Nipper Notes

Weekly eNewsletter of Our Saviour Lutheran Church

January 3,2016

This Sunday 

OSLC Choir


Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 212 Sunset Drive, Johnson City, Tennessee, will offer three Holy Communion Services 8:15 traditional, 10:45 traditional and Heartsong 10:45.


A nursery is provided.  

All are welcome. 


For further information 

about OSLC, please 

visit our website at 

or join us on Facebook.
Pastor Eds 
Daily Devotional Blog


Click here or on the picture to go to the daily devotional.

Parents Day Out

Click here or on the picture to go to Parents Day Out.

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Parish Calendar
OSLC Exterior Photo


10:00 AM - Holy Communion


11:00 AM - Malting Pot


Church Office closed


8:00 AM - Men's Prayer Breakfast

The lights are dimmer these days.  The days continue to be darker.  Finally, it has even turned colder.  Winter has arrived.  But, Christmas is gone, or, is it?

According to Christian tradition, and a particular Christmas song, there are actually 12 days of the season.  The thirteenth day is Epiphany, introducing the next church year season.  In many cultures, the night of Epiphany (January 6) is the time for candles, not the western version of Christmas.  In America, January 6th was for a while the time to take all those indoor trees and create a great light (representing the star that the Wise Men from the east followed) by burning them in a big pile.  These days, I guess we honor the three wise guys by turning those evergreens into mulch.  Not a bad idea, really...not so much a great light, but good for the environment.

Resolutions, changes, new focus, better attitudes and habits are on the forefront. Well, they better be because the season of Lent (Ash Wednesday is February 10) - where such things just mentioned are really tested - begins in just 39 days.  Easter is only 85 days away on March 27.  Time flies when you're having fun.

Where, then, has the season gone?  It's been covered up with the usual: gifts, food, parties, fireworks, ballgames, and all other kinds of festive stuff.  Families try and get together.  Friends throw parties for one another.  It's a busy time.

But just don't forget these next few days, as the stars may actually begin to peek out at night-know that wise men did eventually arrive, shepherds did come with haste, and Mary kept everything close to her heart. And the hymn about an Emmanuel coming, came.
And He comes every time there is a sadness, a joy, a concern, a happiness, a peace, and even a war.

As things may begin to calm down, remember the Christ child.  Please remember Him, because in 39 days He's going to grow up quick! 

Seeing Him as an infant is important; envisioning Him as an innocent child makes everything coming up in the following seasons and the stories about Him all the more remarkable.  This baby, this human child, is your King.  If there is any more lifting of glasses these days, lift one for the baby, the Infant King, Jesus Christ.  Do it now, for the stories of our God are coming, and coming fast!

These last couple of days of Christmas?  Enjoy!
Remember that God loves you and so do we!
Pastor Jim
+ + + + + + +

Sunday, January 3, we return to our regular worship schedule (8:15 and 10:45 a.m.) and Sunday School returns as well at 9:30 a.m.
All 2016 Council Members will be duly installed on January 3rd.  Give thanks for them!
Christ Is Born
Coming Up at OSLC 
 for 2016 are available in the hallway.  Please call the church office if your name has been inadvertently omitted.
  for the new year are posted on the bulletin board near the fellowship hall.  Cost is $35.00 per vase.  
It is not too late to return these forms! Thanks!
 is coming!  As we get reorganized for 2016, we need help staffing our ushers for the two traditional services.  There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway; would you please volunteer in the month of January?
Please take a leaf from the basket in the narthex and simply write something down that you are thankful to God for. Sign your name after your thanks to Him.  I am going to post these on my bulletin board as praise to God during the month of  November.  Just short and simple,  Ex: "God, thank you for my family and all you do for us ~Melissa".  Place the leaf back in the basket on your way out before you leave.  Thank you!
Please sign the list on the bulletin board near the nursery! 

Our focus for the month is Haven of Mercy.  Donations may be placed in the designated boxes in the hallway or fellowship hall. Your help is appreciated! Their current needs are:

Deodorant                           Shampoo                             Shaving Cream
Razors                                  Combs                                  Brushes              
Paper Towels                     Toilet paper                        Kleenex
Pillows                                  Twin Sheets                        Blankets

Kathy Leonard has started a project to give care bags to women diagnosed with breast cancer. The bags include a hand-made, heart-shaped pillow, journal and pen, a cocoa butter stick, and other small items. The bags will be given to doctor's offices and the Women's Health and Imaging Center. If you would like to give a monetary donation or help in any way please call Kathy at 218-5317 or email at

...Love "bears" all things, I Corinthians 13:7.  Thanks to all those who have participated in providing people who are hurting physically, mentally and emotionally with a "care bear" from OSLC.  We are receiving positive feedback from those who have been recipients and their families.  As just a reminder, bears will be replenished every 3rd Sunday of each month.  If you take a bear to give to someone, please write the recipient's name on the sheets provided. This just makes sure that the same person doesn't receive multiple bears.   - Melissa Malenda, Parish Nurse
invites you to contact members of the Mutual Ministry Committee with comments, supportive or critical, related to our staff.  These comments will be kept confidential within the committee.
The OSLC Prayer List
Praying Hands

Gary Shealy; Jennifer Estep; Burleigh Witham; Peg Pickens; Barbara Diehl; Tom Loveday; Erin Rice; Janet Ecklund; John Stafford; Anne Godsey; Kay Scheurer; John Paul Neas; Barbara Willis; Betty Marshall; Josiah Flint; Pat Tomita; Irene Ackley; Pat Keffer; Carl and Brenda Snyder; Truman Billings; Bob and Lucy Terry; Phoebe Sand; Mary King; Willie Weems; Janice Knipp; Mary Ostermeyer; Jennifer Stafford; Wendi Garrison; Lori Markstrom; Debbie Garrison

Family Members and Friends:  
Alice Sulkowski; Jason Rakel; Carey Outen; Jessica Jernigan; Sharon Neuhaus; Lou Fox Baskette; Haskel Sykes; Reese and Virginia Creasy; Rev. Willis Bowers; Scarlett Garman and parents; Josh Nunn;  Ann Carter; Bruce and Betsy Shine; Glenn Nutter; Mark Mullinex; Laura Coppinger; Howard Parsons; Brian and Jen Milliken; Linda Linden; Bonita Martin; Kyle Lively; Taylor Miller; Jim Ackley; Barbara Noe; Rosalina White; Preston Burke; Kyle Cannon; Dee Carter; Robin Barnett

Military Service - Members:
Nick Harris (Air Force; Salt Lake City, UT).

Military Service -
Friends and family:
Nick Hodge (Air Force) friend of the Flints; Chase Estep (Marines) brother of Clint Estep, Kevin Philipps (Army) friend of the Wolfs; Matthew Sibenaller (Army, Afghanistan) godson of Ed Wolff;David Guck (Marines, King's Bay, GA) friend of the Wolfs; Adam Beier(Fort Benning, GA) nephew of Carolynn Bailey
14 Reasons Why I Get A Flu Shot Each Year

Connie Pearson, Chair
Health Ministries Task Force

Have you had your annual flu shot? As I write this article I ca n say that I had mine a couple of weeks ago. If you want to read all about why you should have a flu shot you can go to the expert reference found at the bottom this article. It will give you all the updated information regarding this year's flu season. We know that there are some people who cannot receive vaccines for a variety of reasons. For the rest of us, there are plenty of reasons to get a flu shot! If you are still undecided, here are my reasons that I get mine each year and I hope these help you to decide to protect your health with a flu shot this year.  

Getting the flu shot each year is part of my staying healthy plan.  

I didn't get the flu shot about twelve years ago, had the flu and wished that I were dead before I recovered!

I don't relish lying around in bed for five days then feeling wrung out afterwards while I could be doing something fun or not wishing that I were dead!

I don't want to miss time with family, especially my grandchildren, because of an illness that I could possibly have prevented. 

Getting the flu shot is far less toxic to my body than the flu, cough syrup, antibiotics and fever medication or ending up in the hospital with IV medication in my arm.

Getting the flu shot is far less toxic than having to sit in the doctor's office with a bunch of sick people and be exposed to other germs that might be in the waiting room.   

Being sick for any reason is too time consuming and costly!

I have better things to spend my money on than cough syrup, antibiotics, doctor's visits or hospitalization.

I don't want to risk damaging my lungs from all the coughing that I will do if I have the flu.       

I don't want to have to ask other people to care for me when I could have possibly prevented the illness in the first place. (Of course we know that there is no guarantee that the shot will cover all strains of the flu, but I will have done my part to at least cover the ones that are covered.)

I would feel very guilty if I gave the flu to someone else. 

I lived through the polio epidemic when there was no polio vaccine. I saw people that I knew get polio.  I was very scared, as were my parents and my friends, and I was also very lucky! I really do not like the thought of getting a disease that I could have prevented if I had just gotten one little shot.    

Would I not give my dog rabies shots because there is a good chance that he will never come in contact with a rabid animal?

So, why do I get a flu shot each year? Because I love my family and friends!

For a thorough reference on the 2015-2016 season and flu shot go to:, "What You Should Know About the 2015-2016 Influenza Season."

Thought for the Month


Saint Francis of Assisi (1182-1226)


The Peace Prayer of Saint Francis


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love. 
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in self-forgetting that we find;
And it is in dying to ourselves that we are born to eternal life.









in the chancel today are given to the glory of God by
Carmen and Mary Jane Paulson in honor of granddaughter Sophie's 13th birthday.

Families of the Week                             
                                                                 Mary Ostermeyer
                                                                 Kevin and Linda Schutt


Our Purpose
Make disciples, and grow in grace.

Our Vision
We love God and neighbor, so that all people will be disciples.