MFRmail Newsletter

March 2014

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Walt Fritz, PT
Walt has been a Myofascial Release practitioner since 1992 and has been teaching since 1995. His Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars are presented in small group settings with highly individualized one-on-one attention. Join him for a "New Perspective" on Myofascial Release.
Quick Links

1 of 3: Walt Fritz Demonstrates A Myofascial Release Evaluation
1 of 3: Myofascial Release Evaluation
2 of 3: Walt Fritz Demonstrates A Myofascial Release Evaluation
2 of 3: 
Myofascial Release Evaluation
3 of 3: Walt Fritz Demonstrates Myofascial Release Evaluations and Treatments
3 of 3: 
Myofascial Release Evaluations and Treatments

Pelvic Landmark Palpation
Pelvic Landmark Palpation

Walt Fritz Demonstrates Myofascial Release: Cervical Thoracic Lift
Myofascial Release: Cervical Thoracic Lift
Walt Fritz Demonstrates Seated Shoulder, Chest and Arm Myofascial Release
Seated Shoulder, Chest and Arm Myofascial Release
Walt Fritz Demonstrates A Sample Session of Myofascial Release, What to Expect.
Sample Session of Myofascial Release, What to Expect.

WaltFritz: Pelvic Floor/Anterior Lumbar Myofascial Release and Fascial Restriction
Pelvic Floor/Anterior Lumbar Myofascial Release: Connecting with the Feel

Leveling the Landscape of the Thorax
Leveling the Landscape of the Thorax
Myomobilization with Myofascial Release for the Thigh
Myomobilization with Myofascial Release for the Thigh
Compressive Myofascial Release for the Foot
Compressive Myofascial Release for the Foot
Lumbar Lift
Lumbar Lift
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What's New?


Hi Everyone,

Every once in a while you get an idea that really catches fire; one that propels people to act. My blog is a part time thing for me, a means to speak and get things off of my chest. Some posts barely cause a ripple of interest from others, while others have the opposite effect. Over a year back I wrote a post about my move away from the shaky,  metaphysically-explained model of myofascial release that I was taught and into a more plausible, nerve centered model of treatment. That blog post, aided by a few "shares" by some folks with a big following, really caught fire and rocketed my daily blog readers to a number I had never experienced in the past. Apparently I became less interesting over the year-plus since that time, as I was never quite able to match those numbers...until yesterday. Compelled by the story of a Pennsylvania myofascial release therapist who was last week convicted of groping a number of his patients, I saw a need for a call-to-action and wrote a blog entitled "Professional Boundaries: Starting a Dialogue". Seeing my best daily readership triple my previous best shows me that I struck a nerve.

I believe that all of us need to assess our methods of communication with our clients, but we also need to look at whether the interventions that we were taught are indeed covered under our respective professional practice acts. The concept of emotion work/emotional release as it pertains to body work has always seemed way too fuzzy a line, one that is really not covered in my physical therapy practice act. But it continues to be taught. Boundaries are boundaries, whether personal, professional, or ethical. Read my latest blog and see what the interest has been all about.

I have had a lot of interest from my local Western New York region about hosting a local Foundations in Myofascial Release I Seminar. Just last week we confirmed such a class, to be held August 1-3, 2014, at Genesee Community College in Batavia, NY. Midway between Buffalo and Rochester, Batavia is a convenient drive for many. All classes can be viewed at the website.

Please note that there are discounts available for early registration for all of the seminars. Check out the deadline dates at the website.



Walt Fritz, PT

Thumb/Hand Stretch

Foundations logo
Upcoming Seminars


Myofascial Release...Demystified

    Note: There are varied pricing for all Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars, based on how early you register. See the website for details.

Foundations I

May 18-20, 2014
$100 discount ends 3/18/14

Sponsored and held at:
Mind/Body Connection, located inside the Mind Body Institute, LLC
2416 Music Valley Drive, Suite 119
Nashville, TN 37214
Phone: 615-885-1223
Registration: Please call: 615-885-1223 or at

June 6-8, 2014

Sponsored by and held at:
Baltimore School of Massage | York Campus
170 Red Rock Road
York, PA 17406
Registration information is here.

August 1-3, 2014

Sponsored by and held at:
Genesee Community College
1 College Rd, Batavia, New York 14020
Registration is at the website.

October 25-27, 2014

Sponsored by and held at:
Connecticut Center for Massage Therapy | Newington Campus
75 Kitts Lane
Newington, Connecticut 06111
 Registration information is here.

Nov 7-9, 2014

Sponsored by and held at:
Cortiva Institute Seattle - School of Massage Therapy
Address: 425 Pontius Ave N #100, Seattle, WA 98109
Phone:(206) 282-1233
 Registration information is here.

December 5-7, 2014

Sponsored by and held at:
Cortiva Institute - Tampa
Address: 4045 Park Blvd N,
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Phone:(727) 541-5200
Registration information is here.

Foundations II

(No prerequisites required)

Boston, Massachusetts 

$100 discount ends 2/25/14. 

April 25-27, 2014

Sponsored by:  

Cortiva Institute  Boston
103 Morse Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Main: 617-612-6905
Fax: 617-668-7000
Registration: Please call: 617-612-6905 or at Cortiva Boston website 


All Foundation in Myofascial Release Seminars (except for the Foundations in Myofascial Release for the Treatment of Dysphagia and Voice Disorder Seminar) are 20 contact hours/over two and one-half days and it are packed with techniques, theory, and practical application. Building upon a deep model of evaluation, you will leave this seminar ready to use Myofascial Release on your first day back to work. Developing the "Feel"  for soft tissue restriction and connecting this to your patient's pain is an essential element missing in other lines of MFR education. Foundations Seminars delves into learning the "Feel", making you a more effective therapist.  


NCBTMB CE hours continuing education credits are approved. Physical Therapy CE Hours are available in many circumstances, as well as CE Hours for other professions available; please inquire. 


For full details and to register, please refer to the 

Seminars Page of the website.   

You have many options when it comes to continuing education training. Myofascial Release is a powerful modality for eliminating pain and restoring function, but how do you choose? Foundations Seminars draw strongly Walt Fritz's background as a physical therapist, as well as a Myofascial Release practitioner. He has been a New York State Licensed Physical Therapist since 1985 and has been practicing Myofascial Release since 1992. He spent 10 years teaching nationally with other well-regarded practitioners and started his own seminars in 2005. Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars delve deeply into the evaluation of soft tissue dysfunction from both a more traditional fascia perspective as well as looking at pain through the lens of neuroscience. Through deep evaluation you will explore postural and movement pattern disorders. Treatment then proceeds in a logical manner.


It is important to know your strengths as both a therapist and teacher. Walt's strengths lie in his ability to effectively connect his students with the "Feel" of soft tissue restriction and its elimination. Using a gentle approach, he eliminates the need for aggressive work, which is hard on both the patient as well as the therapist. He has taken the work he was taught and moved in a direction of logic and simplicity, without the heavy trappings of New Age teachings. Learning is an ongoing process for all of us, and Foundations Seminars follows this trend. We review all relevant explanations for pain and dysfunction, from the older, more traditional (outdated) models of "fascial restriction" to newer models based on scientifically accepted pain theory. Neuromodulatory treatment is introduced along side myofascial release. The overlap is at times quite amazing!


All Foundations Seminars attend to the individual needs and background of all participants. The intended audience includes massage therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, nurses, chiropractors, and physicians. Instruction is in a very approachable and interactive style. Small class size guarantees individualized one on one attention.


The incorporation of a deep model of evaluative understanding regarding the nature of dysfunction within the body aids in connecting the theory of Myofascial Release to the application of treatment. You will leave Foundations I Seminar prepared to use Myofascial Release from your first day back at work. Walt makes himself available for follow up consultation as needed, so you never feel alone in this process.


Foundations Seminars are packed with technique, theory, and evaluation. There is considerable lab time where you will get plenty of one-on-one instruction, assuring you to have a positive learning experience. Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars provide explanations for the workings of myofascial release from both the bio mechanical model, as well as introducing neurobiological explanations.


Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars emphasize a solid orthopedic basis for evaluation and treatment, small group trainings, and a high degree of one-on-one interaction; does this sound like what you are seeking?  


Myofascial Release...Demystified.


I have found myofascial release to be the most effective method for both finding the causes of pain, as well as eliminating them. As current principles of science are integrated into this work, and principles of pseudoscience are eliminated, the work becomes even more effective. My goal is to pass this along to you.  

Walt Fritz, PT


The Myofascial Release Blog

There is a court case that just concluded in Pennsylvania, one in which I know not of the therapist's true innocence or guilt. The therapist, who specializes in Myofascial Release,  was convicted of groping female clients. He claims that he was simply performing the normal duties of a therapist and treating the areas of the [...]...�

Above The E-Fold™

Above the fold (From Wikipedia): Above the fold is the upper half of the front page of a newspaper where an important news story or photograph is often located. Papers are often displayed to customers folded so that only the top half of the front page is visible. Thus, an item that is "above the [...]...�

Zen and the Art of (Manual) Therapy™

My sessions start like most, where there is a short interview/update, a sharing of information to tell me the present state of being. This time gives me feedback on what we've done and direction on where we need to go. Listen, then move forward into treatment. Today, one of my morning sessions started just this [...]...�

Hi Everyone, One last post for 2013; one that puts this year into some perspective, at least for me. 2013 has been a year of great change and growth, both for my private physical therapy practice (another story), as well as for Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars.  Integrating proven science-based explanatory models into this myofascial [...]...


True winging of the scapula is a rare condition that results form paralysis of the long thoracic nerve or damage to the serratus anterior muscle. But the observation of winged scapula is a regular part of many physical therapy assessments and treatment plans. Viewed as a larger problem of postural weakness, it becomes the focus [...]...�


Borborygmus (plural borborygmi) (from Greek βορβορυγμός) also known as stomach growling, or rumbling, is the rumbling sound produced by the movement of gas through the intestines of animals, including humans.  (from Wikipedia) It is viewed as a common and natural occurrence that happens as fluids and gasses pass through the gastrointestinal tract. But I learned [...]...�


The Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars draw from a fairly wide range of health professionals, including physical therapist, occupational therapists, massage therapists, athletic trainers, nurses, and osteopaths. All of these professionals have a huge number of continuing education opportunities to choose from, which led me to wonder "Why take a Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminar?". [...]...�




If there were one map of the body for all to follow, a map that showed all areas of injury, trauma, and pain, along with the necessary route to take to eliminate those issues, life would be simple. I received a new GPS this past Christmas. My old GPS had become unreliable due to a [...]...�




Hi Everyone, Many of you I've met over the past few years while traveling the country. I've had a chance to share my approach and technique for Myofascial Release, one that certainly has evolved and continues to do so. Many of you may remember which techniques I've said were my favorites and I would love [...]...�

A few things about me: I have one foot that points out a bit. I walk like half a duck. Nothing big, I'm probably the only one who notices this, but it's there. If you stood me up for a postural examination, I would be in pretty much the same place as 99% of the [...]...�




A number of years back I wrote an article on sitting and back pain that was posted on the website for my private practice, the Pain Relief Center, in Rochester, NY. (You can view the original article at the bottom of this page) I had based the article on what I had been taught and [...]...�




In my private practice, I've gotten used to receiving unsolicited magazines. You know the type; Reader's Digest, Ladies Home Journal, Highlights (I LOVED Highlights since I was a kid and read it in my doctor's office). Most don't even make the cut and end up in the recycling bin. Occasionally, though, one catches my attention. [...]...�





I shared my introductory thoughts on the new approach and direction that Foundations Seminars have taken in the December edition of this newsletter. If you would like to read this again, please click here. I've had the chance to share this information with a good number of therapists over the past few months at various [...]...�

Pattern Recognition and Streamlining Evaluation
01-17-2013 22:12:35 PM

Changing from a mechanical/postural model to one with more plausibility has entailed numerous modifications to both evaluation and treatment. Myofascial release is traditionally based in the mechanical/postural model, with treatment following from an evaluation based on said mechanical/postural (MP) findings. While my conscious shift away from this model started less than six months ago, I [...]...�



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It makes no sense to keep this to yourself...

Check out the Visible Body App for the iPad and other devices. One of my favorite anatomy guides and it is fully interactive. Just click the Visible Body symbol above to read all about it.

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Unless otherwise noted, all images and content copyright Walt Fritz, PT

MFRmail Newsletter/Foundations in Myofascial Release Seminars
Walt Fritz, PT
980 Westfall Rd., Suite 105
Rochester, New York 14618