Lifegroups and Missions - February 19, 2013
- Register now for the
Faster than the Pastor 5k and fun run on March 16. Registration is 
$20 and includes a t-shirt.  All proceeds will go to HBC missions scholarships. Deadline to guarantee a shirt is March 4. 


- The day before Easter, we are hoping to have several block parties all over Enterprise, At these parties, we want to invite our  neighbors to worship Jesus with us on Easter Sunday. If you are interested in hosting a party in your neighborhood or in a local park, please talk to Travis or Mrs. Annette.  


- If you are interested in going on the August 1-10 mission trip to Costa Rica, please join us for an informational meeting March 3 at 3 p.m. in the Missions Room.


I was witness to an act of kindness by some really special children Saturday, February 16, 2013. My husband and I had gone to a local laundromat to wash our bedspreads in the extra large washers. While we were waiting, I heard some excited voices outside the building.   


When I looked out the door, I recognized several youngsters from my home church, Hillcrest. They came in the door, accompanied by their adult chaperones, carrying bags of treats and bags of detergent. Their goal was to share these items and the gospel with patrons doing their wash. There were no others there but my husband and me, but they left their bags and shared with Dick and me their excitement for their endeavor.   


Then they were on their way to the next stop.  Several minutes after they left, two young men came in, took four of their bags of detergent and began their washing chore. With smiles on their faces, they also enjoyed some of the treats. Even though our youngsters didn't get to see these men, they left an impression on them.  


I'm glad to know these young people have a heart for others. 

- Harriet Glenn



Our Costa Rica team, pictured above, is currently in the Guaymi village of Betania Abajo. The men are building the footing for a bridge and the women are building relationships and helping wherever they can. They will be returning to Enterprise on Saturday.


Over the next few days, the team asks that you join them in praying:  


- That through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Guaymi would understand that Jesus Christ is for ALL who believe and that their identity in Christ, for those who do believe, would be set on a solid foundation.    

- Pray that as we work side by side with the Guaymi we would be attentive to opportunities to share of Christ's love.

- For the safety of all the men as they work in the riverbed.

- That if the women/children feel a leading by the Holy Spirit to put their hope in Christ, that they would have the courage to do so, even if their husband/father does not.


You can't make the trip to Costa Rica but want to help in some way? Here is your chance! Below is a wish list from Bart & Heather Carty (Missionaries in Costa Rica). These are items they are unable to get in Costa Rica but would certainly enjoy having. If you are willing to donate any of these items, please bring them to the Missions Office. One of our teams will take the supplies to them.


Wish List:

Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil (Wal-Mart brand is fine)

Coconut Oil

Flavored Coffee Creamer - Vanilla, Hazelnut, Chocolate of any sort

Natural PB (Something without Hydrogenated Oils - Jif and Skippy have version)

Scented Candles





L�ra Bars

Fruit Roll-Ups

Sweet Tarts


Coconut Flour

Almond Flour/Meal

Arrowroot Starch

Tapioca Starch


- Greg Vick, Costa Rica Site Coordinator for HBC

Hillcrest Baptist Church

500 Alberta Street
Enterprise, Alabama 36330 
Casey and Maddie Thome prayed for jobs, friends and helicopters and God answered in specific ways. 
Praising God for answered prayers over this past year
Mrs. Annette and a group of 6th graders stand ready to serve at Ransom Cafe in Mobile, Ala. 
Children's Ministry is ready
to love God and love others 




The long weekend in January has become our annual 6th grade mission trip. January 2012 was our first trip to Jacksonville, Fla., to a ministry called Word to Works. We were given opportunities to fix food for the homeless, do a backyard bible clubs.  


This year we went to Mobile to Ransom Caf�. We were able to be part of four mission opportunities. We worked with Matt and Tara in the caf�. We fixed meals for people to come in and eat. We were in two teams and were given different jobs to do before the lunch crowd came in. That afternoon we went to a laundromat and gave detergent, dryer sheets and money for folks there. I think the people in the laundromat were a little surprised to see all of us.


Read more ...


Pastor Timmy's church, Covenant Baptist Church, is getting ready to officially open soon.
Lifegroup helps Asheville church prepare for opening  

At the first of this month our Lifegroup (Richard & Janna Carnely, Brian, Stephanie, Wyatt, & Ivey Amlong, Trey, Kathy, James,& Anna Beth Martin, Bo, Hope, Wells, & Libby Kate Deloney) had the opportunity to go to Asheville, NC to work with Pastor Timmy Burnette, his family, and his congregation at Covenant Baptist Church.  


What a blessing it was to meet some of the members of this congregation and work beside them as they get ready to launch their new church. It is refreshing to see a group of Christians with such enthusiasm as they are renovating this older church into their new church home. Their desire is to share their love for Christ as they reach out to others in their community .It was apparent the first day we were there that they had something special and it was a blessing that we had the opportunity to help them as they get ready to launch Covenant Baptist Church. Our families feel a strong attachment to such a special church.


Read more from Travis about the July trip to Asheville ... 

Bill Tompkins
Bill Tompkins holds a child at the orphanage in Haiti. 
Did you know you
have friends in Haiti?  




Mwen renmen p�p Ayisyen an. (I love the Haitian people).  


I was talking to our Haitian point of contact at FBC Montgomery in November and had explained to him that I was looking for another opportunity to get back to Haiti ... soon. To my surprise he called me back the next day and told me another church scheduled for January had to cancel. That was a little sooner than I planned but when God said "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation," he didn't say "but, only if the timing is perfect for you." I was able to assemble a small team of faithful servants and on January 19th when departed Atlanta for Haiti.


The mission itself was twofold. My first mission was to establish contact with Pastor Davidson Jolicoeur and start laying the ground work for a long term plan to help him and his church grow and reach the surrounding community. The second part of the mission was to build on foundation already established with The Espwa Timoun Orphanage. Both of these tasks I count as joy.


Okay now let's back track a bit. While trying to get things organized, our team was contacted by one our Haiti contacts, Charley Elgin, and asked if we could carry in some needed building supplies for the new orphanage. More specifically, we needed to carry 60 pounds of screws. We were also asked if we could bring some Bibles. The Bibles needed to be English language NIV to be used in teaching Haitians to read English. I mentioned the need for Bibles to my Sunday school class and apparently word "leaked" out to the rest of the church. Somewhat to my surprise I was soon overwhelmed with Bibles for Haiti. In all we had more than 100 Bibles, blankets for babies and, oh yes, a lot of screws. So off we went on another adventure for God.


As I mentioned before it was a small team. Just me and Larry Murphy from Hillcrest, but we were joined by two great men of God, and veteran missionaries, Joe Smith from Sneed, Ala., and Glenn Dickerson from Webb, Ala.


To make a short story long, I first met Joe and Glenn when I traveled with Larry to Guatemala. If you saw these guys, or Larry for that matter, on the street, you would never guess the places they have been in the services of our Lord. Indonesia, Thailand, Iran, Lebanon and Tanzania just to mention a few. These are good men, godly men, quietly serving their savior.


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