MARCH 2016 
No. 285



The Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Northwest Texas

WELCOME to the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Northwest Texas--a place where the vast open plains are as wondrous as the big sky above!

The Gate of Perception
by Deacon Melissa Wafer Cross 
As depicted in the pectoral cross of Bishop J. Scott Mayer, the stars, moon, and sun are representative of the beauty one may find in this region of Texas.  

The landscape, covering 77,000 square miles is as diverse as the cities and people, with the canyons and rangelands of the Staked Plains; agricultural fields abounding; and the rough and ready country of the Rolling Plains and Permian Basin. The people here are known for their warm and friendly smiles, making one feel like an old and trusted friend.
In This Issue
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Noteworthy News from Northwest Texas

April 11-14, 2016 -Presbyter's Conference, Christ the King Catholic Retreat Center, San Angelo
August 26-28, 2016 - DNWT Women's Retreat, Christ the King Retreat Center, San Angelo 
November 17-19, 2016 - Annual Diocesan Convention in Lubbock 


Diocesan Philanthropist is Honored

The Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic (DDR) held its annual Diocesan Convention and the Consecration of their new Bishop Coadjutor on February 12-14, 2016. At the Convention Eucharist a gentleman from our diocese, Mr. David Morrow, of Midland, TX, was honored for his leadership and his financial support of the DDR through the title of Honorary Canon.


David, a member of St. Nicholas' Episcopal Church in Midland, has served in numerous positions of leadership on the board of the Dominican Development Group, an organization created to "support the priorities of the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic through the provision of technical help and resources and the support of Companion Diocese relationships." He currently serves as the Treasurer and  Bishop's Representative from the Diocese of Northwest Texas.

David has been a tireless supporter of the DDR, giving not only his time and talent, but also by giving financially to the mission of and building projects of the diocese.

"Honorary canon" is a title conferred by a diocesan Bishop for outstanding service and discipleship. One often sees diocesan staff with this title, such as the Rev. Canon Mike Ehmer, our current Canon to to the Ordinary, but it is not unusual for a lay person to receive the title as well.

Photos of the event may viewed by following this link to the diocesan Picasa photo gallery

Congratulations to a very deserving servant of God!


Bishop Mayer Preaches at the recent House of Bishops Meeting

The House of Bishops met March 11-15, at Camp Allen, in Navasota, TX. There was great  anticipation in the air as they met with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in retreat for the first time. On the first day they opened with Morning Prayer, and moved into small group discussions. They also heard from Bishop Curry about the theological and Biblical foundation for his signature phrase, "the Jesus Movement." Afterward they reflected on how they have experienced the love of Jesus in their own lives, and shared this experience in small groups. They concluded with Eucharist.

Each day follows a similar pattern. The Bishops meet for worship, discussion, and reflection. On Sunday, March 13, the Rt. Rev. Rayford Ray, and our own Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer, led the morning service of Holy Eucharist, with Bishop Ray presiding, and Bishop Mayer preaching. According to a news release from the Public Affairs Office of The Episcopal Church, Bishop Mayer's sermon "focused on the idea of being willing, not to win with Jesus, but do you have what it takes to lose with Jesus - associating with those our world so often dismisses as losers but are really the poor and marginalized. Bishop Mayer's sermon continued a pattern evident during this retreat time in which bishops have explored the integral relationship of personal-story telling, including of individual brokenness with the church's call to reconciliation. This, as our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry urges, is evangelism and results in new life.  The post-communion song caught the tenor of this time: "O take me as I am, summon out what I shall be." Afterward the Bishops continued a time of sabbath, which they so rarely experience on a work-related trip.

Bishop Mayer's sermon may be accessed for viewing and/or downloading by following this link.
A Letter on Racial Reconciliation                            
In a letter dated March 12, 2016, the Most Reverend Michael Curry, wrote a letter to the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies concerning Resolution C019, Establish Response to Systemic Racial Injustice." The letter was co-signed by the President of the House of Deputies, the Rev, Gay Clark Jennings; the House of Bishops Vice President, Mary Gray-Reeves; the House of Deputies Vice President, Byron Rushing; the House of Bishops Vice President, Dean Wolfe; and the House of Deputies Secretary, Michael Barlowe.    
At General Convention last summer, our church made the strongest commitment in a generation to racial justice and reconciliation...  As the leaders of the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, we were tasked by Resolution C019 to lead in this holy work, and thus to enable every diocese, ministry, and baptized person in our church
to live and bear witness to the teaching of Jesus to love God and love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40), by respecting the dignity of every human being, and working to transform the unjust structures of society."

The letter goes on to report on a meeting held on February 3 and 4 in Austin, Texas, to share their gifts and stories, to learn some of the church's historic and current activities, and to begin to discern a way forward. At the meeting they adopted two essential practices: deep listening to stories and patient commitment to mutual transformation over the long haul.

The letter invites members of both Houses, as well as all Episcopalians, to join them in this ministry.

To read the letter in its entirety, please follow this link or click on the letter itself.

A leer in Espa�ol, siga este enlace.
Stewardship Conference Opportunity
Living Generously


 The Episcopal Network for Stewardship Annual Conference
June 3-4, 2016
 All Saints Episcopal Church
Pasadena, California

Simone Campbell, SSS, author of "Nun on the Bus," Executive Director of NETWORK, and simone_campbell activist for economic justice, will be a Keynote Speaker at the TENS Annual Conference, June 3 & 4.  Sister Simone has served as Executive Director of NETWORK since 2004.  She is a religious leader, attorney, and poet with extensive experience in public policy and advocacy for systemic change. 

The conference will be held at All Saints Episcopal Church, in Pasadena, California.  All Saints has been a leader in the Episcopal Church around Stewardship, Peace, and Inclusion for over 50 years and is the largest Episcopal Church in the West. 

For more details go to: 

2016 Women's Retreat
 The Ennegram and Spiritual Growth  
      2016 Women's Retreat
        Friday - Sunday, August 26-28, 2016
Christ the King Retreat Center in San Angelo
The goal of our spiritual journey is the returning to the true self that God created us to be. Recognizing when our own ego gets in the way of our God-created true self can give wings to our journey, and brings great insight and compassion into our lives and the lives of those we love. Part of this growth requires that we find balance in our lives. We will discover various practices we can add to our lives to fill in some missing pieces. Doing so, we may truly grow into the person God made us to be, so God's love and care can flow freely through us to the world.
Led by Kathleen Pittman
kpittman Kathleen comes from Roswell, New Mexico and has been leading retreats for the last 15 years. She lived in Alabama for 40 years, has been an Episcopalian 35 years, taught K-12 for 14 years and has been in higher education for the past 23 years. She currently teaches in Roswell for Eastern New Mexico University-Portales teaching undergraduate Elementary/Special Education Literacy and Social Studies methods, graduate reading, research, and curriculum courses. In the Diocese of the Rio Grande she serves as EFM Coordinator and is on the Standing Committee and Trustees of the Property. She is a member of St. Andrew's where she is an LEM, EFM mentor and DOK. 

For more information, or to download the registration form, follow THIS LINK.

Daughters of the King
The NWT Daughters of the King Have Two Upcoming Events

The Northwest Texas DOK will meet on Saturday April, 9, 2016, from 10:00am-12:00pm, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Lubbock. For directions to St. Paul's, visit this map.

Guest Speaker for the event will be George Grey of Lubbock, known otherwise as the Iron Monger. George was featured in a May 15, 2014, episode of Texas Country Reporter, concerning his new-found artistic ability. To view the episode about George, click on the link below.

For more information about the meeting, follow THIS LINK to view or download the agenda.


Additionally, the Province VII DOK Assembly will be held April 22-24, 2016, at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, located at 3550 SW Loop 820 in Ft. Worth. Guest Speaker for the event will be Attorney Jennifer Stanton Hargraves.

The theme of the event is
"...and what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
(Micah 6:8)

For more information or to register for the event, please click on the blue underlined link above.

Spring Youth Retreat

Cost:Registration fee is $60 if postmarked by March 25th
Registration fee is $80 if postmarked after March 26th  
 Check in will begin at 7:30pm on Friday, April 15th, at St. John's, 401 N. County Road West, Odessa, 79763. (Please look for signs for registration by office wing.)

In case of delay or last minute cancellation,
please call Renee Haney on her cell phone at (806) 445-3667

All participants are to be picked up at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 17th.  

A Humorous Thought
by the Rev. Jay Sidebotham
Ecumenical News in NW Texas
edeio_headerEpiscopal Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers, EDEIO, is the national network of those designated by their diocesan bishops with special responsibility for encouraging the search for the wider visible unity of Christ's Church and collegial relationships with members of other religions.


EDEIO Activity Report: The Reverend J. Edson Way, Ecumenical and Inter-religious Officer, Diocese of Northwest Texas

As Muslims at the Islamic Center of the South Plains wrapped up their Friday prayer on February 12th, 2016, Lubbock residents of many faiths came to the mosque to express their support for Muslims in the greater Lubbock community. Speaking on behalf of the Lubbock Interfaith Association, the Reverend Davis Price, minister at Covenant Presbyterian Church, said that our group members were visitors at the Islamic Center, but also hosts in Lubbock, "who remind you of your welcome into the larger Lubbock community. We want to emphasize again how welcome you are in our midst."
While there are loud voices of xenophobia and anti-Islamic sentiment receiving much attention in the media across our nation today, the presence of these Christian and Jewish religious leaders from throughout Lubbock was testimony of friendship overcoming any notions of our Muslim residents as "strangers" or as "the other." As Reverend Price said, "In the name of the Holy One we are guests and hosts to one another. We are friends to one another. We are members of the same community."
One by one, fifteen religious leaders representing the United Methodist Church, Unitarian Universalist, Second Baptist Church, St. John Neumann Catholic Church, the Religion Studies Program of Texas Tech University, the Metropolitan Community Church, the Lubbock Interfaith Dialog, the Lubbock Interfaith Association, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Congregation Shaareth Israel, The Baha'i Faith, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the The Episcopal Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas represented by the Reverend Edson Way, former Rector of Saint Christopher's, Lubbock, and Episcopal Diocesan Ecumenical and Inter-religious Officer for this diocese, identified themselves and stated their support of "our Muslim brothers and sisters in Lubbock." Several members of the mosque were moved to tears which coursed down their faces at hearing this endorsement and support for their very existence here in West Texas. At the end of these statements, a petition of support organized by Groundswell and signed by thousands of people across the country and the State of Texas was presented to the Imam Sheikh Samer Altabaa and Dr. Fawwaz Shoukfeh, President of the Islamic Center.
Even as Jesus spoke to Samarians and performed healings in Gentile communities, so are we as Christians to show forbearance and live in the assurance that the love of God is there for all.

To view the photo in a larger format, click on the photo.
To enlarge it push the "Ctrl" key and hold it as you tap the "+" key.
Vital Practices
Getting Along in a Really Strange, Big Family

By Kay Collier McLaughlin, part of the Vestry Papers issue on Conflict (March 2016)

The finalists in St. Christopher's search for a new rector were due in town in two days. The tug-of-war church, grounds, and parish house were in readiness; the staff and nominating committee were busy with last minute preparations for hospitality and transportation. The monthly vestry meeting was underway.

"We have an issue here," Joe the senior warden began. "A member of the nominating committee is not eligible to serve - he is not a regular giver so this is an invalid process."
A stunned silence held the group for a few seconds. Then a young woman rose. Facing the warden she spoke firmly, with an energy that filled the room. "You," she said clearly, "do not get to sabotage this process."

Conflict is often a lightning rod for fear, in individuals and organizations. Looking at a sampling of the definitions in various modern dictionaries makes that fear understandable!
  • Conflict as defined in dictionaries beginning with Merriam-Webster: fight, battle war; competitive or opposing action of incompatibles; antagonistic state or action as of divergent ideas, interests or persons; mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes or external and internal demands.
  • The Business Dictionary: friction or opposition resulting from actual or perceived differences or incompatibilities
  • Collins English Dictionary: opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible wishes or drives, sometimes leading to a state of emotional tension; a struggle or clash between opposing forces
Most of us are not interested in living with fights, battles, or wars and despite other, milder definitions, too many people carry scars from very real personal or professional conflicts that influence their present encounters with people.

In the church, adding to that fear is a subliminal belief that real Christians shouldn't have conflict, but live in perfect love and charity. If conflict does rear its head, good Christians simply turn the other cheek; accepting any behavior, regardless of how detrimental to community or individuals.

read more details and information button or icon
Seminary Updates
Commencement Celebrates Graduates  
and Honors Leaders

Seminary of the Southwest will hold its sixty-fifth commencement on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, 8134 Mesa Drive in Austin. The preacher at the Holy Eucharist will be the Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee, bishop of the Diocese of Chicago.

The seminary will award master's degrees in divinity, religion, counseling, chaplaincy and pastoral care and spiritual formation and diplomas in Anglican studies and in theological studies.

Southwest celebrates men and women who have made outstanding contributions to the church through their leadership and example. This year, honorary degree recipients will be Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael B. Curry; Secretary of the Diocese of Texas Canon John Logan; and educator, worker for justice and founding member of Austin's St. James' Episcopal Church, Bertha Sadler Means.

Additionally, Christian Rabone, a seminarian from the Diocese of Northwest Texas, will graduate this May with his Master of Divinity. Christian hails from the Lubbock area where he attended St. Paul's on the Plains Episcopal Church in Lubbock. We wish him congratulations and best wishes as he takes the next step in his journey to priesthood.

Monday evening, May 23, family and friends of the graduates will gather for Evensong in Christ Chapel on the seminary campus at 6:00 p.m. A reception honoring the graduates follows the service.

Sewanee Banner  

For more news and information from Sewanee visit the Seminary website.

Please click the graphic below to view this month's edition of Theology Monthly:

Sewanee Theol Monthly 
(The March issue of Theology Monthly was not yet available.)
Diocesan Events Calendar
20              Palm Sunday 
24              Maundy Thursday 
25              Good Friday - Hulsey Center Closed 
27              Easter Sunday 
28              Easter Monday - Hulsey Center Closed


1              Commission on Ministry, HEC Lubbock, 10:00am
1-3           School of Ordained Ministry, St. Paul's, Lubbock
3              Visitation - St. Stephen's, Sweetwater 
6              Confirmation - St. Christopher's, Lubbock 
9              NW Texas DOK Meeting, St. Paul's, Lubbock, 10:00am-12:00pm
10            Visitation - Holy Trinity, Midland 
11            Visitation - Trinity School, Midland 
11-14        Presbyter's Conference, Christ the King Retreat Center, San Angelo
15-17        Youth Retreat grades 6-12, St. John's Episcopal Church, Odessa 
                (Please see the article above for more information) 
22-24        Province VII DOK Assembly, St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, Ft. Worth 
30- May 1  School of Ordained Ministry, St. Paul's, Lubbock - Graduation of seniors     

(Items in purple indicate Bishop Mayer's presence.)
Heavenly Father, send your Holy Spirit into our hearts, to direct and rule us according to your will, to comfort us in all our afflictions, to defend us from all error, and lead us into all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN

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Newsletter Editor

Deacon Nancy Igo
Director of Communications and Human Resources

Diocese of Northwest Texas 

(806) 763-1370  x. 5