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AnnouncementApril 21, 2016

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP) is pleased to announce that enforcement documents are now available to view online. We are also pleased to share the Compliance & Enforcement/Appeals Summary Report and a recent blog.
NOP Publishes Enforcement Documents
The National Organic Program has expanded its publication of data regarding enforcement of the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) and the USDA organic regulations. Today, the NOP published enforcement records involving certified and uncertified operations to its website. Publishing these documents is part of an ongoing effort to increase transparency around NOP enforcement activities.
The initial document postings include settlement agreements and AMS Administrator decisions finalized in FY 2016, as well as USDA Administrative Law Judge and Judicial Officer decisions and orders.
Going forward, NOP will post new and historical documents.
AMS Releases Report on NOP Compliance & Enforcement Actions for 2Q FY2016
Today, AMS posted an updated Compliance & Enforcement/Appeals Summary report to its website. This quarterly report outlines NOP's compliance, enforcement and appeals activities during the first two quarters of the 2016 fiscal year (October 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016). The data highlights the number of incoming and completed complaints; the initial actions taken; and case dispositions, including settlements made and penalties levied.

USDA Blog Highlights How Organic Integrity is Protected Through Enforcement

A USDA blog posted April 19 highlights how the National Organic Program is working with members of the organic community and the general public to take enforcement actions when there are violations of the USDA organic standards.
About the Agricultural Marketing Service
USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) facilitates the competitive and efficient marketing of agricultural products. Through its National Organic Program, AMS facilitates trade and ensures the integrity of organic agricultural products by consistently implementing organic standards and enforcing compliance with the regulations throughout the world.
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The USDA Organic Insider informs the organic community on a wide range of functions, including regulatory updates, requests for public comments, and USDA programs and services.

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