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The Communicator


Volume 11, Issue 7  


In This Issue
Product Spotlight
Thank You
Accounting for Your Phone Bills
Caleb's Cellular Corner
RAM Referral Program

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Hope you had a great 4th of July. It's a blessing to spend time with family and friends.

In this month's issue we want to get down to brass tacks and talk about the best ways to handle phone bills. If this subject is routine to you don't worry -there are still good points to review.

Summer is a busy travel season. Check out Caleb's Corner and carefully consider your cellular options when you travel abroad. If you don't plan ahead you will pay dearly in the form of sky high cell phone bills. So read on and save yourself a headache when you return to the states.

Best Regards,

Rob McCoy

RAM Communications Inc

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Thank You!

RAM Communications would like to thank the following clients for their business:


Real Urban BBQ


We would also like to thank the following clients for their recent referrals:


Len Moskowitz

Real Urban BBQ  

Addison Park District 



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Best Practices: Accounting for your Company Phone Bills


Every business has a substantial number of invoices to cover. Your corporate phone bill is just one of many you have to account for every month.

The break up of AT&T in 1984 and the Telecommunications Act of 1996 gave both business and residential customers many more choices in service providers. Costs have gone done significantly since the 1990's. Technological advances have also brought cost savings to businesses everywhere.

Today, the consumer has more power and choice than ever to decide on services and rate plans. This is a great benefit.
However, no matter who you use for your services one thing should never be overlooked: your phone company is providing a utility.

Regardless of the brand, your carrier provides a service to your business that you depend upon everyday. As such, they have the power to shut off services if payments are missed or balances get too high.

For some readers this may seem trivial but it doesn't hurt to be reminded of these obligations. While RAM is ready and willing to help investigate billing issues, ultimately, we cannot assume responsibility for covering or "floating" entire invoices. When in doubt please be sure to pay your invoices in full and on time.

Here are some items to keep in mind if you encounter any difficulties with your carrier bills.

1. Notify the Carrier.
If there seem to be erroneous charges or other errors on your invoice, please notify the carrier billing department immediately.
Don't let items sit. You will be able to negotiate credits more effectively if the carrier knows you are disputing a billing item quickly.

2. Consult your Consultant.
RAM is happy to review an invoice for you to interpret and resolve billing issues. We can help you escalate resolutions more quickly with the carrier if we are informed early in the process.
3. Pay on Time.
No matter what the circumstance, be sure to pay your invoice on time. Otherwise, there's very little we can do to help you avoid late charges and other fees. Be sure to get a billing ticket entered with the carrier. Only the carrier can authorize a credit and advise you to "short pay" your account.

4. Cash Flow
From time to time, if your business has a cash flow challenge, feel free to let us know so we can help you. Many times, carriers will allow a business to change the due date to better accommodate their cash flow needs. Of course, this is much more attainable if your business has a good payment history with the carrier. So remember to be diligent and communicate with your carrier.

5. Good Credit
Come renewal time, a client with a good payment history can negotiate better terms and rates than the client who pays inconsistently. Phone companies review payment histories and consider terms in the same manner your business does with its clients.

So, follow these guidelines and your business will be sure to save time and money.

Rob McCoy,
RAM Communications
847.358.0917 x200


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Traveling abroad for business or vacation no longer means losing touch with family and friends - or using those expensive in-room phones in hotels.  Mobile phones provide convenient access for emergencies, confirming travel plans and for local activities.  Cellular providers offer supplemental services and plans to enable customers to bring their cell phones outside the United States.  Other options include using local SIM card to make calls while traveling or residing in another country.  Here are some basic guidelines and tips that can help you cost-effectively use a cell phone abroad.




Step 1

Do you take your phone or rent another one?  

Contact your cell phone provider and determine what type of international calling is available. Some carriers like AT&T will offer temporary plans without a contract. Others like Verizon require a new plan altogether. Note: some mobile phones are not compatible for use on networks outside the United States.  In addition, some providers may charge a fee for an international calling plan or phone rental.  


If you don't wish to carry your primary phone over seas, renting an international cell phone may be a better option.

There are phone rentals available everywhere from Walmart to online merchants. Who's reputable?   Check with several providers and contact them directly.    

Some providers have unlimited calling plans others require you to reload minutes after you run out of your initial block. Every country carries a unique rate plan. The bottom line? It pays to do your research.


Here are a few websites we've researched that you may want to try:


Cellular Abroad


 AT&T International Roaming


 Planet Fone


 So, take time to check your options well before your trip!   


Step 2

Check the voltage requirements for the desired county and bring a power converter for the phone charger, if necessary.

Power converters are available at most cellular stores. 


Step 3

Type frequently used telephone, emergency contact, hotel and transportation numbers on the phone and save them in the address book.  Make sure to enter the telephone numbers using the international dialing format: for example, calls to the U.S. should be entered with the prefix '+011' followed by the area code and telephone number because calls made abroad will initiate from the local phone carrier.


Step 4

If you're using a smartphone such as a BlackBerry or iPhone be sure to turn off the online data function for emails, internet, etc.  Instead, change the email settings to "Manual" to reduce data roaming charges.  During your trip you can choose when to check for email messages when you're connected to a free, wireless Internet connection, such as in the hotel lobby or Internet caf�.


Step 5

Consider signing up for Skype and activating a Skype to Go number or downloading and installing the Skype mobile application for smartphones.  A Skype to Go number is a local number that serves as a gateway to call outside the country.  You save money on roaming charges using a local number for calls to be forwarded to your cell phone.  The Skype Mobile application uses the smartphone's data plan or wireless Internet connection for calls to Skype member or other telephone numbers.




Forward your home phone and mobile phone to your Skype number or to your international cell phone, if available (long distance charges will usually be charged for these calls).  International mobile providers may not post charges to your local mobile provider immediately.  Consider keeping your international calling plan activated for an extra month in order to reduce premium charges for calls posted late (providers can charge fees based on the date the local company charged the fee, rather than when the call was made).




Keep your cell phone secure at all times while abroad because you may be liable for usage fees for lost or stolen cell phones.  Skype services are not designed to call local emergency numbers (such as police)



Take time to check your options well before your trip! You'll save money, avoid fees and connect more easily overseas.   

RAM Communications Inc.

RAM Referral Program

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Referral Program 2013

Ram Communications wants to show our appreciation for your quality referrals.  We will send you a $25 restaurant.com certificate for every qualified referral that schedules an appointment.  If they then become a client within six months of that appointment, we will donate $100 to the charity of your choice.

Our business contacts give referrals because we have earned their trust and they appreciate the value we can offer someone else.  Contact us to learn how to spot our ideal client.

LInda McWhirt
Marketing Dept.
847.358.0917 x205


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