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Southern Nevada ICC Newsletter
Education is Our Future                                                          February 2017

In This Issue
And the Countdown to EduCode 2017 Continues...


Only 48 days until the 2017, 20th anniversary edition of EduCode!
The celebration event is set for March 20-24, 2017 at the Orleans Hotel and Casino.  
Committee Sign-Up

SN-ICC has several committees for 2016 that do the work of the association.  They include EduCode, Public Outreach, Communications and Membership.  To get further details and to volunteer your time, go to the SN-ICC website by clicking here. Click here for a sign-up sheet for a committee or you can do it at the next chapter meeting.

"Our volunteers are the heart of our association," said SN-ICC President Majid Pakniat.  "Please help the chapter meet its mission and goals by signing up at the next chapter meeting to join one of our committees."

SN-ICC Jobs Available Page Updated

The SN-ICC Jobs available page on our web site now contains several postings from locations all over the US.  Check it out.

Code Issues:

What's Wrong With This Picture? 
Photo of an illegal electrical tap of the main feeders below a SFR panel.

This riser was cut open, screws were used to tap i
nto the conductors, and the opening in the riser was recovered, caulked and repainted.

The conductors were run from the riser to the AC disconnect to power the owners air conditioning without being metered. This was discovered by an air conditioning technician doing service on the roof top unit.

The tech had shut off power to the AC using the electrical breaker in the panel and roof top unit continued to operate. The possible outcome of this violation could have been death or serious injury.



Your membership and participation in the Southern Nevada chapter of the International Code Council (SNICC) is critical to our success as one of the premier chapters in the US. Thank you for your support and commitment.
Installation Banquet A Great Event

The 2017 Installation Banquet for SN-ICC was held
The 2017 Board of Directors takes the oath of office.  Administering the oath is ICC Vice President Jay Elbettar (right).
on January 7, 2017 at the Red Rock Country Club.  The event was sold out.

Presiding over the event was recently retired SW Gas representative Bill Laub.

The evening's program with the presentation of the SN-ICC annual awards:
  • The Special Appreciation Award went to Dee O'Reilly from Clark County for her outstanding service to the Chapter and its members, with special recognition for her outstanding efforts in providing valuable administrative support services to the Executive Board.
  • The Industry Person of the Year went to Billy Okubo of Interwest.  The award was presented in grateful appreciation of his  outstanding service to the Chapter and its members, with special appreciation for his efforts in support of the SN-ICC Membership Committee.
  • The Government Person of the Year was Valarie Evans of North Las Vegas.  The award was made in grateful appreciation of her outstanding service to the Chapter and its members, with special appreciation for your leadership of the SN-ICC Membership Committee.
  • The President's Special Award was presented to Al Ellis of Henderson.  The award was presented for his service to the Chapter, to the Southern Nevada community, and to the entire industry. The Chapter celebrated his contributions as past President of the Chapter and as the leader of the EduCode Committee. "On a personal level," said outgoing president Steve DiGiovanni, "you are very appreciated for the guidance you have provided to the Executive Board, and your tireless efforts to bolster the strength of the Chapter."
Dee O'Reilly.
Billy Okubo
Valarie Evans

Al Ellis.

Later in the evening, SN-ICC member and ICC Vice President Jay Elbettar administered the oath of office to the new board.  The new directors are: Majid Pakniat, president; Sam Palmer, 1st vice president; Terry Kozlowski, 2nd vice president; Kevin McOsker, secretary-treasurer; and industry associate (appointed later) Nick Moriarty of JBA Consulting Engineers and Christa Bilbrey of KB Home. 

Solar Permitting Seminar Set for Feb. 8

On Feb. 8, SN-ICC will present a program on solar permitting Plan Review.  This 6-hour training will walk participants through the review of a complete permit plan application to evaluate its compliance with building, fire, and electrical codes relevant to your jurisdiction. To register for this program, click here.

February Chapter Meeting to Also Feature Solar Permitting

The program for the February 9 Chapter meeting will feature a shorter version of the solar permitting seminar from the day before. Click here to register for the Chapter meeting.

We will also take a group photo of all members at this meeting so dress accordingly.  The photo will go on the front page of the web site, replacing the one from last year. 
Las Vegas Proposes to Adopt 2015 Code Amendments

The Las Vegas Department of Building and Safety is proposing the adoption of the 2015 Amendments to the 2011 and 2012 Technical Construction Codes administered by the Department, which in each case will replace any current Southern Nevada and City Amendments to those codes:
- City of Las Vegas International Building Code 2015 Amendments
- City of Las Vegas International Residential Code 2015 Amendments
- City of Las Vegas International Existing Building Code 2015 Amendments
- City of Las Vegas International Swimming Pool and Spa Code 2015 Amendments
- City of Las Vegas Uniform Mechanical Code 2015 Amendments
- City of Las Vegas Uniform Plumbing Code 2015 Amendments
- City of Las Vegas National Electrical Code 2015 Amendments
Comments, data, or arguments regarding any of all of these proposals may be submitted as follows:
By mail, hand delivery, email or fax to:
Christopher Knight
Director of Building and Safety
333 N. Rancho Drive, 2nd floor
Las Vegas, NV  89106
Fax #:  702-382-1240
In order for comments, data or arguments to be guaranteed consideration by the City, they must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2017.  The Business Impact letters will following via US mail and email.

Upcoming Programs

February 8, 2017 Seminar, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm

Solar Permitting Plan Review

February 9, 2017 Chapter Program

Solar Permitting Plan Review

March -- No Chapter meeting because of EduCode

April 13, 2017 Chapter Program

Plastics in Building Construction, presented by Doug Evans

Southern Nevada ICC | PO Box 400067 | Las Vegas | NV | 89140-0067