Gary Grates, W2O Group 

Data analytics has a profound impact on the value and efficacy of both marketing and corporate communications at the C-Suite level in organizations today. CEOs can use this new data to provide a roadmap for more precise communication.

Gone are the traditional outputs, structures, and anecdotal tactics. Leaders now have the chance to align their messaging to accurately reflect the organization's current state and to be more transparent. For today's progressive communicators, analytics and insights are forging a pathway to greater influence and impact on strategy and direction. Read more.
Don Bates, APR, PRSA, New York University

IPR's founders understood that no occupation attains the status of a profession without a substantial body of codified professional knowledge, and without educational systems to help develop and disseminate that knowledge. This is as true of PR as it is of medicine, law, accounting or teaching. In each case, there is science underlying the art, and it is the working knowledge of that science, combined with creativity, that marks the best professionals.

Now in its 60th anniversary year, IPR is building bridges of understanding and mutual interest among educators and practitioners and the institutions they serve. Because of the founder's foresight and determination, IPR has become the premier source of the latest knowledge driving the power and presence of professional PR in the world. Read more.
Juan Carlos Molleda, Ph.D., University of Florida

This article originally appeared in PR News

In 2015, news broke that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that many VW cars sold in the US had devices in diesel engines that improved emission results. Since the crisis, public apologies and customer correspondence were posted on online platforms. VW has asked for patience while it looks for an optimal remedy for the deceived customers who may be offered a mechanical solution to repair the device.

The outcome of VW's actions and strategies appear more negative than positive and have generated many more questions. VW's stock price has fluctuated wildly and fell to its lowest value on October 2. When a crisis like this occurs, PR leaders should immediately take action and demonstrate confidence in finding a solution. Read more. 

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