Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
May 8, 2015    
Message from the General Secretary

Dear Friends,

I'm feeling doubly full of life this spring!  The flowers are coming up, trees are blooming all around and the children who play outside my office are in dresses and shorts.  Complementing the turn of the season, there is a turn of focus in our extended community of Friends as we find new ways of being together, bringing new life.

Continuing Sessions. Beginning next year every Friend of every age from every meeting will be called to gather together to do the important work of business, worship and inspiration. There will be two gatherings, one in the fall and one in the spring.  The fall Continuing Sessions will be on November 7 at Westtown School. Mark your calendar!

More evidence of our blooming new structure: Lane Taylor has been approved as clerk of the Quaker Life Council, the new body that will hold and weave the opportunities for faith, practice and witness across our community.

As in any change of season, this is a time for the end of old structures to make space for the new ways of weeing and being.  Interim Meeting will meet for the last time this weekend and Standing Committees and working groups are beginning the process of being laid down.  Friends can follow the progress and change through the news that is updated regularly on the Implementation Committee's webpages and may comment and ask questions online as well. As more of the new ways of coming together are clarified, they will be posted as well. I look forward to seeing Friends everywhere in our yearly meeting!

In Faith,

Christie Duncan-Tessmer
General Secretary

Opening Celebration & Keynote Speaker
Annual Sessions 2015
Please join us as we open Annual Sessions Wednesday evening, July 29 with a musical celebration by Tribe 1, and for a powerful presentation by Victoria Greene of Green Street Meeting, our Keynote Speaker Saturday evening, August 1. Both programs begin at 7:15 in Seegers Union on the Muhlenberg College campus.

Workshops Announced
Annual Sessions 2015
Annual Sessions offers Friends a unique opportunity to explore leadings, concerns, and passions with one another.

Sessions Planning Group received a wonderful variety of proposals that Workshops that will allow Friends to explore matters that are currently relevant and exciting to the Yearly Meeting community, and that honor our theme, Open Our Eyes that We May See.

Quaker College Fair
May 16 at Arch Street Meeting House
The Quaker College Fair is a Philadelphia-based Fair that gathers college representatives with high school students to explore a values-based education at Quaker heritage Colleges.

Five reasons to attend! - Access to Experts, Truth in Advertising, No Angles, It's Fun, Three hours - 14 colleges.

Employment Opportunities
At Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Local Meetings
On-Call Child Care Assistants
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting seeks individuals to provide childcare during meetings and events for our youngest friends.  Learn More.

Guest Services Manager

Pendle Hill seeks a Guest Services Manager for efficient hands-on management of hospitality, housekeeping and registration services for Pendle Hill programs and events.   Learn more.

First Day School Teacher
Horsham Friends Meeting is seeking a part-time First Day School Teacher (or two).  Our class is five youngsters, ages 2-7.  Learn More

Upcoming Events
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The Fifth Query

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in the Quaker tradition of self-examination.

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