November 11, 2015
The e-pistle
Your Weekly News Update from St. Stephen's
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In This Issue
Day School Sunday
ECW Meeting Sunday
Thank you Sally James
Labyrinth guild meeting
Family trip to the Everglades
Christmas Trees on sale soon
Family Advent Wreath making
Stewardship Update
Choir Cabaret pictures
Event Calendar
Service Times
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To The People of St. Stephen's

Dear Friends, 

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, an armistice was signed ending the most horrific war the world had seen - until, of course, the next one. Armistice Day has since become Veterans Day, and we pause today to remember and give thanks to all who were willing to lay down their lives and all who paid the ultimate price.

Since then, something has happened to war.  Actual wars continue to be fought, but no longer are we as a country sacrificially involved.  We now have the luxury to sit back comfortably and wage silly, trivial "wars."

Take the so-called "war on Christmas," the latest skirmish of which involves hysteria over a certain coffee house chain's removal of snowflakes from their seasonally red cups.  Let's be clear:  I too love all the trappings that come with Christmas, but they are not what Christmas truly is.

At Christmas, God entered the human condition in the person of Jesus Christ who came to heal the sick, embrace the outcast, and bring justice to the marginalized.  This is the work Christ has commanded us to continue.
And especially on Veterans Day I believe that work includes not allowing even one vet to be homeless or struggle alone with mental illness.  Above all, following the Prince of Peace involves working together to bring about God's perfect kingdom "where no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love..." (Book of Common Prayer, p. 815).

Or maybe it's just easier to fuss about coffee cups.

In Christ's Love,
Pastor Willie

Day School Sunday
Church and school worship together

  The church was full as parishioners and school children and their parents worshiped together on Sunday.  In a homily delivered jointly by the Rev. Roger Bowen and Ms. Serena Beeks, NAES coordinators for Haiti outreach, we heard inspiring lessons about St. Stephen's partner school, St. Etienne, in Haiti.  Our children's choir and day school third graders joined to sing an offertory anthem.  Afterwards a picnic lunch was served in the Oak Grove behind the church.

Thank you to all from church and school who helped to make this day possible.
ECW to meet Sunday, November 15   
See a film on Rome's Basilica of Santa Sabina

At Sunday's meeting, Kitty Morgan will show a short film about the Roman basilica of Santa Sabina.  Built in the 5th century at the top of the Aventine Hill , Santa Sabina has fine views overlooking the city from an adjacent orange grove.  The church has a venerable history, and is filled with artworks. It has become one of the most sought-after sites in Rome for weddings.
The building has preserved its original rectangular plan of a classic Roman forum, with long rows of columns which are said to have belonged to an ancient temple of Juno.  The huge wooden door, dated to 430, contains panels that depict Biblical scenes, including one considered to be the earliest known image of the Crucifixion. On an interior wall is a large 5th century mosaic which contains a  deep blue and gold inscription flanked by 2 female figures representing the Church of the Jews and the Church of the Gentiles. (see photo)
Among the many prominent people who have lived at Santa Sabina are St. Dominic and  St. Thomas Aquinas, who taught at the basilica's school during the 13th century.  The female saint, Sabina, was an early Christian martyr who owned the house that expanded to become the early church on this site.  Music for the film is from a "Gloria" by Vivaldi.

Lunch will be served and all are welcome to attend. 
Thank you Sally!
"Sally James to the rescue" for three months

Now that she has turned over the office "reins" to Gladys Rivera, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to Sally James, who stepped in while we searched for our new administrator.  In theory, Sally was here part of each day, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., but she voluntarily stayed well beyond that time to create our many out-of-the-ordinary bulletins and take care of the myriad special situations that arise every day in our church office. 

Thanks also to Margaret Long, Robin Lawrie, and Dominic Lamberti, who also volunteered time to ensure our ministries received support during this time.
@ourtable presents . . .

Every third Sunday @ourtable presents #thegathering--a slight departure from the usual dinner church format that offers churched and unchurched 20- and 30-somethings a more casual atmosphere for organic discussion and enriching fellowship. 

At #thegathering, we explore videos, books, and other mixed media which enable us to discover the personality and voice of Jesus -- the 3-dimensional, living God-man of Scripture -- amongst friends.  #thegathering is held in the living room area of the Parish Center from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., and light refreshments are served.  Come join us! 

For more info please feel free to email us at

Nov 15th #thegathering
Dec 6th@ourtable dinner service
Dec 20th #thegathering

Labyrinth Guild to meet
Help Zach, the Eagle Scouts, and our labyrinth project

The St. Stephen's Labyrinth Guild will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 19, and you are invited.  Join the St. Stephen's Labyrinth Guild, organized to support the Eagle Scout project of Zachary Roncallo, to construct a permanent labyrinth in front of St. Stephen's Church. The Guild will help with design ideas, publicity, and fund raising, and in several other ways as this exciting project progresses.

Current Guild members include Bonell Denton, Jenifer Briley, Humberto Casariego, Russell Corbett, Bob Coulombe, Daisy Holcombe, Forrest Jones, Krisan Lamberti,  Robin Lawrie, Pastor Willie Allen-Faiella, scoutmaster Hector Urzua, and Rev. Jo-Ann Murphy, coordinator.  Please contact Rev. Jo-Ann at or 305-557-1297 for additional information or with questions.

A family trip to the Everglades
Saturday, November 21

All St. Stephen's families are invited to our second family outing of the fall, a November 21 trip to the Everglades' Ahinga Trail.  We'll meet in the St. Stephen's parking lot at 9 a.m. and return after lunch.  R.S.V.P. to Julie Hill Gabriel at or 786-246-2903.  

All are invited to share Thanksgiving!
Volunteers are needed

Thanksgiving As always, St. Stephen's will partner with others in our community to provide a Thanksgiving feast for all, right after the 10:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Day service on Thursday, November 26th, here in our Great Hall.

We need volunteers to bring already-cooked turkeys to the Great Hall on Wednesday evening.  We also need food servers and other volunteers on Thanksgiving Day.  If you would like to volunteer or have questions, please email Alvaro Coraspe at or call him at 305 979 3703.

As is our long-standing tradition, we begin Thanksgiving Day with a Mass which we share with our friends from Christ Church.  The Mass begins at
10:30 a.m.  Christ Church's rector, Father Jonathan Archer, will be the preacher this year.

Christmas Tree sales begin soon
We need your help right after Thanksgiving!

St. Stephen's church and school cooperate in selling fresh Christmas trees every year, starting just after Thanksgiving.

Would you like to get into the Christmas spirit by helping to sell Christmas Trees?

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot:

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot.

We'll see you there to share the fun!
Plan ahead to make an Advent Wreath
Reserve your spot now

advent wreath Believe it or not, Advent is just three weeks away!  On Sunday, November 29, at 9:30 a.m., St. Stephen's families are invited to make a family Advent Wreath to take home.  Reserve your spot by letting Rev. Jo-Ann know you plan to join in this intergenerational event.  R.S.V.P. to her at or 305-537-1297.
Update from our Stewardship Committee
How is your team doing?

We are excited to provide you an update as we head down the home stretch of our 2016 Make a Difference Campaign.  You have heard about our ministries and how our community makes a difference every day through our time, talent and treasure.  Please help us reach our goal of 100% participation so that we can continue making a big difference in our community and beyond!
Now, for the update.   Every group still has a chance to win.   Three groups are close, but even the group that has farthest to go still has a chance!
For those of you that have pledged already, thank you!  For those of you that have not, or for those of you who have friends that have not, please do consider pledging or encouraging your friends to pledge, to help your team reach the 100% goal first!

Pictures from the Choir Cabaret
And a wonderful party it was!  Thanks choir!

To see more than 70 more of these pictures, click here.

To read the Ode to St. Stephen's (words composed by Kitty Morgan), sung to the tune of "Home on the Range," performed by Kitty and David Chatfield at the Cabaret, click here.

Remembers when people listened

Yes our first rector had a parrot.  Yes it rode around on his shoulder.

EpiscoParrot tweets @episcoparrot

Upcoming Events
Don't Forget These Dates     

Sunday, November 15 - ECW meeting in the Parish Center at noon

- #thegathering at 5:30 p.m. in the Parish Center

Thursday, November 19 - Labyrinth Guild meeting at 5:30

Saturday, November 21 - Family trip to the Everglades, 9 a.m. to noon. Email to confirm.

Thursday, November 26 - 10:30 a.m. Thanksgiving service followed by a community feast

Sunday, November 29 - Family Advent wreath-making at 9:30 a.m. Contact Rev. Jo-Ann at or 305-537-1297 to reserve your spot. 

At St. Stephen's All Are Welcome 
Spoken Mass without music at 8 a.m.
  Sung Mass with music at 10:30 a.m.,
with child care for children under three

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 to 1.