence
by Sherry Hamby, David Finkelhor, Heather Turner and Richard Ormrod. Washington, D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice, 2011.
Juvenile Justice Bulletin, October 2011: 1-12
Journal article - electronic document (12 p.); PDF file
Summary: This bulletin discusses the data on exposure to family violence in the US National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV)... Read more

Children's exposure to violence : a comprehensive national survey
by David Finkelhor, Heather Turner, Richard Ormrod, Sherry Hamby, and Kristen Kracke. Washington, DC: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, U.S. Department of Justice, 2009.
Juvenile Justice Bulletin, October 2009: 1-12
Journal article - electronic document (12 p.); PDF file
Summary: This Bulletin discusses the US National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV)... Read more 

The overlap of witnessing partner violence with child maltreatment and other victimizations in a nationally representative survey of youth

by Sherry Hamby, David Finkelhor, Heather Turner and Richard Ormrod
Child Abuse and Neglect, 2010, 34(10): 734-741
Journal article - abstract available online
Summary:  This paper examines the co-occurrence of witnessing partner violence with child maltreatment and other forms of victimization, based on data from the US National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV)... Read abstract 
Contact your local library for full text access to this article

In the news


Click on the link for full news item.    


Some Family Court reform changes; silence on Bristol clause and FDR fees - 30 Apr, 2013
Justice Minister Judith Collins has announced some changes to planned Family... 


Christchurch PSO pilot project provides support for perpetrators - 30 Apr, 2013
A 'Police Safety Order pilot project' underway in Christchurch aims to reduce...   


First 2012 No To Violence conference resources now online - 30 Apr, 2013  

The first batch of resources from the No To Violence conference held in...

NZ children rate poorly in OECD: UNICEF report  

- 23 Apr, 2013
New Zealand children have rated poorly in a United Nations Children's Fund...


NZFVC Issues Papers: Child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and parenting - 20 Apr, 2013
Two new Issues Papers have been released today by the New Zealand Family... 


New round of bullying funding open - 19 Apr, 2013  

Round Two of Te Punanga Haumaru Fund opened on 2 April 2013. It closes on...

Concerns raised about Police stats - 15 Apr, 2013 

Concerns have been raised by Women's Refuge about the drop in crime reported by...


- 15 Apr, 2013

Discussing the Steubenville rape case, author Jaclyn Friedman has highlighted...

Law Commission recommends law change on comlainants' previous sexual history - 7 Apr, 2013
The Law Commission has recommended a legislative change about the admissibility...

Backdown on some Family Court reforms; rethink needs to go further - 7 Apr, 2013

Justice Minister Judith Collins has backed down on some Family Court reforms...


Check for more news   

Upcoming events 
Click on the link for event details.

11 May 2013

Improving social networking practice with measurement workshop 

15 - 16 May 2013
Dynamics of sexual abuse - Workshop
North Shore, Auckland

16 May 2013, 4:00 - 5:30 pm *NEW*
Blaming and shaming: mothers, child abuse and media framing
Seminar - Auckland

20 - 22 May 2013

Australasian Youth Justice Conference
Canberra, Australia

27 - 29 May 2013
Child Protection Studies Programme
Training - Ellerslie, Auckland

5 June 2013 *REGISTER NOW*
* NZFVC / Families Commission event*

Children, child maltreatment and intimate partner violence: Research, policy and practice
One day conference - Wellington
10 - 14 June 2013
Child Protection Studies Programme
Training - West Auckland

15 June 2013
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

30 June - 3 July 2013
He Manawa Whenua - Indigenous Research Conference 2013

8-9 July 2013
Working with Parents' Anger
Training Workshop  Auckland
17 - 19 July 2013
Community Work and Family Conference
Sydney, Australia

3 - 4 September 2013
Domestic Violence: Safety First
Training - Auckland

6 - 8 November 2013
National Network of Stopping Violence, Te Kupenga - Annual Hui & AGM - Hamilton - Save the date



Please keep us posted about events in your region.