A Threadletter of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting
May 2014
Dear Friend,
Summer is fast approaching and there are many fun events happening!
This Threadletter shares news of the Youth Program which offers events and community for children, middle schoolers, high schoolers and young adults. Find out about these programs below, bring a friend and join us!
the Youth Program staff of PYM
Elizabeth, Hannah, Matt and Ben
Young Adult Friends (18-35ish)
Volunteer Leadership in the Young Adult Friends Community

The YAF Working Group is inviting young adults to help us vision the future of volunteer leadership of the PYM Young Adult Friends community.  The terms of both our co-clerks are ending this year, and we're taking this opportunity to reflect on the current work of the YAF Working Group and seek out where the energy is in the community. Find out more about the leadership visioning meeting.


YAF Leadership Visioning Meeting, May 9, 6-8 PM, Friends Center

YAF Spring Retreat "More than Money: Quaker Queries on Wealth & Class" May 16-18, Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting

Young Adult Friends (YAFs) at Sessions, July 23-27, Muhlenberg College
YAFs - age 18 to about 35ish are planning a YAF dorm wing and organizing other opportunities to connect as peers during sessions.

Young Friends (High School)
Young Friends Approve New Leadership

The Young Friends Discernment Committee has brought forward two names to the Young Friends community as nominees for a shared PYM Liaison position. Do you know their names?      



Young Friends at Annual Sessions, July 23-27, Muhlenberg College
Young Friends (high-school-age) have a round-the-clock residential program in which we join the community for many multigenerational activities and have our own age-specific programing. Fun times, register now!

Young Friends Camp Onas Gathering, August 17-23
Join Young Friends at Camp Onas for our big bash beginning of the year gathering! There will be the special Camp Onas treats, like flying through the air on the rope swing, the hike to the Sheep's hole, and opportunities for boisterousness in the swimming pool! Financial aid is available.

Middle School Friends  (6-8th grade)
Saying Goodbye to Our 8th Graders!

Every 8th graders in the Middle School Friends community spent their weekend at Camp Swatara saying goodbye to the MSF community, and being welcomed into the Young Friends community. We celebrated by throwing them a graduation ceremony and letting them throw pies in our faces! Clean-up in aisle 2!  


Middle School Friends at Annual Sessions July 23-27, Muhlenberg College. Staying together on the campus at Muhlenberg offers plenty of possibilities for Middle Schoolers to connect with their peers and engage in worship, fellowship, discernment, learning and fun!

Children (k-5th grade)
Looking Back on a Year of Junior Interim Meeting  

See photos and read about the fun activities of this year's Junior Interim Meeting program at Historic Fair Hill.  We'll be returning in the fall!  See who is in the photos

Junior Interim Meeting, May 10, Arch St Meetinghouse. Join an amazing group of kids doing their work and having a great time!

Spring Family Overnight, May 17-18, Camp Dark Waters
Family overnight is a one night sleepover for the families with kids K-5th grade. There is multigenerational activity for the whole family!

Children at Annual Sessions, July 23-27, Muhlenberg College
The youngest Friends gather for Children's Sessions - Quaker community, stories, play and fun! Registration is now Open!

Bulletin Board
Share news, events and resources.  To suggest a posting send details to programs@pym.org.

Quaker College Fair 2014
Saturday, May 17, 12 - 3pm, Arch Street Meeting House.
Explore a Quaker college education.
14 Colleges participating.

Centre Monthly Meeting seeks a creative teacher/professional to lead our First Day School for Children beginning September 2014. Duties include: Coordinate lessons and schedule teachers for each First Day. Min. compensation $25.+ depending on qualifications, including time for preparation. Contact Michele Sullivan, 610-388-0494.

July 23-27, Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA
Children, Middle Schoolers and Young Friends (high school age) will actively participate in worship and the business of the Yearly Meeting during Sessions. They will spend time in both age-specific and multigenerational activities with the whole community.

June 29-July 5, California University, PA
2014 Theme: Let Love Be the First Motion
Taste the vibrancy and the variety that is available by immersing yourself in this community of Friends for a week. Questions? gathering@fgcquaker.org.

Thank you Friend!
PYM Youth Programs Threadletter is published monthly to help strengthen our faith community through communication, connections and relationships.

Please forward it to friends and families in your meeting so that information about the Yearly Meeting programs can reach them
directly. Just click the Forward to a Friend button in the column to the right of this message.


Annual Sessions 2014
July 23-27
Muhlenberg College
Allentown, PA
"Worship is a door to love"

Annual Sessions 2014
July 23-27

Children, Middle Schoolers & Young Friends (high school age) will join the larger community for parts of Meetings for Worship for Business, meals, multigenerational programs and we'll have FUN!

Registration is Open!
Quick Links

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PYM Youth Programs Threadletter 
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