Social media is viewed positively by the majority of PR professionals because it helps an organization build and maintain mutually-beneficial relationships. By understanding how these social networks work, PR practitioners can decide when it is "good" for their organizations to use social media.

PR leaders must avoid swamping the online environment with content and should be cautious how their accounts are used. Managers should reflect on the consequences of their direct and indirect actions and how they affect society. Read more.
Ana Tkalac, Ph.D., University of Zagreb

Reputation is intangible and fundamental for the existence of every modern organization. In most cases, PR leaders agree that reputation is vital to their company and employees are one of the key links to managing it.

Companies should manage their reputation not through their employees, but for their employees. Internal stakeholders should become one of the main audiences for reputation strategies and campaigns. This means a shift in perception of reputation management, but will in the end prove to be the only possible route to long-term organizational success. Read more. 

At the 18th Annual International Public Relations Conference (IPRRC), PR professionals and scholars gathered to discuss the latest research on standardizing research and practice in the field of public relations. The proceedings,"Emerging Theory, Methods & Applications: Toward Professional Standards for Research & Practice," are now available, featuring IPR's award-winning papers in employee communication, social media and relationship building. Read more.

PR professionals, educators and graduate students are now invited to submit their abstracts for consideration for the 19th Annual IPRRC. The theme is "The Public Relations of Public Diplomacy and Nation Building/Branding." Read more.
Michelle Hinson, CyberAlert & IPR Measurement Commission Chair

The International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) ordained September as Measurement Month with the release of the Barcelona Principles 2.0. The beauty of the updated Principles is that a coalition of communication organizations collaborated on the revision. Next, the IPR Measurement Commission will be creating guidelines on the difference between the Principles and standards to allow educators to integrate them into their curriculum. Read more.
Save the date: 
AMEC's International Measurement Summit will be June 15-16, 2016 in London. As one of the largest international conferences with delegates from more than 35 countries, IPR will be providing our readers with a special discount code in November when registration opens. Read more.