Bobcat Bulletin

e-Newsletter  bobcat  

       A publication of the JCJC Alumni Association & JCJC Foundation

                                    September 2014 - Vol 5, Issue 1
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In This Issue
Libby Anderson Park Plaza

Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame & 5K Run/Walk

Meet the Bobcats/ALS Challenge

Band Exhibition

G-ROTC at Jones

New Faculty

JCJC Alumni & Foundation

Bobcat Club

FCA 3D Archery Tournament

Calendar of Events

Wedding Announcements

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Hello! Alumni and Friends,  
Here's what's happening at Jones!   

 School has Begun

Some students stopped to meet vendors who accept Bobcat Bucks at the Back to School Bash outside of Jones Hall
Students criss-cross their way across campus

Libby Anderson Park Plaza
       Buck and Libby (center) Anderson's  family pose with JCJC President, Dr. Jesse Smith in front of the bronzed plaque of Libby Anderson in the new Libby Anderson Plaza Park.  The priceless treasure nestled behind Anderson Hall is filled with flowers, swings and benches as a tribute to Anderson's wife and for JCJC college student's to enjoy.  The coleus plant (pictured on the right) was created under Anderson's supervision for JCJC. He also designed and donated the Park. 
  To read the story from Teresa McCreery, click on the link: JCJC alumnus reveals gift to college to honor wife
Hall of Fame
  This year's slate of JCJC's Sports Hall of Fame inductee's includes five former football players with Super Bowl MVP, Deion Branch returning to campus. Also being honored during the Hall of Fame Weekend on Sept. 6, are Billy King, James Logan, Robert Sorey and Larry Suchy.  The Hall of Fame induction banquet will be at 5 p.m. in the A.B. Howard Gym before the game and the inductees will be recognized at halftime of the football game against Itawamba.

  Tickets for the banquet are $20 each and may be ordered by calling the JCJC Alumni Foundation Office at 601-477-4145. To read more about the Hall of Fame inductees, click on Shawn Wansley's story:2014 JCJC Hall of Fame 

Hall of Fame 5K Run/Walk
  sports-stilllife-sm.jpg The Eighth annual Jones County Junior College Bobcat Hall of Fame 5K Run/Walk will be held at 8 a.m. on Sept. 6 at Bobcat Stadium/Sim Cooley Field.
Pre-registration is $15 by Sept. 5 and $20 on the day of the race. There is a $10 registration fee for the Fun Run on the day of the race.
  There will be male and female awards for overall, masters, grand masters and age group winners. There will be trophies for the top three places in the walk and all children will receive ribbons in the Fun Run. All participants will receive a t-shirt.
  Runners who pre-register may pick up their packets from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Sept. 5 in the Bobcat Fitness Center.  Race day registration begins at 7 a.m. The race begins just outside of Bobcat Stadium, takes place through the college campus and downtown Ellisville and concludes inside the stadium. Race flyers are available at Bobcat 5K Registration or Pine Belt Pacers.  For more information, call the Bobcat Fitness Center at 601-477-5417.
Meet the Bobcats/ALS Challenge
  JCJC President, Dr. Jesse Smith suited up for the Meet the Bobcats pep rally at downtown Ellisville's Community Bank Park and to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  Several coaches and students braved the cold ice water for a good cause as part of this years' Meet the Bobcat festivities. 
  Click on the link to read Shawn Wansley's story:Meet the Bobcats/ALS Challenge
Band Exhibition
  The tradition continued for the 180-member Maroon Typhoon marching band with a sneak-peek performance at the annual Band Exhibition. This year's show pays tribute to old "Blue Eyes," Frank Sinatra. On the eve of Sinatra's 100th
birthday, JCJC Director of Bands, Jonathan Helmick said he wanted to expose Sinatra's swing style hits to a younger generation. The band and audience are sure to enjoy this year's show, said Helmick because he believes Sinatra's music is timeless.
  "The students worked hard during band camp and they are setting themselves up for a terrific show. They are starting to understand Sinatra. More so, they are doing it their way!" said Helmick.
  The first home game is Saturday, Sept. 6, when the band will perform its new show. Pictured below are Bailey Davis, Shelbie Suber, Caleb Guilbeau and Randa Amason. 
G-ROTC at Jones

  The partnership between the Mississippi Army National Guard and JCJC made history with the agreement to offer Magnolia GOLD, or Guard Officer Leadership Development classes, as part of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps.  Jones is the first community college in the state to offer this type of G-ROTC program. 

   JCJC President, Dr. Jesse Smith and Maj. Gen. Augustus Collins, adjutant general of the Mississippi National Guard signed the agreement that will allow the National Guard to offer accredited military classes at Jones.  Dr. Smith said the program is a great fit for JCJC and it gives the MS National Guard access to the college's top students.
   "We believe in what the Mississippi National Guard is doing in leadership development.  We intend to be the premier site for the two-year G-ROTC program," said Dr. Smith. 

   Currently there are 11 students signed up for the leadership training, headed up by Capt. John Cochran.  Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will include map reading, land navigation, small unit training, briefing and leadership training.  Cochran said the cadets will be taught critical thinking skills that can be used in any career they choose.
   After graduation from JCJC, cadets can transfer into the university ROTC program. Maj. General Collins said, "JCJC's G-ROTC can feed USM's ROTC program....We're excited to have this great network in our state to provide more options and opportunities. It's a win-win for everyone."

  Some high schools in the area offer Jr. ROTC, making it easier for them to transfer into the G-ROTC program at JCJC. The MS National Guard's goal is to have an ROTC program at all 15 community colleges in the state. For more information about the G-ROTC program at Jones, contact Capt. John Cochran by email at:

Pictured in the front row left to right: Dr. Jesse Smith-JCJC President and Major General Augustus Collins-The Adjutant General of Mississippi National Guard.

Pictured in the middle row left to right:  SFC Adarianne Brumfield, CPT Terry Adair, 1LT Veronica Peppers, LTC Rodney Harris- Recruiting and Retention Battalion Commander, Gwen Magee-Assistant to the President and Finee' Ruffin-VP of Marketing and Recruiting.

Pictured in the back row left to right: CPT Curwin Burk-Aide de Camp, CPT Christopher Davis, SFC Miltion B. Bounds- ROTC Assistant Professor of Military Science, Tyler Jenkins-JCJC ROTC Cadet, John Cochran-ROTC Professor of Military Science, Dr. Mark Taylor-Dean of Humanities and Dr. Samuel Jones, Dean of Students.
New Faculty

  Pictured standing left to right in the front row are: Johnathan McEwen-EMT/Paramedic; Eric Williams-EMT/Paramedic; Julie Jacks-Nursing; Tomekia Earl-Nursing; Angela Bolin-Nursing; and Capt. John Cochran-NG-ROTC. Pictured standing left to right in the middle row are: Tracey McCraw-Pharmacy Technology; Amanda Robertson-English; Billy Clark-Welding; Mandy Pearson-Radiography; and Jennifer Hart-Fine Arts. Pictured standing left to right in the back row are: Jeremy DeFatta-College Readiness-English; Heather Peerboom-English; Lindsey Keay-Fine Arts; and Joel Dunlap-Fine Arts.


  Fifteen new faculty members were recently welcomed to the Jones County Junior College family. Administrators introduced them to various departments and equipped them with the tools to prepare them for their new students.

JCJC Alumni & Foundation

     Charlie Garretson (top left) recently joined the JCJC Alumni and Foundation Office with Robert Landrum (top right), Lee Graham (seated left), Lara Youngblood (seated middle) and JoAnna Newcomb (seated right).  We invite you to join the Bobcat Club, JCJC Alumni Association or visit us at any one of the many events, including tailgating. To contact the Office call 601-477-4145 or click on the link to join the Bobcat Family by renewing your membership, make donations or see how you can support Jones: JCJC Alumni & Foundation
Bobcat Club
  Would you like to support JCJC athletics and be a part of the winning team? Join the Bobcat Club and be a member of the best  in JUCO sports! Two different Bobcat Club Sports Ticket Packages include a combination of game passes, tailgating and membership in the Bobcat Club and the JCJC Alumni Association. 
  Click on the link for the Bobcat Club Membership Packages to get all the details. To be a Bobcat Club Member, all you have to do is apply and choose your membership level.  Click on the link from A.D. Katie Herrington for football information Letter from A.D. and to apply, click on this link for the application: Bobcat Club Application.    Go BOBCATS!!!
FCA 3D Archery
    The Jones County Fellowship of Christian Athletes is inviting young and the young at heart to participate in the 3rd Annual FCA 3D Archery Tournament on
Saturday, September 20, at 8 a.m. at Rocka Farms on Hwy 29 South of Ellisville. 
  The cost for this fundraising event is $50 per shooter with youth and adult divisions and lunch will be provided.  Contact Justin Graves at or Rusty McDonald at  Click on the link to fill out the registration form: 3D Archery Tournament
Calendar of Events


 Mark your calendars for these upcoming Events

Hall of Fame Dinner 
                                                        September 6, 2014

Alumni Association Meeting
4 p.m., September 6, 2014 - JCJC Faculty Dining Room

JCJC Homecoming 
October 17-18, 2014 
For more information call the Alumni Office at 601-477-4145 or email: 


Wedding Announcements

 Congratulations!  to the following JCJC alumni who recently married: 


(The following couples' wedding announcements were found in local newspapers. We would love to hear from everyone. Please email your news and announcements to

*Laura Horn of DeKalb and Justin Jones of Taylorsville were married August 9.   Jones is a 2013 JCJC graduate.

*Kayla Fuller of Quitman and Jeremy Downs of Bay Springs were married in August.  Fuller is a 2013 JCJC graduate.

*Memorie Page of Petal and Brett Sanford of Seminary will be married September 6. Sanford is a JCJC graduate.


 "Life isn't about getting and having,
it's about giving and being."
 -Kevin Kruse 

 Remember When...  

  in 1939 when the band had 72 members making it the largest Junior College Band in the state?  The Band also received a shipment of several new instruments and 20 new uniforms were ordered."     





JoAnna Newcomb 
JCJC Alumni Coordinator 
The Bobcat Bulletin is produced and written by the JCJC Marketing Team.