Nipper Notes

Weekly eNewsletter of Our Saviour Lutheran Church

June 5,2016

This Sunday 
OSLC Choir

Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 212 Sunset Drive, Johnson City, Tennessee, will offer three Holy Communion service at 8:00, 10:45, and Heartsong at 10:45.
A nursery is provided.  

All are welcome. 
For further information 
about OSLC, please 
visit our website at 
or join us on Facebook.
Pastor Eds 
Daily Devotional Blog


Click here or on the picture to go to the daily devotional.

Parents Day Out

Click here or on the picture to go to Parents Day Out.

Join Our Mailing List

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Path Class (DCS) State of TN 9:00 AM
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Traditional Service 9:30 AM
Heartsong Service 10:45 AM

Monday, June 6, 2016

Cindy Watkins arrives!
Parent's Day Out 9:00 AM

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Melting Pot
Parent's Day Out 9:00 AM
Heartsong Band 6:30 PM

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Yoga 6:30 PM
Friday, June 10, 2016
Walk / Talk 10:00 AM

"Let us build a house where all are named, their songs and visions heard - and loved and treasured, taught and claimed - as words within the Word.  Built of tears and cries and laughter, prayers of faith and songs of grace, let this house proclaim from floor to rafter:  All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place."  ("All Are Welcome" by Marty Haugen, vs. 4, 1994 GIA Publications, Inc.)
This is most certainly one of my most favorite hymns. Marty Haugen is one of my most favorite composers these days.  In this particular hymn (#641 in our ELW), it's all about welcoming everyone: those in need, the stranger, saints and sinners, and where the grace of Jesus and the visions, hopes, and dreams of all can be realized.
It has been my hope - and continues through this day - that OSLC has been this kind of a welcoming place.  I sense that, even though you cannot please everyone, we have done well, by and large, in the department of welcoming!
Jesus was always a welcoming person.  As a child I was impressed with the stories such as Jesus and Zacchaeus; last week's Gospel on the centurion asking the Lord for healing for his servant; and the Gospel story for this Sunday (Luke 7:11-17), the raising from the dead of the widow of Nain's son.
Each time Jesus is the proactive force in the experience.  He invites Himself to eat at Mr. Z's house (my momma told me to NEVER invite yourself to dinner at someone else's house); He goes to the unclean centurion's house to heal (something rabbis were not allowed or expected to do); and, He intrudes into the funeral procession of a very tragic situation, uninvited).
Jesus was humble in His own way, but there was great power and authority in such humility!
Want to be like Jesus? 
Then be proactive.  Be loving and compassionate in every situation you face.  Look beyond the norm; look away from what your mind tells you might not be the best thing but what you heart says as "Do this!"

It's not always easy.  You never know how someone hurting might be open to your forward way of loving your neighbor.  Follow that good heart God gave you.  You might be surprised at how powerful you can be in your own humility.

This Monday, speaking of welcome, we will have in the office, Ms. Cindy Watkins, our new Office Administrator.  She comes highly regarded and already loved by those who have had the chance to meet her in the interview process.  We are very grateful for her arrival.  We thank God for His guidance in this process. 
If you like, why not send an email( or a card (OSLC, 212 Sunset Drive, Johnson City, TN  37604) to offer her welcome.  Stop by (but try not to stay too long, there's a lot of training, etc. we'll be doing in the next week.) and welcome her personally.

Finally, our deepest thanks to Joni Cannon, Marcia Peters, Deb Soike, and Phoebe Sand for their work over the last 6 months during Marjene's absence from the office.  We appreciate you all very much!
Remember - God loves you and so do we!

Pastor Jim
Jesus Raises Son Of Widow
Summer Worship schedule
begins THIS WEEK, June 5th:  9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship and 10:45 a.m. Heartsong worship
Products of the Month
Family Promise

For the next two months, we have designated Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network) our agency to donations. Promise sponsors a network of churches, volunteers and community members to assist homeless familie with children. Through Family Promise, families can remain together while addressing the challenges confronting them to obtain housing. Families receive counseling and assistance to address their particular needs. Visit their website at:

When a family leaves the program and goes to an apartment or a house, they need products to clean and "fix up" their new home. They also need personal items such as deodorant, soap, tooth paste, toilet paper, etc. As the OSLO family, let's put together 3 laundry baskets filled with items to start their homes. Two baskets will be in the narthex and one in the fellowship hall. Let's see if we can give three families a boost and love with a gift from OSLC.

Coming Up at OSLC 
Parish Nurse "Ministries in Motion": 
Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Yoga - Youth Room - please bring your own mat; Fridays, 10 a.m. - Walk/Talk - prayer, devotion, joke of the week and "Chair Yoga."

9:30 p.m. -Tournament Game Winged Deer Park, Field #2. 

Vacation Bible School:
 (June 12-16, 5-8 p.m.)  PLEASE pre-register your children for VBS if you have not done so yet!  This helps us greatly in our planning!  Speak to Marcy Aaroen or Sean Golden if you have questions!

Thank you:
 Rev. Anna Butler and David Holland for preaching last Sunday!

"Fill the baskets":
 for Family Promise!  We are collecting cleaning supplies for families when they are able to move into their new homes!  We will collect these supplies all month!

WELCA Opportunity:  
The SE Synod WELCA Annual Convention is being held in Atlanta on September 16-18.  If interested in attending, please pick up an application on the WELCA bulletin board.  (Costs increase after June 15)   Contact Judi Boebel with any questions.

Blood Drive:  
Coming up....Wednesday, June 15, 4-8 p.m.

We are now enrolling for Fall 2016, ages 1-4 years old.  For more information, contact Cat Hopper, our OSLC Parent's Day Out Director at 423-232-0077.  Registration Packets are available in the OSLC Office.
The OSLC Prayer List
Praying Hands

Rev. Dennis Hamm; Travis Pennell; Barbara Gish; Mary King; Margaret Allown; Mary Ostermeyer; Beverly Van Camp; Trudy Blackmer: Pat Keffer; Otto Zinser; David and Martha Herting; Penny Van Hooser;  Tom Loveday; Janet Ecklund; John Stafford; Anne Godsey; Kay Scheurer; John Paul Neas; Betty Marshall; Irene Ackley; Truman Billings; Phoebe Sand;  Janice Knipp; Jennifer Stafford; Wendi Garrison; Lori Markstrom.

Family Members and Friends:  
Family of Jonas and Kara Mitchell, upon the death of their 4 year old son (friends of Carrie Wilson & Kevin Love); Bill Reece, brother of Sue Reece;Family of Annie Pritchett;Melissa Malenda;Alice Sulkowski; Jason Rakel; Carey Outen; Sharon Neuhaus; Haskel Sykes; Reese Creasy;  Rev. Willis Bowers; Josh Nunn;  Ann Carter; Bruce and Betsy Shine; Glenn Nutter; Mark Mullinex; Brian and Jen Milliken; Linda Linden; Bonita Martin; Taylor Miller; Jim Ackley; Rosalina White; Preston Burke; Robin Barnett; Angie and Amber Frazier; Eve Hargrave, Abi Amato, Ashton Drinnon, Mark Singleton, Bob Fetterolf, Eric & Chrissy Essmann; Chris Toft; Cameron Crawford; Ben Ivey, Marsha Millhorn, Carmen Yoder, Jessica Mowell; Beth Neas; Karen Winter, Al Rudolph; Jennifer Bremmermar; Rev. Jim Simpson; Jim Aderhold; Richard Williams; Alice Barnett

Military Service - Members:
Chance Johnson (Army); Nick Harris (Air Force); 

Military Service - Friends and family:
Nick Hodge (Air Force) friend of the Flints; Chase Estep (Marines) brother of Clint Estep; Matthew Sibenaller (Army) godson of Ed Wolff; David Guck (Marines) friend of the Pat Wolf; Jeremy Downes (Navy) cousin of Joni Cannon; Adam Beier (Army) nephew of Carolynn Bailey

"Christ has no body but mine, no hands but mine, no feet but mine.
Mine are the eyes through which we are to see Christ's compassion for the world.
Mine are the feet with which Christ is to go about doing good.
Mine are the hands with which Christ is to bless now. Amen." 
~ St. Teresa of Avila, a prayer offered by Bishop Mark W. Holmerud of the Sierra Pacific Synod as written in the 40 Days of Giving Devotional.

The youth of Messiah Lutheran Church in Madison, Alabama are living out St. Teresa's poetic prayer and finding amazing ways to "go about doing good."Using the 40 Days of Giving
Campaign as a catalyst, the youth of Messiah have responded to the call to end hunger in their community.

Messiah's Director of Outreach Ministries, Claire Strand, reports that the congregation is 'giving generously' in an effort to meet the ELCA World Hunger's challenge to raise $2 million by Easter morning. From the 40 Days of Giving Campaign came the ingenuity to use the hands and feet of Messiah's members to actually provide sustenance to those in their community living in poverty or living with food insecurity.

"Just this past weekend, our youth groups delivered 466 pounds of food to a new local food pantry as part of their service project, 30-Hour Famine," Strand said, "What great kids!"

Messiah is using another program to accompany the 40 days of Giving Campaign called Feed the Need.  According to Feed the Need's Facebook page, the program mobilizes and engages volunteers with hands-on opportunities. Hands on... "Christ has no body but mine, no hands but mine," St. Teresa prays.

The congregation exemplifies the model of the ELCA World Hunger's comprehensive approach. The approach simultaneously addresses issues of hunger domestically and globally. Messiah models this approach by including international needs in its giving.

Strand wrote that a portion of the Lenten offering taken up for both the Feed the Need program and the 40 Days of Giving
Campaign, were designated to build a desperately needed kitchen next to an elementary school in rural Honduras.

"Their original kitchen was adobe and had to be demolished due to termite damage. This [new] kitchen will allow parents to make the school lunches under 
sanitary conditions, as well as save them from trekking the food over the mountainside each day, " she said.

On behalf of the ELCA World Hunger Team, thank you Messiah Lutheran Church for sharing your story and being God's hands and feet in a world of need and hope.

Contact Adrainne Gray - ELCA Southeastern Synod World Hunger Ambassador - with questions or for other opportunities to join the World Hunger Campaign to end hunger.
Thought for the Month
O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him." ~ Psalm 34:8

given today to the glory of God by N/A.

Mitch & Bridget King, Natalee & Owen

Our Purpose
Make disciples, and grow in grace.

Our Vision
We love God and neighbor, so that all people will be disciples.