weekly connections
 This Weekend

Sermon Title TBA
 Thom Snell, Music Director, Preaching
Rev. Tina Simson, Co-Leading
Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 10:00am
Music by Zachary Zwahlen
Our plate collection will help support

Next Weekend: September 4, 2016 at 10:00am 
Rev. Peggy Meeker, Preaching
Rev. Carlos Martinez, Co-Leading
Joys & Sorrows
Let Us Keep You in Our Thoughts and Prayers
Please contact Rev. Tina Simson at tsimson@rochesterunitarian.org or 585-330-9177 if you have a joy or concern to share, and we will include it in our Weekly Connections Newsletter.
Kahn's Corner
What Are Shadow Gaps?
When two different types of materials come together in our building, Kahn left thin gaps between them. Sometimes called "shadow gaps," these spaces call attention to the different natures of the materials. You can run your fingers along the spaces between the wooden door frames and the concrete block walls in the sanctuary and other rooms.
Happening in the Week Ahead
Foundational Yoga Every Thursday
Registered Yoga Teacher Lindsay Bachman offers an "all levels welcome" yoga class on Thursdays, 6:00-7:15pm. Students must provide their own mat, strap, and block(s); blankets and bolsters will be provided.  Each class is $10, and drop-ins are welcome. For more information, click here.
Book Donations Are Needed
The Used Book Sale table, open before and after each Sunday's 10:00am service, is in need of book donations. Visit the Susan B. Anthony Lounge this Sunday with your used books and treat yourself to a new one!
The Lunch Bunch
The Lunch Bunch is an informal group that meets weekly for lunch and conversation at the Corner Bakery Cafe, 3300 Monroe Ave., after Sunday's 10:00am service.  The Lunch Bunch is a great way to meet other members and friends of the church, and everyone is welcome.  For more information, contact Connie at carpediem_688@hotmail.com.
Jim Scott in Concert at UU Canandaigua
This Sunday, August 28, at 2:00pm, the UU Church of Canandaigua (3024 Cooley Rd, Canandaigua, NY 14424) hosts Jim Scott in concert. This event is a fund raiser for UU Canandaigua's Social Justice projects. A $15 donation is suggested. For more information, contact Judy Cadle at 315-719-4099 or judy.cadle@gmail.com.
Roof Presentation for Members and Friends
Members and friends of our church are encouraged to attend a meeting to discuss the condition of the roof on Wednesday, August 31 at 7:00pm in Gilbert Hall. This meeting will be with Virginia Searl, Principal of Bero Architecture. Bero specializes in repairs and updates for historically important buildings. In order to give Ms. Searl an opportunity to prepare for the meeting, we invite questions to be submitted in advance.  Please send them to Rev. Joel at jmiller@rochesterunitarian.org.
Upcoming Events & News
Join the Hospitality Team!
Hospitality is a vital part of who we are as a congregation. Under the direction of our new Interim Assistant Minister, Rev. Carlos Martinez, the Hospitality Team is now forming. As part of the Hospitality Team, you may volunteer to staff the Welcome Table, greet visitors, or usher at all three services. We need weekly volunteers and coordinators for each team. Please contact Rev. Carlos today at 585-271-9070 ext 108. or cmartinez@rochesterunitarian.org.
Church Office Closing
The Church Office will be closed this Friday, August 26 for carpet cleaning. We will also be closed on Monday, September 5 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Please plan accordingly.
Church Office Information Desk Coming Soon!
Beginning after Labor Day, you will notice a desk outside of the Church Office, which will be used as an information desk during the church year, September through June.  This is being done as a two-fold effort: First, to create a welcoming presence closer to the Main Lobby for the numerous walk-ins, visitors, tours and general information requests that come in.  Second, to help enable full-time senior staff the necessary atmosphere to successfully complete their work.  As Rev. Joel mentioned in a recent minister's column: "With all the recent staffing changes at the church, advance planning and preparation becomes even more important.  Some aspects of the congregation's business also require that staff have time for careful and uninterrupted attention to their work. Because of the church's recent staffing changes, and because the church's staff is doing more work with fewer people, I'm asking the congregation to make appointments in advance with staff whenever possible. I also ask for the congregation to understand that there are some tasks that just can't be completed by staff right now - in many cases, there isn't even enough staff time to coordinate and train volunteers for many tasks." 
We are excited to begin a new church year, and greatly appreciate everyone's support and cooperation with this new set up, which will serve our congregation and the community at large in the most positive way possible, with the resources we currently have available. 
Fall/Early Winter Meditation Classes Now Open For Registration
Jan Cook offers meditation classes for all levels. For dates and times, click here. To register, contact Carolyn at livingandworking.info@gmail.com. To determine which class would be best for you, contact Jan at jancook@frontiernet.net or 585-381-6757.
Volunteer Spots Are Open
Want to build relationships across ages in our church community? One of the best ways is to be part of our Religious Education (RE) program. Here is a link for all the RE volunteer spots (click here). If you have ANY questions, please contact Sheila Schuh at sheilas@rochesterunitarian.org. A screening process is required, and training is provided.
Winter Coat Collection for the Homeless
You will find a box in the Lobby to receive gently used, clean, winter coats.  These items will be handed out to individuals at Project Homeless Connect on Thursday, September 15.  This is an annual event at the War Memorial that provides a large number of services. For more information, click here. This is a great time for us to go through our closets for coats we no longer wear so that someone in need will be warmer this winter.  Thank you!
Readings for 2016-17 to Be Selected
The Wednesday Morning Book Club will meet Wednesday, September 7, at 11:00am to discuss Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. We will also select readings for the rest of this season. All are welcome. For questions, contact John Swartz johnswartz@yahoo.com
Williams Gallery Art Show Features Carol Thiel
Carol Thiel's love of the outdoors is reflected in her landscapes, the majority of which are started in the open air and finished in the studio. This exhibit of oil paintings depicts various scenes from New York State, ranging from those accessible by car to those requiring several hours of hiking. Through her paintings, she hopes to share the luminous and vibrant beauty of New York. Please join us for the opening reception on Friday, September 9, 6:00-8:00pm. The exhibit runs until Monday, October 24, 2016.
Environmental Climate Task Force Plans Another Year of Activities
The ECTF is currently planning book and movie discussions, interactive presentations, the developing of greener family lifestyles, letters/petitions, and more, all related to our planet, its climate, and environment. The next meeting will be Monday, September 12 at 7:00pm. For more information, call John Keevert at 585-473-0295.
Connect & Breathe Fall Training Sessions
Do you believe in a world without abortion stigma? Want to make a difference by volunteering for a local nonprofit with national reach? Connect & Breathe will be holding training sessions at our church for new talkline volunteers this fall. Attendance at ALL four training sessions is required:  Saturday, October 8, 10:00am-4:00pm; Tuesday, October 11 and Thursday, October 13, 6:00-9:00pm; and Saturday, October 15, 10:00am-4:00pm. Interested persons may contact Jenny Katz at jenny@connectandbreathe.org to receive a brief application form and schedule a phone interview. Applications close October 1, 2016. For more information about the organization, its mission, and other ways you can assist, visit www.connectandbreathe.org.
Pledge Payment Options
You have options in the way your pledge payments are processed. Some choose to send a check directly to the church. Another good alternative is automatic ACH contributions from your checking account. They are the easiest way for our Church Office to receive pledge contributions. They are easy to set up, and save us credit card fees. Your monthly contributions would come out of your account on the 15th of each month. Please contact Al Gundlach at 585-271-9070 x103 or agundlach@rochesterunitarian.org if you are interested.
Shopping on Amazon
If you are shopping on Amazon, please use this link for all of your purchases. A percentage, up to 15%, will be donated to our church.
Get Connected!
Interested in learning more? Check out our website: click here.
Thinking about Membership? Email Rev. Carlos at cmartinez@rochesterunitarian.org.
Newsletter submissions: Send to announcements@rochesterunitarian.org.
Next deadline is Tuesday, August 30 at 10:00am. 
Order of Service or Screen announcement submissions:  Send to announcements@rochesterunitarian.org.  Next deadline is Thursday, September 1 at 1:00pm.
Building usage requests: Email office@rochesterunitarian.org.
Church Office:  585-271-9070 (Monday-Friday, 10:00am-2:00pm) 
For Emergency Pastoral Care:  585-330-9177