TRUSD school board met during regular session at the District Office on McClellan Park.
Read on for highlights from the meeting.

News, Notes & Votes
Twin Rivers Unified School District

OCTOBER 20, 2015

Our mission: To inspire each student to extraordinary achievement every day.

Trustee Rebecca Sandoval (left) with Nutrition Services staff.
1A.  RECOGNITION - TRUSD Nutrition Services Program
Twenty-nine (29) TR schools recently received awards from the US Department of Agriculture and the California Department of Education for their participation in the 2015 HealthierUS Schools Challenge. Our schools received 6 Gold awards, 19 Silver awards, and 4 Bronze awards recognizing their work in supporting TR students by improving quality of food served, and providing nutrition education, physical education, and opportunities for physical activity. The Nutrition Services Department was recognized for leading and supporting this work.
A2A award winners with Board President Linda Fowler (third from right)
and Superintendent Steve Martinez (second from right).
1B.  RECOGNITION - TRUSD Schools Honored for Attendance Improvement in the 2014-15 School Year
In the 2014-2015 school year, TRUSD began working with Attention to Attendance (A2A) to improve attendance at each school site by being proactive with letters and conferences, increasing daily attendance, and reducing chronic absences. Frontier, Hillsdale, Pacific High, Foothill High, and Smythe (7-8) were recognized for demonstrating the most significant attendance improvements in our district. This award also coincides with the launch of our 2015-2016 attendance incentive program.
Coach Michael Alberghini (center).
2.  PRESENT AND APPROVE - Naming of the Grant Union High School Football Field
A committee comprised of community members, alumni, staff, and students gathered input regarding the naming of the Grant Union High School field. The committee recommended the field be named for Michael Alberghini. The committee will recognize the naming of "Alberghini Field" at the Oct. 23 football game.
3.  PRESENT - Advanced Opportunities for Secondary Students: PSAT School Day
Secondary Education provided a presentation on the Oct. 14 Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) School Day, including Advanced Placement Results and actions to increase advanced opportunities for TR students within the school day.
Click on the link for more information: 
4.  APPROVE - Personnel Recommendations
The Board of Trustees approved all personnel recommendations. The recommendations included new hires, promotions, resignations and leaves.
Click on the link for more information:

Click to view the complete agenda from the Oct. 20, 2015 Board Meeting.

Board of Trustees to meet again:
Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015
6 p.m. Closed Session / 7 p.m. Open Session
5115 Dudley Boulevard, Building A, McClellan, CA 95652
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Director of Communications