December 2012 Newsletter

1,101,148 books distributed to date!

A Child's Thanks
In 2012, volunteers spent more than 15,000 hours sorting and bagging books in the warehouse, working in our offices and helping with special events.  Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.  Young or "older", we appreciate your time and talents.  We couldn't fulfill the mission of Bernie's Book Bank without you!
Recommended Book List
We've got some great books to recommend this holiday season!  You may not have heard of some of these titles, but all have been selected by our "in-house experts", the Tuesday All-Stars, a group of retired teachers and our most experienced book levelers. They volunteer every week in our warehouse sorting books and seeing first hand the quality and diversity of our book donations.

For Pre-K thru First Grade

Letting Swift River Go by Jane Yolen

The Napping House by Don & Audrey Wood

Good Night Gorilla by Peggy Rathman

Actual Size by Steve Jenkins

In a Cabin in a Wood by Darcie Numeroff

For 2nd thru 3rd Grade

Emmaline and the Bunny by Katherine Hannigan
Mercy Wilson Thinks Like a Pig by Kate DiCamillo
Beware of Boys
Tony Blundell

AttaBoy Sam  by Lois Lowry

Cat Wings by Ursula Le Guin

For 4th thru 5th Grade

Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Frog Scientist by Pamela Turner
Because of Winn Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

A Long Way From Chicago by Richard Peck

Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis

For 6th Graders 

The Giver by Lois Lowry

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

Midnight Hair Encounters by Bruce Brooks

Nothing But the Truth by Avi

Taste of Salt by Francis Temple

Ask your bookseller for these highly recommended titles!

In This Issue
A Child's Thanks
Volunteer Thank You
Recommended Books
Tell Just 2 People
A Message from Brian
Our Mission  


Bernie's Book Bank facilitates the collection, processing and redistribution of quality new and gently used children's books to significantly increase BOOK OWNERSHIP among at-risk infants, toddlers and school age children living throughout Chicagoland.


We plan to be distributing 1 MILLION books per year by 2013.

Join Team Bernie!

Team Bernie

Are you a runner, biker or walker? Join Team Bernie -turn your competitions into

friend-raisers for Bernie's Book Bank! Click on the logo above to learn more!

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little girl
Every $100 donated to Bernie's Book Bank provides 12 age-appropriate books apiece to more than 30 children. 


Are you dreading the small talk of your upcoming holiday party? Just start chatting about Bernie's Book Bank!  People will love your enthusiasm! 


"They serve 60,000 at risk children in Chicagoland."

"It costs them just .25 to collect, process and distribute a quality children's book."


"They've distributed more than 1,100,000 books since 2009.

In 2013, they'll be distributing 1 MILLION books per year!"


"It's a great service learning project for the whole family." 


"Hosting a book drive at my kid's school was so easy!"

"My department loved volunteering in the warehouse."

Happy Holidays! A Message from Brian

Dear All,


Just 3 years ago this month, we started a journey.  Every day since, I have been humbled and amazed at the outpouring of support by YOU.  YOU have made Bernie's Book Bank what it is today, thank you!


As we begin another year, we pledge to you that we will continue to be a "mission first" organization and continue our biggest traditions.......effectiveness and efficiency!


AND, in honor of those beautiful children and wonderful educators at Sandy Hook in CT, we will rededicate ourselves to:

LOOK DEEPER...into the eyes of the children we serve and
BELIEVE their ability to do anything!
REJOICE their enthusiastic energy to succeed!
APPRECIATE GREATER...the tireless work of our dedicated teachers!
WORK assure that we reach our goals!

Happy Holidays and may your 2013 be your best year ever!

Brian Floriani
Executive Director
Bernie's Book Bank
847-780 READ (7323)