August 2013 Newsletter |
1,685,669 books distributed to date!
As Good as a Pretty Puppy!
Bernie's Book Bank is now collecting, processing and distributing more than 100,000 quality children's books per month! We're growing all the time, but we need your continued help and engagement to reach our goal of 4 MILLION books a year by 2016, serving every at-risk child in Chicagoland with 12 quality books a year, from birth thru 6th grade.
Here are just a few ways to help:
HOST A BOOK DRIVE at your child's school, through your church or synagogue, with your scout troop or team or even at your place of business! We'll give you everything you need - from marketing materials to collection receptacles to pick ups of all books, whenever they are needed! Email Jessie for more details: jessie@berniesbookbank.org
BRING YOUR GROUP TO VOLUNTEER at our processing center, located in Lake Forest. We welcome groups of all ages and are currently booking Saturdays for the fall. Choose group times from 11 am to 1 pm or 1 pm to 3 pm. Bring snacks and beverages - we guarantee a great time! Other group times are available throughout the week as well, by appointment.
JOIN TEAM BERNIE, even if you are just starting to walk, run, bike or swim and let us help support and motivate you!
Check out membership benefits, without obligation, at the TEAM BERNIE FALL CELEBRATION on Saturday, September 21st from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm at our processing center. You'll enjoy food, fun and new friends! Your membership means 120 books collected, processed and redistributed for at-risk children! Email Amy for more info: amy@berniesbookbank.org
Back to school means books and FOOTBALL!
We are so grateful that the Chicago Bears and Bears Care continue to be a critical partner of Bernie's Book Bank.
We were honored to contribute again at the Bears Care Back to School Fair at Chicago Bears Training Camp, held on Saturday, July 27th. More than 1,000 deserving children and their families mingled with players, played games and received health, dental and social services, school supplies and 12 books each from Bernie's Book Bank!
Our Mission
Bernie's Book Bank facilitates the collection, processing and redistribution of quality new and gently used children's books to significantly increase BOOK OWNERSHIP among
at-risk infants, toddlers and school age children living throughout Chicagoland.
We have distributed more than 1 MILLION books since 2009.
We will distribute 1 MILLION more quality books in 2013.
Join Team Bernie! |
Are you a runner, biker, swimmer or walker? Join Team Bernie -turn your competitions into
friend-raisers for Bernie's Book Bank! Click on the logo above to learn more!
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, click SafeUnsubscribe™ for instant removal
Every $100 donated to Bernie's Book Bank provides 12 age-appropriate books a piece to more than 30 children.
We can collect, process and distribute a book for just $.25!
Way to Go, Rytting Family of Gurnee!
They joined the Family 5,000 Club this summer and have collected well over 1,500 books on their way to their goal of 5,000!
They are using flyers, door hangers and posters to advertise their family drive, as well as communicating with friends and family by e-mail, Facebook and of course,wearing their Family 5,000 Club t-shirts! They even contacted the Honorable Mayor of Gurnee to get permission to put collection receptacles in the Town Hall! Check out the "Super Bad Bros Book Drive" Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/RyttingBookDrive
Check out our new GOAL t-shirts now available at our processing center! They are $20 each and come in children's and adult sizes.
By purchasing one of our t-shirts, it allows us to collect, process and redistribute another 60 quality children's books - a fact you can share with admirers because there is a cute reminder on your sleeve!
Plus, you'll help spread the news of our new goal - to be collecting, processing and redistributing 4 MILLION BOOKS PER YEAR by 2016!
Wintrust Book Drive Extended
Wintrust Community Banks is extending their book drive until August 31st at all of their locations!
P.S. Don't forget to check out their great Jr. Savers Club!
A Message From Brian
Dear Fellow Berniacs,
For me, back to school always meant a "clean slate", a new opportunity, a new beginning!
It also always meant a new pair of shoes, a new Trapper Keeper, a new L.L. Bean back pack and of course, another picture by the front door (love you mom!).
This is NOT how the school year typically begins for the tens of thousands of children we serve.
Everything happens a bit differently for them.
However, at Bernie's Book Bank, we can assure ONE thing, these children own quality books the way that our children own books.
We know these books will play a pivotal role towards a better life!
We thank you for your support, for encouraging us, for spreading the word and for holding us accountable.
TOGETHER, we have the privilege to impact thousands of children, EVERYDAY!
Brian Floriani
Executive Director
Bernie's Book Bank