In this update...
Erin Hirsh D/93
Alumni Survey
Maricela Guardado T/11
Alumni Update                          February 2015

Class of 1995

Saturday, April 4th
1 - 4 PM
($20 at the door)

Basement Studios
5929 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91601

To purchase tix contact 

*Proceeds will be used for the Class of 1995 20th year reunion.
Alumni Events
& Shout Outs!

Derek David MV/04

Derek David

Spring 2015 teaching fellow for Harvard University!

LA Opera's
The Ghosts of Versailles
Feb 7 - Mar 1
Dorothy Chandler Pavilion

Elaine Rasmussen D/88

President of the Alumni Association Elaine Rasmussen D/88 visited LACHSA today, met with the principal, and enjoyed a tour of the school.

Alumni Network
Donate Now  
NBC's The Voice, Head Costume Designer



From dancer to costumer, Emmy nominated costume designer Erin Hirsh is grateful for her years at LACHSA.


"My time at LACHSA was life changing. I felt so privileged to be able to wake up and get to do what I loved to do everyday. Had I not gone to LACHSA I think the trajectory of my life would have been quite different. Having had the exposure to the plentitude of culture and art in high school definitely helped shape me into the artist I am today."


Read her full interview here!


We Need Your Input!

Purple Graduation Cap 

We all know that LACHSA alumni attend the finest
conservatories and universities in the country as well as abroad. We also know that many alumni go straight into the professional field.

Right now we are collecting the evidence so Click Here to tell us about your post LACHSA experience!

Maricela Guardado T/11
Sin Dolor, Am�

Maricela Guardado's play Sin Dolor, Am� was 
accepted into Occidental College's New Play Festival. It was performed last Friday on stage at the Keck Theatre. 

Amber Barrios, a current junior in the theatre department, played the lead role and Dr. Suzanna Guzman, LACHSA's Director of the Office of Community Engagement (and alumni mom), performed the first reading.


Have news to share?