FYI-for your information-March 23, 2016
This Friday is not only Good Friday
 it is also the feast of the Annunciation. Customarily the western churches transfer this to after Easter 2, but the Orthodox do not, and it remains an important opportunity to examine the relationship between Mary, being told by Gabriel that she would bare Jesus, and looking at her dying son on the cross many years later. John Donne, wrote a poem when this confluence happened in 1608 and we commend this to you. 

Upon the Annunciation and Passion Falling upon One Day. 1608

Tamely, frail body, abstain today; today 
My soul eats twice, Christ hither and away. 
She sees Him man, so like God made in this, 
That of them both a circle emblem is, 
Whose first and last concur; this doubtful day 
Of feast or fast, Christ came and went away;

Click here to continue reading.


to be performed during Sunday School 9:15-10:15 am and during coffee hour after the 10:30 service including a special plant and chocolate egg hunt.


featuring a May Day themed festival activities in the afternoon especially for families and an evening Dinner & Dance & raffle. For more information and to volunteer contact Gwen or 774-225-1513.
to attend each of the Holy Week services. They are intended to be experienced as a unit, and each one contains an essential part of our salvation story. They only make sense liturgically, theologically, and emotionally if you experience each one of them together. If you have never attended all of them, do yourself a favor and decide now that you will come to all of them!
EASTER VIGIL (Saturday at 7:30 pm) bring BELLS and DESSERT or BUBBLY drinks to celebrate.
EASTER DAY (Sunday) will include Coffee Hour and activities for children after the 10:30 service. There will not be Sunday school at 9:15.
PLEASE SPONSOR OUR PRIDE STRIDE WALKERS! GOAL = ST. JOHN'S MISSION TRIP TO NAVAJOLAND  Please help support St. John's Mission Trip to Navajoland this summer. Three pilgrims of our parish - Lynn Runnells, Sue Lupo and Julian Murray-Brown will be walking in Pride Stride to help raise funds for this important, intergenerational mission trip. We will be serving members of the Navajo community in the Four Corners region of our country. Pride Stride info and our pledge sheet awaiting your signature are posted in our main Parish Hall.
St. John's THRIFT SHOP Opening Soon!
Beginning on May 24th we will be open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10am until 2pm. For the last 5 years St. John's Church has successfully operated a seasonal Thrift Shop on the lower level of our parish hall. This ministry allows us to provide essential items to people in need or in crisis, provides affordable household goods and furnishings to the local community, provides income to the church, and is an enjoyable and productive way for many of us to contribute time to the needs of our parish. Among the ways you can help with this important ministry are:
  • Volunteer for a two hour shift (all abilities) each week
  • Donate your good, but unneeded items by leaving them on the shelves in the foyer
    at the top of the stairs.
  • Shop here often and tell your friends!
Please contact Martha Whitney with your questions: 978-210-6808

EVENSONG First Thursdays @ 6 pm Next time on April 7
Bookbag Ministry for the Children of Syria
We would like to continue working with the
parishioners of St. John's Beverly Farms to assist Syrian refugee children through the organization
NuDaySyria. The container of donated clothing and goods was sent off last month and is making its way to those in need. The current effort is to collect desperately needed school supplies for Syrian refugee children, who are receiving education in makeshift classrooms but have no supplies.
  • Items being collected include: Backpacks, pens and pencils, markers and colored pencils, lined and plain paper, notebooks, rulers, erasers, tape, paperclips, folders, crayons, composition books post-it notes, staples and staplers, protractors.
  • Donations are due by Sunday, May 1st, 2016. We will then fill the Backpacks and deliver them to St. John's Beverly Farms.
  • Bring your donations to the Office. We will designate a space for storage.
Whatever you can donate will be gratefully accepted: new or gently used. Check out the poster in PHI for more details or the  NuDaySyria. Keep an eye out for our Bookbag packing event. Thank you so much for your help. This is a small but tangible way in which we can try to make a difference to children caught us in this terrible war.

Sundays at 9:15   
April 3, Music Director Mark Nelson will lead the FORUM 
and would be delighted to receive suggestions for the focus that day.  
April 10
Naomi Astyk will lead a discussion of the children's book "The Magic of Spider Woman" by Lois Duncan. 
April 17, You are invited to tell you stories and histories about refugees. Artifacts are welcome.
And, for next year's Adult Forums, from Sept. to June, coordinator(s) are needed as well, as Jesse and I are stepping down, with heart-felt thanks to everyone who has made this year's Adult Forums so rich and fulfilling. If you think you could coordinate, co-coordinate, or do any variation on that responsibility, please see Jesse, me or Fr. Bret.
Lydia Priest

If you are interested in crafting items for our Country Cupboard Fair, learning a new craft, or just enjoying companionable fellowship, please join us every other Tuesday from 9-11 in the Parish Hall. Our next meetings will be held on March 29th, April 12th and April 26th. For more information, please contact Gwen Kopka at 978-283-6951.

is set for Saturday, March 26th. Coffee and donut holes will be here. Many hands make light work. Please sign up in the parish hall.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
There will be a candlelight vigil walk on April 29 at 7:45 PM leaving from the steps of City Hall and processing to the front of the Legion Hall. For additional information, please contact Carol Secrest.
Holy Week & Easter at Saint John's Church  
March 23-Holy Wednesday
7 pm
Meditative organ music for Holy Week  
7:30 pm
Healing Service
March 24-Maundy Thursday
7:30 pm
Liturgy of the Day
Vigil at the altar of repose until
March 25-Good Friday
Stations of the Cross 
7:30 pm
Liturgy of the Day including sung Passion
according to St. John and communion from the reserved sacrament.
March 26-The Great Vigil of Easter-7:30 pm
Salvation Stories, New Fire, Eucharist, and the First Dessert of Easter
March 27-Easter Day-8 & 10:30 am
Festive Liturgies with hymns (both services) and Choir (10:30 service)
Sunday, March 27, 2016 EASTER DAY
Participating in the Liturgy The People of God gathered in St. John's Church

Presiding The Rev. Bret Bowie Hays, Rector
8 am 
Lector  David Stotzer 
Eucharistic Minister/Intercessor Paul McGeary
Acolyte Norm Barr
Usher Dani Stotzer & Sereda Feener
Greeter  Jane Walsh
10:30 am
Lectors  Chuck Everett and Dori Mottola
Eucharistic Ministers  Bob & Carolyn Stewart
Intercessor  Sara Stotzer
Acolyte  Sue Lupo
Ushers Don Cole & Ian Bedford
Musicians  The Parish Choir & Choristers, Mark Nelson, Music Director
Preparing for the Liturgy
Altar Guild Karen Kasper and Ellen Sibley
Flower Guild All hands
Bread bakers Janet Williams, Catherine McGeary and Sue Lupo.
FOOD BANK for next week:  Soup Unexpired items in original packaging ONLY
THE 10:30 COFFEE HOUR SUNDAY is hosted by Ellen Sibley 
St. John's Action Shelter Sandwich Program this week is by Janie and Laurie Brown.
2016 sign-ups for Lamp/Flowers & 10:30 Coffee Hour
are in the parish hall or next to sacristy door in hallway.

We remember:  Dean Harrison whose funeral is April 9 at 10:30 am & Bill Chapin whose funeral is April 30 at 12:30 pm. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace and rise in glory.  
St. John's Intercession List

Short term: Margaret, Jody Shirley, Rudy, Maddy, Jim Britton, Rebecca Young, Sue Kessler, Daniel, Laura Boddie, Sandy Withers, Carla Giengregorio, Denise McKenzie, and Tamara Moulton.
Long tem:The Grace Center, Kai McKenzie, the Senft family, Karen, Eileen, Allen Williams, Christopher Spellman, Elvira "Mary" Spinney, Christopher Secrest, Eric Runnells, Ruth Campos, David Arnold, Dick McGinnis, Annette Biggar, Neil Woodberry, Ben Shepard, Charlie Currier, Guy Maychszak, Glo Richardson, Nancy Poland, Maxine Lupo, Susan Richardson, Ted and Linda Lavery, Mary McIntyre, Elizabeth Kaul, Mark Brophy, Nancy Feldman, Marilyn Prentiss, and Anne Brantley Betts.  
  • 8 am Eucharist, Rite 1, with offertory Hymn
  • 9:00-12:30 pm Nursery Care Provided- PH2
  • 9:15 am Sunday School (Parish Hall 2) & Adult Forum (Thompson Room)
  • 10:30 am Sung Eucharist, Rite 2, with choir
  • 7:30 pm Sunday & Sober Alcoholics Anonymous
  • 9-noon Ms. Fixits Women gathering to tend to the fabric of the church.
  • 6 pm Women's Cursillo Reunion Group (1st and 3rd Monday)
  • 7 pm Bible Study First Monday of the month led by Lynn Runnells.
  • 5 pm Free Harvest Meals, sponsored by Cape Ann Interfaith Commission.
  • 7 am Men's Bible Reflection, (Bible study)                     
  • 8:30 am Grace Center, an open drop-in center for people from the community, providing a warm place as well as advocacy for living issues
  • 7 pm Fish City Alcoholics Anonymous
  • 4:30-5:45 pm Choir School Children from ages 5-13
  • 6 pm Evensong First Thursday of the month
  • 6 pm Choir Potluck Dinner
  • 7-8:30 pm Parish Choir rehearsal
  • Action Shelter Lunch-Making, Carolyn Stewart
  • 8 pm Big Book Alcoholics Anonymous
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Thursday; 8am-noon
The Church is open for prayer and meditation during these hours.

The Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates Bishop of Diocesan
The Rt, Rev. Gayle E. Harris, Bishop Suffragan

The Rev. Bret Bowie Hays, Rector - e-mail,
Mark Edward Nelson, Music Director - e-mail
Jay DiPrima, Director of Youth Ministry - e-mail
Betsy Levick, Parish Administrator - e-mail
Marjorie I. Bishop, Church Assistant - e-mail
Cloe the Dog - Parish Mascot
Wardens & Vestry
Wardens: Gwen Kopka & Paul McGeary
Clerk:Geoffrey Pope  
Treasurer: Karen Kasper
Assistant Treasurer:  Sue
2017 - Norm Barr, Ian Bedford, Sara Stotzer
2018- Len Berry, Lydia Priest, Carole Secrest
2019- Joan Gorga, Kayode Lewis, Lynn Runnels  

Copyright � 2015. All Rights Reserved.

St. John's Church Gloucester | 48 Middle St | Gloucester | MA | 01930