TRUSD school board met during regular session at the District Office in McClellan Park.
Read on for highlights from the meeting.

News, Notes & Votes
Twin Rivers Unified School District

September 27, 2016

Our mission: To inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.

Left to right: Teresa Rowan, Twin Rivers director co-curricular activities; Karen Reid, teacher; Michelle Rivas, school board president; Kathy Young, administrative clerk; Kim Cwiok, administrative clerk; Ellen Giffin, principal. Not pictured: Leisa Machado, Connie Cantalupo and Doug Emerson.

1a. RECOGNITION - Westside Preparatory Charter/Frontier Campus and Frontier Elementary Employees

Teachers and front office staff from Westside Preparatory Charter and Frontier Elementary were recognized for their exemplary teamwork and providing potentially life-saving care for a student that suffered an allergic reaction to a bee sting on Aug. 18.

1b. RECOGNITION - Essendant

In August, 2016, Essendant, a local community organization, donated 1,000 backpacks. The backpacks came fully loaded with school supplies and were distributed to our elementary schools.

2. APPROVE - Assistant Superintendent School Leadership Job Description with Salary Schedule and Revised Organizational Chart

The Board approved the Assistant Superintendent School Leadership job description, salary schedule and revised organization chart. The primary goal of this job description is to develop high quality learning environments for students throughout the district with better services to schools, departments and the community. This aligns the organizational structure with the Board's Core Beliefs. 

Click on the link for more information:
[Administrative Services Organizational Chart]
[Assistant Superintendent School Leadership]
[Revised 2016-17 Certificated Management]
[Revised 2017-18 Certificated Management]
[Superintendent Organizational Chart 2016-17]
[Teaching and Learning Organizational Chart 2016-17

3. ADOPT - Resolutions No. 599, No.600, No. 601, No. 603 
4.  PRESENT - Mental Health Supports 

District administration provided an update on mental health supports in Twin Rivers USD.

Click on the link for more information:
[Special Education Update]

5. PRESENT - Parent and Community Engagement

Staff provided an update on the work of the Parent and Community Engagement team.

Click on the link for more information:
[Parent Involvement Update]

6. PRESENT - Student Health, Wellness and Prevention Services

Staff provided an update on the district's Student Health, Wellness and Prevention Services.

Click on the link for more information:
[Student Health, Wellness and Prevention Services]

7. APPROVAL - Personnel Recommendations
The Board approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations and leaves.
Please visit the following link to access this item:  [Personnel Actions]

Click the button to view the complete agenda from this Board Meeting.

Board of Trustees to meet again:
October 4, 2016
6 p.m. Closed Session / 7 p.m. Open Session
5115 Dudley Boulevard, Building A, McClellan, CA 95652
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Director of Communications