December 2015
Making Dreams Come True 
The holidays are unlike the rest of the year. We spend our time differently. We marvel at how much a few small lights can change the look of the houses and buildings we see every day. We wear ties with flying reindeer on them.  

However we celebrate the holidays, this is a time of year for us to reflect and refresh. Our challenges don't disappear, of course, but the holidays can give us new strength. Let's use that strength to fortify our own lives, support our friends and family members, and contribute to the quality of our community. Reinvigorating our dedication to causes bigger than ourselves gives us opportunities to grow, to connect, and to be fulfilled.  

You know how that feels because you have chosen to partner with United Way to improve people's lives. But you may not know how much your support has meant to our community. For many people, your support has meant that they will go into the holidays with hope, security and opportunity they didn't have last year. That means they can start 2016 ready to grow, succeed, and thrive. Thanks for making their dreams, and our community's dreams, come true. Happy Holidays!   

Dine Out, Support United Way

December 16, 8:00 am - 11:00 pm 

Join us for breakfast, lunch, or dinner at Bloomington's award winning BuffaLouie's. Dine out at BuffaLouie's on Wednesday, December 16 and your sales will help support United Way!

BuffaLouie's will be donating a portion of their sales to United Way during this special all-day event. If $300 of food is sold, BuffaLouie's will donate 10% of sales, if more than $500 is sold, 15% of sales will be donated to United Way. Come join us for biscuits and eggs, a hot sandwich, or some late night wings while helping to support your local community!
BuffaLouie's is located at 114 S Indiana Ave, Bloomington
 New Teen Money Management Program Launched  

Dollars and Sense is a new program that helps Monroe County teens develop good financial habits.  

Customized workshops take place at a variety of local agencies where teens already gather. These interactive sessions are designed to tie into the agency's current activities.

Workshop topics range from money management and goal-setting to investing and recognizing the difference between wants and needs. The programs offer a fun way to give teens the power to identify their money management values, challenges, and goals  And it helps them achieve those goals with access to appropriate financial products and services
. Read More >>  

(Original artwork above created by Samantha Mitchell during a Dollars and Sense SMART Goals workshop at Rhino's Youth Center.)

Campaign Highlights

Our annual campaign is up and running. Individuals, local businesses, and organizations are in full campaign swing working to help us meet our $1.3M fundraising goal to support United Way and our 25 member agencies.

The early returns are in and we are thrilled to see such strong early community support.  
Thanks to these organizations for their active commitment to our community:

UPS delivered an impressive $21,104 donation through their workplace campaign this year. Thank you UPS!

City of Bloomington
employees made a commitment to our community by donating $5,388 through their annual campaign. This contribution has the power to create change. Many thanks to the City of Bloomington team!
Indiana Legal Services, Inc., a United Way partner agency, is helping better our local community by contributing $3,539 through their workplace campaign. Thanks to the ILS staff! 

It's not too late to start a campaign at your workplace. Want to see how you can help people grow, succeed, unite, and thrive right here in our community?  Contact Resource Development Director Sarah Taylor by email or call her at (812) 334-8370.

Year-End Giving

The end of the year is a time to give back, as well as make sure you are maximizing tax benefits! There are many ways to give, from monetary gifts by check or credit card, to gifts of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

Click here to visit our Year-End Giving Page for information and timelines.

For additional questions about your gift, email us at or call 812-334-8370. Remember, your donation has power. 

Join the conversation  Like us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter  Donate Now 
United WayUnited Way of Monroe County is a nonprofit organization that improves people's lives by addressing critical needs today and working to reduce those needs tomorrow. Through our Community Action Fund, Priority Funds, and grant initiatives, we work with 25 member agencies and other community partners to focus resources on the building blocks for a better life: education, earnings, and the essentials.
441 S. College Ave, Bloomington, IN 47403 | (812) 334-8370