"Life begins at retirement."  -Author Unknown



Retired--Next Phase

Retirement - the Best Phase of your life!   


 Ed and Gail
Ed Topar and Gail Cassidy
 November 1, 2012      

        Issue #2, Volume 11      




Baseball season is almost over; football is in the midst of its season, and that means the holidays are closing in on us.  


There is still time to schedule a Legacy Recording Session with us in time to present as a gift to your family--truly a timeless treasure! CLICK HERE to make an appointment.  


We also would love to have you take part in our retirement survey. CLICK HERE  and take two minutes to respond to our brief 10-question survey. All responses are confidential. We will share the results with you in our January issue.  


Happy November,  

Gail and Ed 



Don't forget to check what your passion is, click here to take our FREE preliminary passion test, the test we give those who sign up for Discover Your Passion coaching with us. You may find your answers right there. If you want to go further, sign up for the 30-day Explore Your Passion course, which will be available next month.


Check out our website, Retired-NextPhase.com


Michael Walsh

mike walsh 

Mike Walsh interview - 10/5/12



As an interviewer, I delight in not only learning about the person I'm interviewing, but also having the opportunity to learn "life lessons." That's what occurred as I talked with Mike Walsh whom I have known for over 30 years.


At age 59, Mike found that his department in Schering-Plough was being dissolved, and he had the option to look for a position within the company for whom he had worked for 36 years or retire. For someone who had added value to his company for so many years and in so many ways, the thought of retirement hadn't really entered his mind.  


Rather than retire, Mike opted to consult for a variety of companies which he did for another 15 months. During that time, especially after a trip to Ireland where he had an opportunity to play golf at fabulous courses, he discovered there is life after work; there are opportunities for fulfillment outside of the work place.


Interfacing with top management from major drug chains in the Northeast was particularly satisfying for Mike, as was meeting his yearly goals and strengthening his company in the marketplace. He soon learned, however, that there were potential aspects of retirement that were even more satisfying; namely, less regimentation, more choices, fewer deadlines, lack of pressure, and most importantly, freedom to do what he wants to do.


Mike had a very successful, albeit, regimented life--up at 6:15; in the office by 6:45, always on time, never late, conscientious, goal driven. He learned those work values at an early age when an uncle hired him to work in his factory, a menial job he was grateful to have. In order not to disappoint his uncle, Mike worked harder than anyone else. He was determined to be the best worker in the factory. On his last day of work, he was rewarded when his boss's boss told his uncle that it will take two people to replace his nephew. Mike remembers seeing his uncle smile, showing that he was quietly pleased. What wonderful praise! And what a wonderful life/work template to follow throughout his career!


This same uncle influenced Mike in a way that profoundly affected Mike's career. Mike didn't know which major to choose in college or what career he wanted to pursue after he graduated. His uncle looked him in the eye and said, "Get into marketing. You should run something." And he did!


Those same traits that led to his corporate success are still in force but in a relaxed, more gentle manner. When he retired, Mike made a promise to himself: "Do what makes me happy." What makes him happy obviously reflects on his family--his beautiful, multi-faceted wife, Darielle, his two children, and three grandchildren (ages 9, 7, and 4)--and makes them happy. He's there to admire their Halloween costumes, watch their games, and babysit when necessary. He loves playing golf in season and reading history-based books off season. He's actively involved with his golf club and a non-profit organization, socially as well as in leadership positions. He is doing what makes him happy.


When I asked if he found himself using skills in retirement that he used while working, he responded that he used more skills learned in the Army where he was an officer, skills he needed in order to motivate, organize, and lead his men. His overriding concern then was, "What do I need to do to make them follow me?" The skills he used then are skills he used when raising his kids, when interacting in business, and currently when participating in his new job of retirement. After his experiences in Vietnam, he felt capable of handling any crisis that arose in his job, e.g. "No big deal!" Nothing compared to what arose in combat.


Mike is still close to his friends from his military fraternity at Seton Hall University. The group, the Persian Rifles, a precision marching team and rifle-handling group, achieved high honors with their routines, even receiving recognition through a national TV campaign which utilized their skills to promote the advertiser's products. That most of the men from the military fraternity have stayed together all of these years is remarkable.


To perpetuate the ideals of this fraternity, Mike writes a monthly blog, featuring articles about the military and keeping readers up-to-date on their members.


Having the time to indulge in his love of history as shown through his choice of reading materials, his desire to visit Normandy Beach to study the logistics of the location, his visceral reaction to the Tom Hank's movie, "Saving Private Ryan," are satisfying aspects of his retirement. Now he can fulfill his desire to learn more. He is doing what makes him happy!


Today Mike is busier than ever. He, his wife, and their friends travel wherever they desire--Ireland, Italy, Russia, Scandinavia, the United States and wherever their hearts desire. He would love to visit Hawaii again, having been there for only three days during his "R and R" Army days. He is living a very satisfying life and helping others through his volunteer efforts at the same time.


With all of his achievements, Mike expressed his tremendous pride in his sons, particularly in watching his married son guide his children as Mike had guided him--that's the ultimate compliment, the ultimate validation of one's own life!


Mike is a conscientious guy. He loved his job and was very successful at it. I felt he experienced some trepidation regarding retirement, as many people do; however, he has taken the same qualities that made him a successful businessman and applied them to his retirement activities.   


What I learned from interviewing Mike is how great a part "belief" plays in one's life. Mike "believed" he could succeed--starting with a factory job, being an Army officer, and successfully working for a major corporation while being a major player in a very close-knit family unit. He is a man who walks his talk and is now deriving the satisfaction of seeing his values and beliefs being perpetuated through his children and grandchildren. Mike is fulfilling his ultimate retirement desire; he is doing what makes him happy!!


Perhaps the biggest lesson I took away from this interview relates to Mike's doing what he loves, loving what he does and, as a result, finding tremendous satisfaction while continuing to make a difference through his retirement activities. 





Today, baby boomers are not simply delaying retirement; they are retiring retirement altogether by starting new careers.
- Patricia Marx, October 8, 2012 The New Yorker

Read more http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012/10/08/121008fa_fact_marx#ixzz296UGIBeR


Your LEGACY Recorded

The holidays are almost upon us. This is your opportunity to give your family a life-long gift, the gift of your video recorded life, told through your memory of events, big and small, that stand out in your mind. This is an opportunity to record your life story,  your dreams--past and present--as a special gift for your family, and for yourself.

Your Legacy Stories

 "You understand your life better if you share it piece by piece with other people . . . Something happens during the telling that goes beyond what is achieved by the remembering alone. . . New experiences become reminders of feelings and events that we have set aside and thoughts we had forgotten . . . as each new session builds on previous sessions." - Dr. James Birren, Ph.D., Psychology Today. The result is not only greater self understanding for each participant, but also a stronger bond among family members.

Let us record and write your Legacy now.



Claude Bristol's book
, The Magic of Believing, is another of the most influential books in my library. It was well worth the time it took to type my underlines and notes. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.  ENJOY!!


Belief is the motivating force that enables you to achieve your goal..

Hard work alone will not bring success. Something more is necessary: it is creative thinking and a firm belief in your ability to put your ideas into action. The successful people in history have succeeded through their thinking.

Another important point is that one necessity for success is that your desire be an all-obsessing one, your thoughts and aims be coordinated, and your energy be concentrated and applied without letup. You can realize your desire provided you are willing to make the objective the burning desire of your life.

The first thing to determine is precisely what you want. You must have a mental pattern clearly drawn in your mind. Ask yourself, Where am I headed?  What is my goal?  Have I visualized just what I really want?  If success is to be measured in terms of wealth, can you fix the amount in figures?  If in terms of achievement, can you specify it definitely?

It is vital that you know exactly what you want out of life. You must know where you are headed, and you must keep a fixed goal in view.

It is desire for something new, something different, something that is going to change your life, that causes you to make an extra effort; and it is the power of believing that alone sets in motion those inner forces by which you add what I call plus-values to your life.

So you begin with desire if you ever hope to achieve anything or gain more than you have now.  It is the prime motivating force in all of us and without an all-consuming desire, nothing can be achieved or gained.

Thought creates after its kind. Thought correlates with its object. Thought attracts that upon which it is directed. Job: "For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me."

Thoughts create only according to their pitch, intensity, emotional quality, depth of feeling, or vibratory place. Thoughts have a creative or controlling force in the exact ratio of their constancy, intensity, and power.






Read more book summaries on our  website.


Ways to Find Your Passion

Four Significant Questions

1. What really excites you in your life?
2. What do you do that gives you so much pleasure you lose track of time?
3. What topics do you read about or see on the news that really get you fired up?
4. What do you love doing so much you'd be willing to do it for free?


* Average Cost of new house $27,550.00
* Average Income per year $11,800.00
* Average Monthly Rent $165.00
* Cost of a gallon of Gas 55 cents


* Five White House operatives are arrested for burglarizing the offices of the Democratic National Committee the start of the Watergate Scandal.
* 16 survivors from plane crash survive and are rescued after practicing cannibalism.
* In Late June Hurricane Agnes (Category 1 hurricane) wrecks havoc on the state of Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Virginia causing the death of 128. In the worst hit state of Pennsylvania 48 people die due to the hurricane.
* Bobby Fischer beats Boris Spassky to become the World Chess Champion in Reykjavik, Iceland.
* Last US ground troops withdraw from Vietnam.
* The Equal Rights Amendment which provided for the legal equality of the sexes passed by the U.S. Senate on 22nd March.
* Governor George Wallace is shot three times in an attempted assassination attempt which leaves him paralyzed.
* American Swimmer Mark Spitz wins a record 7 gold medals in the Summer Olympics in Munich.

This is a rare clip!
Enjoy! You will never see their likes again!
This show is at Kiel Opera House in St Louis -- June 1965 -- when Carson hosted the Tonight Show.
The Rat Pack were playing Vegas but visited.

This is supposed to be the ONLY time Carson sang in public!
Quincy Jones was conducting the Count Basie band, and he is visible in the background.

Do Not miss this Performance... It will make your day!!

Click here



* My mother taught me IRONY

"Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about!"


* My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS

"Shut your mouth and eat your supper!"


* My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM

"Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"


* My mother taught me about STAMINA

"You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone!"


* My mother taught me about WEATHER

"This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it!"


* My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY

"If I told you once, I've told you a mission times--Don't exaggerate!" 

Profit From Your Passion - a thirty-day E-course

profit from passion

Retire to Your Passion!! Treat yourself to a thorough review of all of your likes, dislikes, successes, challenges, and everything that has made you who you are today. Find not only what most interests you but also what your purpose in life is. In thirty lessons, you will unlock the secrets of who you really are. To learn more, visit our website. 


Introductory Price: $97 -       AVAILABLE NOW!

Rightsizing Your Life
Kazanoff Imagine finding what you need when you need it! That pair of slacks you wanted to wear...right there on a hangar. Your favorite shoes...sitting neatly on the floor. Getting and staying organized makes every day life easier, and allows you to start the day without feeling so flustered and rushed. It becomes even more important when you are experiencing or preparing for a major home or life transition, whether you are downsizing, rightsizing, divorcing, remarrying, retiring or making a career change. Living only with those things you need and love leaves more time to do the things you love to do, more time to develop your creative side, and more time to explore your passions! Less is much more!  
Find us on Facebook


Gail Cassidy, gail@coachability.com; (908) 654-5216

Ed Topar, edtopar@gmail.com 

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