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The Communicator


Volume 11, Issue 2     


In This Issue
Heard it On the Web
Thank You
How to sell yur management on a new IP based phone system
Barb's Desk
RAM Referral Program

Quick Links


Arlington Heights Park District Testimonial for RAM Communications Inc 
Arlington Heights Park District Testimonial for RAM Communications Inc
Link to RAM Mailing List
Heard it on the Web
tincan phone via computer
Here are some telecom-related news articles you may find interesting . . .


 DELL looks to go private 



Old Technology is here to Stay? 





Happy February! Happy Mardi Gras!
I hope this letter finds you well. Business is heating up despite the cold temperatures outside. This month's trouble shooting guide at Barb's Desk is a great refresher for veterans and a good reference tool for those of you who may be unaccustomed to telecom services.

The telecom market will continue to see bandwidth pricing drop but at a slower rate than in years past. Traditional services like POTS lines continue to see an increase in costs. Fiber networks in Chicago will continue to expand this year as Comcast, WOW and other providers are making their own investments to compete with AT&T.

As always, please let me know if there are telecom-related topics you would like more information on.  We're here to help.


Best Regards,

Rob McCoy

RAM Communications Inc

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Thank You!

RAM Communications would like to thank the following clients for their continued business:


Lakewood Homes

Wheeling Township 

We would also like to thank the following for their recent referrals:

Jim Beard, Total Teledata

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An Internet Protocol (IP) - based phone system is much more than a few new phones plugged into your network.  It transforms your phone system into a next-generation communications hub, complete with cutting-edge technologies that let your organization deliver better customer service while cutting costs.  An IP-based phone system piggybacks on your IP-network, connecting to the public-switched telephone network (PSTN) via your Internet connection.  Use this checklist to sell management on a new IP-based phone system:
1. Reduce the cost of phone charges.

IP telephony can significantly reduce the cost of your long-distance charges.  It also reduces the number of circuits to the PSTN you must pay for; If your company has several branch offices, this can mean significant savings. 

2.  Reduce the cost of network management.
Moving to an IP-based phone system lets you consolidate your data and voice networks onto one network, which translates to less money and time spent on network management.

3. Provide better customer service.
An IP-based phone system can be integrated with other business applications you use to provide customer service, particularly a customer relationship management (CRM) program. 

4. Simplify phone system management.
Most IP private branch exchange (PBX) have an easy-to-use, Web-based interface that can be used to make changes to any extension on the network...Your IT team can even move and add users remotely.

5. Gain enterprise-scale features.
IP-based phone systems include sophisticated features that until recently were out of reach for all but the largest companies.  You can add an auto-attendant, integrated conferencing, and even a call center to your phone system.

6. Leverage new technologies.
IP telephony enables more than VoIP (Voice over IP) phone calls.  It also enables advanced communications applications like unified messaging, which integrates voicemail, e-mail, and texts, and Unified Communications (UC), which integrates real-time and non-real communication medis with collaboration tools.

As always, contact RAM Communications today at 847-358-0917 for more information on how we can help you utilize  Telecommunications best for your business.




rob@ramcomminc.com Back to Top 


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Help Desk Tips from Barb  
RESTORING SERVICE: Putting a Process in Place

Weather and power outages can interrupt your telecommunications.  T1-based services are more sensitive to weather and power issues than regular POTS lines.  However, no service is completely immune to the elements.  So, it's important we help your business develop a procedure for restoring service as quickly and easily as possible.

Internet T1 circuits and Integrated T1 (voice and data) services all use a router.  Routers are used as connection devices between your phone company service and local equipment.  Usually, your router is installed near your computer server and phone equipment.  In most cases, the router is managed by the phone company.  In the event of a service interruption, your phone company will perform what is known as a 'loop test'.  This test determines where the service is broken.  In many cases, the phone company can send a signal down the line and restore your service without needing to send a technician.

In some instances, however, remote fixes are not successful.  So, as a practice, we may call your office and ask you to reset your router.  The reset process reconnects the T1 with the outside world.  This process is pretty straightforward as long as you know which box to look for.

Click this link to see a picture reference of the most common routers used among our clientele.  Please keep this information for future reference in the event we need to call on you.  If you do not see your device listed, or, you're not sure which one your company uses,  please call me and we'll guide you accordingly.



Barabara Yurisich

Help Desk Manager

847-358-0917 x201


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RAM Referral Program

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Referral Program 2013

Ram Communications wants to show our appreciation for your quality referrals.  We will send you a $25 restaurant.com certificate for every qualified referral that schedules an appointment.  If they then become a client within six months of that appointment, we will donate $100 to the charity of your choice.

Our business contacts give referrals because we have earned their trust and they appreciate the value we can offer someone else.  Contact us to learn how to spot our ideal client.

LInda McWhirt
Marketing Dept.
847.358.0917 x205


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