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AnnouncementOctober 8, 2014



USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is pleased to announce an upcoming phone/online listening session and a memo that the National Organic Program (NOP) has sent to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB).

NOP Hosts Listening Session on NOSB: October 16 

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 from 3:00-5:00 PM Eastern Time, NOP will host a listening session focusing on the NOSB, a federal advisory committee that provides recommendations to USDA. The NOP is seeking comments on NOSB administrative procedures including public participation opportunities, the petition process, and sunset review process. More information on NOSB administrative procedures can be found in the  NOSB Policy and Procedures Manual, National Organic Standards Board Presentation, Petition Process, and Sunset Review Process.


The NOP will open with a short presentation; afterwards participants will be able to provide comments to the NOP. Participants wishing to provide comments will then indicate to the call operator their interest in speaking. Each person will be given 3 minutes to share his or her comment. We will take as many comments as we can until the call ends at 5 PM Eastern Time.  The NOP will issue a summary of the listening session after the call. 


Pre-registration is not required for this listening session. To participate:


Thursday, October 16, 2014 - 3-5 PM Eastern


Step 1: Dial-In

Audio Conference Dial-In Number:

U.S. & Canada Toll-Free 800-732-8470


Step 2: Web Login          

Click the following link to join the meeting online:


For Technical Support:

U.S. and Canada: 800.843.9166

International: 303.209.1600


Memo to NOSB on Sunset Review Process

The NOP has issued a memo to the NOSB clarifying the process to be followed for the Sunset Review of the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List). 


View the Memo to the NOSB

About the Agricultural Marketing Service

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) facilitates the competitive and efficient marketing of agricultural products. Through its National Organic Program, AMS facilitates trade and ensures the integrity of organic agricultural products by consistently implementing organic standards and enforcing compliance with the regulations throughout the world. Learn more.

About the USDA Organic Insider

The USDA Organic Insider informs the organic community on a wide range of functions, including regulatory updates, requests for public comments, and USDA programs and services.

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