RAM Communications Logo
IPRA Member 2013
Park District Communicator
September / 15 / 2013

Our Mission to Your Park District 

RAM Communications has served the park district community for 10 years now. We provide the best phone systems and services available to help you and your staff communicate with residents in the easiest, most reliable and most affordable manner possible.

We have three missions. 



Our letter will teach you the basics of telecommunications that you need to know in order to protect your interests.



With good fundamental education, you can make informed decisions and therefore get better results.



We provide our clients the resources they need to control their telecommunications as efficiently as possible. The latest technologies, executed properly will improve your image with your community. 


We hope you find the information useful and we can become a trusted resource for you.


Best Regards,


Rob McCoy


Business Telecom Advocate

RAM Communications Inc.

1841 Hicks Road, Suite C

Rolling Meadows, IL 60008

847-358-0917 x 200



In This Issue
Arlington Heights Park District Testimonial for RAM Communications Inc
Arlington Heights Park District Testimonial for RAM Communications Inc
RAM has had the pleasure of serving Arlington Heights Park District since 2005. Click on the video to learn more about the benefits we bring Tim and his staff.
Upcoming Events

IPRA Trade Show
January 23-24, 2014
Hyatt Regency
Chicago, IL

Come Visit RAM Communications at Booth 708.

tincan phone via computer
Do these Challenges Ring a Bell with You?
Common Phone Challenges for Park Districts

Rob McCoy,
RAM Communications

Phone and Internet Services are great when they work. Problems can and do arise on occasion. In our experience, park districts
encounter some unique challenges with their systems. However, any challenge can be resolved. RAM wants you to know the most efficient ways you can help your own cause.

 Read more

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