"Life begins at retirement."  -Author Unknown



Retired--Next Phase 

Retirement - the Best Phase of your life!   


 Ed and Gail
       Ed Topar and Gail Cassidy

February 1, 2015
Issue #5, Volume 2       


Welcome to February, the shortest month of the year that sometimes feels like the longest. If you are house-bound more than usual, take advantage of the time to zero in on what gives you the greatest satisfaction in life.  


The easiest way to do that is:

1) Think back to your childhood. What did you most love doing?

2) What articles in magazines or on the internet captivate your attention? What magazines do you purchase? Which articles are "must reads"? What gives you that tingling of excitement when you learn more about it? 

3) What do you love discussing?


A close analysis will reveal what is important and meaningful to you. How can you use what you love to learn about to help others? That could be your mission! See this month's quote below. 


Take advantage of the weather and discover how to make your life exciting and also make a difference!  


Happy February,

Gail and Ed  



Energetic, dynamic, enthusiastic are what you see when you meet Keith Hertell who looks decades younger than he is. He is retired and has been for the past 25 years, yet has a schedule fuller and more satisfying than most working people have. Keith lives his passion!

Physically, Keith is a handsome, imposing 6 foot five inch hulk of a man. He works out at the local Y almost daily and has been actively involved in sports as a player and as a coach since he moved to Westfield 46 years ago. Two of his children followed in his footsteps and became outstanding athletes, both having been inducted into Westfield's Athletic Hall of Fame.

Core principles have guided Keith's life. The first is his strong belief that he always had to "Be the best" at whatever job, sport, or activity in which he was involved. He started out as a messenger in a bank in NYC where his fellow messengers encouraged him to "slow down," and, ignoring their pleas, he was his "best" and ended up as the youngest ever vice president of New York's Marine Midland Bank, where he worked for five years.

For 25 years, Keith was an institutional equity trader for various firms on Wall Street, the last being Merrill Lynch, World Financial Headquarters. During that time he was two-time, heavyweight boxing champion for the One to One event at Madison Square Garden, raising over $130,000. He retired at 47.

As impressive and lucrative as his professional life was, Keith's legacy lies in what he has done since he retired at such a young age. He served in the following capacities:
* as an honorary trustee of the Westfield Symphony Orchestra,
* former member of the Westfield Board of Education,
* former member of the Board of Directors of the Westfield YMCA
* past chairman, Major Gifts Division, of the Westfield United Fund
* past president of the Westfield Booster Organization
* past president of the Westfield Jaycees and
* past trustee of the College Men's Club
In addition, Keith organized and ran "Up With People" concerts, as fundraising activities for various organizations in Westfield, plus so much more.

Tragedy hit the Hertell family 17 years ago when their son, Keith Jr., was killed in a head-on collision in Florida on his way to a wedding. Three years ago, Keith was named founding chairman of the Board of Trustees of Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss, hosting peer support groups for children age 3-18 who have lost a parent or sibling. He was involved with every aspect of this new organization, finding strong Board members, attending every committee meeting, and using his influence to make this organization a huge success in this area. Being no stranger to grief and loss, Keith was the perfect man for the job.

What Keith is probably most known for in Westfield is his dedication to sports, primarily soccer, a sport where he had achieved much success, having been a semi-Pro Player with the German-American Soccer League (1964-1968) and having his University of Maryland soccer team reach the 1962 NCAA Finalist Division 1 College Tournament. He is the founder of Westfield's Little League Fall Soccer program, the Westfield YMCA soccer camp, co-founder of the Westfield Soccer Association, was the girls' varsity soccer coach at Livingston High School, Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School and Oak Knoll High School and currently coaches the Central Jersey Stars, U-18 girls' soccer team, based in Westfield. He is still out and about with his players all year long, traveling throughout the U.S. and other countries, including several trips to Brazil.

What Keith enjoys about his life now is "unpredictably." He never knows who is going to request his help in the future. He never knows how the game will end each day, yet he always gives it his best.

Keith also enjoys having more time to travel with his "bride," Kathleen, who is no doubt also his anchor. They have been married for 47 years and are parents to Kerry Lynne LaVelle, Darren, and their beloved late son, Keith II, and grandparents to David, Jack Riley, and Connor.

Among the core principles that have guided Keith Hertell through life are the principles he models and has shared with his players: "Be Your Best!" "There are no problems-only solutions." "You'll never succeed if you don't take your foot off of first base!" "Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance,"  "Honesty and integrity in the game and in life are sacrosanct." Herein lies his legacy for generations to come.

Keith is a man who walks his talk! He has already made a difference!


The Typewriter Song
 The typewriter song.
The (typewriter) soloist is Alfredo Anaya.
You will find this rendition absolutely delightful.  



Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes, come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller?

Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet...

I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks!

I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off!

Old age is coming at a really bad time!

When I was a child I thought nap time was a punishment... now, as a grown up, it just feels like a small vacation!

The biggest lie I tell myself is... "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."



QUOTE OF THE MONTH Article Headline


Can you name the year these people were born ?

- Elvis Costello
- Yanni
- John Travolta
- Angela Merkel
- Denzel Washington
- Ron Howard
- Condoleezza Rice
- Sonia Sotomayor
- Al Roker



An elderly woman was appearing before a judge after being arrested for shoplifting when the judge asked.."What did you steal?"

She replied, "A can of peaches."

The judge then asked, "Why would you steal a can of peaches?"

She replied, "I was hungry and I forgot to bring any money with me."

The judge said, "That's no excuse. How many peaches were in the can?"

She replied, "Nine."

The judge then said, "Alright, I sentence you to nine days in jail, one for each peach."

Just then a spectator in the courtroom raised his hand and said, "I'm her husband, may I speak?"

The judge replied, "Alright, what can you add to this case?"

Her husband answered, "I thought you should know, she also stole a can of peas."  
The answer to "Can You Name the Year" is 1954

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Find us on Facebook


Gail Cassidy, gail@coachability.com; (908) 654-5216

Ed Topar, edtopar@gmail.com 

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