Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
December 23, 2014   
Called Meeting Announced
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Clerk Jada S. Jackson has called for a Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business to discern how we, as a faith community, are being led to address racism.

The called meeting will be held on Saturday, January 10, 2015 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm at the Arch Street Meeting House in Philadelphia, PA.  Interim Meeting will also be held the same day, from 9:30 am - 1:00 pm, also at the Arch Street Meeting House.

On several occasions during Annual Sessions 2014 (July 2014) concerns about -isms - racism, sexism, genderism and classism - that exist within our communities, our meetings and in our hearts were raised. 

The time since Annual Sessions last July has been difficult for many of us, including the events in Ferguson, MO and New York City; and articles in the October 2014 issue of Friends Journal. These situations have heightened our need to come together.

A Holiday Message
From Sessions Planning Group
As we prepare to gather with families and friends this holiday season we hold in the light our yearly meeting family and look forward to gathering with you again this summer for Annual Sessions.

Much like the holidays, during Annual Sessions we gather with dear Friends of all ages from near and far to worship, renew our friendships, share meals, have fun and do the work we can only do together in community.

We are thankful for the many blessings this gathering of Friends has brought us in the past and look forward to our next time together, July 29 to August 2, 2015 at Muhlenberg College, Allentown PA.  Please join us this summer: all are welcome and financial aid will be available.

Peace, joy, and warm wishes to you, and we look forward to being with you in the new year.

Young Adult Friends
Focus on Intervisitation and Spiritual Fellowship  
The Young Adult Friends Working Group gathered at Abington Friends Meeting this fall for a visioning retreat.  After worship and lunch with Abington Friends, we reflected on the current priorities of the YAF Working Group, and our mission statement.

We focused on short term projects & new ideas that move where the excitement is with our members while also supporting our popular bigger events.  Of special note are our NEW priorities for the 2014-15 program year:
  • Increasing opportunities for Spiritual Fellowship within the YAF community
  • Doing intervisitation with monthly meetings as a YAF community
Employment Opportunities
At Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Local Meetings
Youth Programs Shuttle Driver
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting seeks Shuttle Drivers to drive youth to and from PYM events.  Learn More

First Day School Coordinator
The Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia is seeking a part-time First Day School Coordinator/Teacher.
Learn More
First Day School Teacher
Horsham Friends Meeting is seeking a part-time First Day School Teacher (or two).  Our class is five youngsters, ages 2-7.  Learn More

Upcoming Events
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