The USDA Organic Insider

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AnnouncementNovember 4, 2013

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service is pleased to highlight several exciting updates for the organic community:

  • New grass fed beef Market News report.
  • Informative webinars for the produce industry.
  • U.S. certified organic acreage report.
  • USDA efforts to expand agroforestry practices.
  • Program Handbook update.
New Grass Fed Beef Market News Report

On September 23rd, the Agricultural Marketing Service launched a new Market News report on grass fed beef.

In addition to market commentary, the new report includes three sections:

  • Prices paid for live cattle.
  • Wholesale beef prices.
  • Direct-market beef prices.

This monthly report brings market clarity and exposure to assist the grass fed industry in marketing its products.

In the future, as the number of market reporting participants grows, we will continue to expand the report by including trade volume data, and adding graphs and other visuals.

View Most Recent Grass Fed Report (10/24/2013)

Blog: USDA Market News Mow-Tivated to Add Grass Fed Reports

Webinars for the Produce Industry

The Agricultural Marketing Service invites you to register for two upcoming webinars for the fruit and vegetable industry:

  • USDA's Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Audit Program and Produce GAPs Harmonization Standard
    November 7, 2013, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET
  • Interpreting USDA Fruit and Vegetable Inspections: Does the Shipment Make Good Delivery?*
    December 5, 2013, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET

*Want to learn more about the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA)? Watch Our Video

These free, interactive webinars are designed for fruit and vegetable growers, packers, shippers, processors, wholesalers and retailers of all sizes. Registration is required and space is limited. If you miss a webinar, just visit our archive to watch it online.

Questions? Contact Chris Purdy or call (202) 720-3209.

2011: U.S. Organic Acreage Rebounded

According to new estimates, certified organic acreage in the U.S. rebounded in 2011. The U.S. had 3.1 million acres of certified organic cropland and 2.3 million acres of certified organic pasture and rangeland in 2011. 

Between 2008 and 2010, certified cropland and pasture had dipped as sluggish growth in consumer demand during the recession dampened the short-term outlook for organic producers.

However, the growth in certified acreage of both cropland and pastureland has more than recovered those losses and has reestablished its upward trajectory. This continues the long-term growth trend in this sector.

USDA's Economic Research Service has tracked the amount of certified organic acreage and livestock in the U.S. since 1997. Throughout this period, they have identified State-level adoption patterns for over 40 commodities based on information from State and private organic certifiers. 

Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Industry

Download Organic Data

Efforts to Expand Agroforestry Practices 

Last week, Secretary Vilsack highlighted the first-ever report on USDA's efforts to expand agroforestry practices on farms, ranches and woodlands.

This report details how agroforestry practices are helping farmers, ranchers, and woodland owners enhance agricultural productivity, protect the environment, and increase profits.

View Agriforestry: USDA Reports to America

Program Handbook Update

We have updated an instruction in the Program Handbook. This resource explains how certifying agents are to submit their annual list of certified operations.

NOP 2026: Submitting Annual Lists of Certified Operations

About the Agricultural Marketing Service

USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) facilitates the competitive and efficient marketing of agricultural products. Through its National Organic Program, AMS facilitates trade and ensures the integrity of organic agricultural products by consistently implementing organic standards and enforcing compliance with the regulations throughout the world. Learn more.

About the USDA Organic Insider

The USDA Organic Insider informs the organic community on a wide range of functions, including regulatory updates, requests for public comments, and USDA programs and services.

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