Did you know . . .
Many companies centralize their cell phone management in order to keep costs in line. However, monthly reconciliation of the bill can be quite daunting. As a result, the task gets pushed out and many charges are paid that could be audited and therefore save the company money.
Let RAM assist with this task and audit your cell phone bill. You will enjoy the findings as we have assisted many companies in saving time, money and resources.
No one likes service outages. But "stuff" happens from time to time. An organized service-call process, however, can lower your stress level and also lead to a substantial decrease in problem resolution intervals. Whether you are a long-time client or a new one, this is a great time to review our trouble-ticket procedures with your staff. Here are the six steps RAM follows to solve your telecom/ISP issue.
1. Initial Call. We record all service issues in detail. Most problems follow a certain pattern, so with your help, RAM thoroughly documents the problem(s) and time of occurance.
2. Verify Type of Issue. Is it voice quality? Dialing local, long distance, both? We make a test call(s) on the service in question, send an email, or access the Web. We help you test and determine the issues.
3. Open Trouble Ticket. We call the telecom/ISP provider and open a trouble ticket in our client database. This gives us a 'history' of all your service issues, past and present. (This documentation is invaluable when escalating re-occurring problems with service providers!) We don't take no for an answer.
4. Ticket Monitoring. RAM monitors all open tickets based on priority. This allows us to determine which monitoring activity to address first based on the following categories: email, voice mail, VOIP, internet access, MPLS and voice service.
5. Escalation. If needed, we escalate the issue(s) with channel managers, local engineers or, if necessary, the vice president or even the president of the telecom company.
6. Resolution. We verify the 'fix' with you and close the ticket with the telecom/ISP provider.
If you would like to have a copy of our trouble ticket procedures document, please send me an email and I will be happy to send it to you.
We haven't failed a client yet by following this process! Trust the RAM way to resolve the problem.
Barabara Yurisich
Help Desk Manager
847-358-0917 x201
barb@ramcomminc.com Back to Top