Helping Your Company Win the Corporate Cellular Game
Caleb Sundvall is RAM's partner and expert in the world of corporate cellular accounts. The corporate cellular game is just that - a complicated game that has winners and losers. Most of the time corporate businesses are on the losing end of the playing field. Why? Cellular companies change their program pricing, minute packages and participation requirements constantly. How much time do you and your staff have to spend keeping ahead of such changes?
Some folks might ask why they should deal with Caleb (the middleman) versus going direct to your cellular provider. There are many reasons. Not the least of which is the fact Caleb's expertise and commitment saves RAM clients over 30% on their corporate cellular expenses. He brings a proven track record to the table.
1. Caleb is your single point of contact for all your corporate cellular needs. If you call your current provider you most likely will get a different contact person each time you call; with Caleb you get one, knowledgeable expert who is always there to serve your needs.
2. Caleb builds relationships by doing what is best for the customer.
3. Caleb's corporate cellular plan saves you time because he handles your moves, adds, changes directly with your service provider.
4. Your company receives a monthly report showing exact savings for each corporate invoice.
5. Like RAM, Caleb always provides financial value for his services.
Call RAM today at 847-358-0917 x205 and we will be happy to put you in touch with our Cellular Expert, Caleb Sundvall, today.