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The Communicator


Volume 11, Issue 4


In This Issue
Heard it On the Web
Thank You
Protecting Your IP Phones 2
Barb's Desk
Caleb's Cellular Corner

Quick Links


Insurance Resource Consultants Testimonial for RAM Communications Inc
Insurance Resource Consultants Testimonial for RAM Communications Inc
Link to RAM Mailing List
Heard it on the Web
tincan phone via computer
Here are some business-related news articles you may find interesting . . .



Be careful using dual-mode cell phones!



A New Bidder for Sprint-Nextel


Greetings. Spring is here - kind of. I hope your home and business  is safe and dry after all the recent storms.

Are you protecting all your critical electronic devises with battery back-up systems? For some folks this becomes a matter of 'too little, too late'. Don't let this happen to you. APC-brand devices are available at Staples, Office Max, etc. For $100.00 or so, you can go a long way protecting your equipment and keeping your office downtime to a minimum. Just ask any IT professional and echo the same advice.

Thanks again for your continued business.


Best Regards,

Rob McCoy

RAM Communications Inc

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Thank You!

RAM Communications would like to thank the following clients for their business:


Addison Park District

Arlington Heights Park District

Astro Machine Corporation

The Classic Group 


We would also like to thank the following clients for their recent referrals:

Addison Park District
Total Teledata


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Protect Your IP Phone System from Hackers
Part II

It may not be enough to just have your phone vendor block standard international calling.  Make sure your phone company is blocking calls to Caribbean-based countries as well.

Why?  Some Caribbean islands don't require the 011 international code to reach them.  This exception has turned into a loophole for hackers to exploit. For your convenience, we've listed a map here of those countries . . .

caribbean map

All the country codes listed in GREEN can be dialed with a 1+ area code. These exceptions bypass normal call blocking procedures. Unfortunately, this type of fraud is on the rise. RAM has received reports from clients and agents using various carriers who have been affected by this specific fraud.

Check with your phone company and make sure your international call blocking includes this list. Don't let your business become the victim of Caribbean toll fraud.

As always, please contact RAM if you have any questions or if you need further assistance.
We can provide you a definitive list you can send to your carrier.

Help Desk Tips from Barb  
Faxing and fax machines are still an acceptable and common form of telecommunications. Problems with faxes usually occur in one of two ways, either the providing carrier is having a problem or the actual device is somehow malfunctioning. It's not easy to determine where the fault lies.



If a carrier(phone company) problem is suspected, there are a couple of options to try.  


1. Call the number from a land line or cell. If you receive a glaring screeching sound, you've connected to the device. If there is a carrier problem, you'd probably hear a message indicting that your call cannot be completed.  


2. Unplug the line cord from the fax machine and plug it into a telephone hand set.  Many business users have a Telephone System with handsets that are incompatible with the "analog" fax machine. If you keep a spare "analog" set available you can test the fax line properly. If possible unplug the fax and plug the line cord into the "analog" phone. Attempt to make an outbound call. Try calling the number from another phone set. If connections are made then you know there isn't a problem with the carrier.  


3. If either of these first two tests fail then a service call to the appropriate carrier is needed.


Sometimes the most difficult issue to determine is when  the fax device is having a problem.  If you've performed the first two tests and the line is working properly, then it is very possible the fax is experiencing a problem. It may be out of paper, the buffer holding the transmissions may be full or there just may be a mechanical failure. If this is the case, then make a call to your fax/business machine service company for further assistance.


Finally, please remember to clean your fax machine on a regular basis. Dirt and grime build up with use and this can effect the quality of your fax copies. So, keep those lenses and scanning beds  


In any scenario described above, RAM Communications can assist with your FAX Troubleshooting. Please call 847-358-0917 Option 1 during our business hours, as we will work with you in attempting to identify and resolve the problem. A test fax can always be transmitted to RAM at the following fax number of 847-358-1340 to verify your connectivity.   





Barbara Yurisich

Help Desk Manager

847-358-0917 x201


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caleb photo
Helping Your Company Win the Corporate Cellular Game

Caleb Sundvall is RAM's partner and expert in the world of corporate cellular accounts.  The corporate cellular game is just that - a complicated game that has winners and losers. Most of the time corporate businesses are on the losing end of the playing field. Why? Cellular companies change their program pricing, minute packages and participation requirements constantly. How much time do you and your staff have to spend keeping ahead of such changes?

Some folks might ask why they should deal with Caleb (the middleman) versus going direct to your cellular provider.  There are many reasons. Not the least of which is the fact Caleb's expertise and commitment saves RAM clients over 30% on their corporate cellular expenses. He brings a proven track record to the table.

1. Caleb is your single point of contact for all your corporate cellular needs. If you call your current provider you most likely will get a different contact person each time you call; with Caleb you get one, knowledgeable expert who is always there to serve your needs.
2. Caleb builds relationships by doing what is best for the customer.
3. Caleb's corporate cellular plan saves you time because he handles your moves, adds, changes directly with your service provider.
4. Your company receives a monthly report showing exact savings for each corporate invoice.
5.  Like RAM, Caleb always provides financial value for his services.

Call RAM today at 847-358-0917 x205 and we will be happy to put you in touch with our Cellular Expert, Caleb Sundvall, today.

RAM Referral Program

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Referral Program 2013

Ram Communications wants to show our appreciation for your quality referrals.  We will send you a $25 restaurant.com certificate for every qualified referral that schedules an appointment.  If they then become a client within six months of that appointment, we will donate $100 to the charity of your choice.

Our business contacts give referrals because we have earned their trust and they appreciate the value we can offer someone else.  Contact us to learn how to spot our ideal client.

LInda McWhirt
Marketing Dept.
847.358.0917 x205


RAM Communications Inc. Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.