December 17, 2014
The e-pistle
Your Weekly News Update from St. Stephen's
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In This Issue
From the treasurer
Thanks, Angel Tree Elves
Vestry nominees
Christmas Trees on sale
Order Christmas flowers now
Youth Notes
Children's choir
Christmas Services
Extra warm clothes needed
Annual reports due soon
Lessons & Carols at Trinity
Online members' directory
Rector's Open House
Event Calendar
Service Times
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To The People of St. Stephen's
Dear Friends,

This Sunday the fourth and final candle will be lit on the Advent wreath and Advent will segue into Christmas.  On IV Advent the focus is always on Mary; this year we will once again hear the story of the Annunciation.  The Angel Gabriel comes to Mary and invites her to be the mother of the long-expected Messiah.  I say "invites" because her response is, "Let it be" -- an acceptance of God's invitation.

God invites each of us every day to partner with Him in the on-going work of creation.  Our invitations may not be quite as dramatic as Mary's but they come to us nonetheless.  Perhaps we miss them because we are distracted by the daily changes and chances of life, but they come to us nonetheless.

As Advent segues into Christmas and a whole new year gets under way what invitations is God issuing to you now?  How might you be called to respond?  My prayer during this most holy season is that we each remain open to the many ways God invites us and that we remain open to responding as Mary did:  "Let it be."

In Christ's Love,

Pastor Willie 
Our treasurer needs your help
An open letter from Dominic Lamberti

Advent Greetings from the Treasurer to all my fellow Parishioners. I am asking for your help. 

We are trying to create the 2015 Budget but have run into a really big obstacle.  Only about 60% of our families who pledged last year have actually sent in their pledges for 2015, which makes it nearly impossible to plan for next year.  So far we have solid pledges for only $210,000.  If that were the final number, we would have to lay off half the staff next year.  I don't think anyone wants us to do that.  And we all know that the $210,000 figure is not reality.  We also appeal to our newer members who weren't here yet to pledge last year.

So please help us!  If you have not sent in your pledge yet, please do it by this coming Sunday.  It's real easy to do, you can even pledge online.  If you are not sure and want to verify that you have pledged, send an email to Pastor Willie and she'll confirm it with you. 

Thank you very much for your assistance. 

Love and Peace,

Dominic Lamberti

Angel Tree elves at work
Thanks to all who helped

Children brought the gifts we collected to the altar for blessing.  Verger Russell Corbett led with his bear, followed by Kieran Pafford, Vivian and Giovanni Giuliani and others, all with an armload of toys.

After the service the AIDS Ministry elves and others (Gio Giuliani and his mother Vivian are shown in the foreground) loaded them up for delivery to the Elves' workshop.

Gio and his mother pulled one of several wagons of toys that made the trip from the back of the church to the Great Hall for sorting and packaging in the elves' workshop. 

The AIDS Ministry elves at work in the Great Hall, sorting and packaging toys and cosmetic bags for delivery to Food for Life, a subsidiary agency of Care Resource.

Many thanks to Nancy Denton, Susie Blair, Sally James, Virgin and Peter Van der Vlugt, Margaret Long, Dick DiRenzo, Martha and Marissa Gagliano, George Fisher, Manny Garcia, Chris Smith, Russell Corbet, Vivien Hale, Valerie May, Nicholas Winset, Robin Lawrie, Joyce Harrington, and the entire St. Stephen's AIDS Ministry for organizing the Angel Tree effort and for your work all year on behalf of those affected by HIV/AIDS in our community!


Vestry Nominees
Thank you for agreeing to serve

These St. Stephen's members have agreed to stand for Vestry election at our annual meeting on January 18.

Margaret Long is a long-time member of St. Stephen's. She is currently the treasurer of the St. Stephen's AIDS Outreach Ministry, sings in the choir, and serves at the Homeless Assistance Center.   Semi-retired with over 30 years' experience in retail customer service, Margaret has served as Vestry member and Junior Warden at St. Bernard de Clairvaux where she was active for 20 years. 

Julie Gabriel began attending St. Stephen's in 2005 while studying at the University of Miami School of Law. With her husband Brian, Julie leads our Intermediate Youth Group. Julie and Brian welcomed their first daughter, Elizabeth, in December 2013, who was baptized at St. Stephen's in the Spring. Julie is the Director of Everglades Policy at Audubon Florida where she manages litigation efforts and advocates for Everglades restoration before federal agencies and Congress.

A.R. Barrington
has been attending St. Stephen's since 2010. He has participated in the Christmas tree sale and art show, cooked turkeys for our Thanksgiving community dinner, hosted a cocktail party for new families, hosted a reception for last years annual campaign, and audited the church's financial statements.  A.R. works for Barrington Heritage, a family-owned real estate development company.  A.R. and his wife Lauren have two children: Trip (4 yrs) and Ben (2 yrs).

Our Christmas trees have sold out!
Thanks to all who made our sale a success

Many thanks to all the volunteers from our school and our church who chipped in each day to help handle and sell our Christmas trees.  The proceeds from the sale will be split between the school and the church, benefiting our scholarship and outreach programs.

Normally we wouldn't mention the sour note of the theft of one entire day's income from the tree sales, but this particular theft precipitated an outpouring of sympathy and assistance from our local community which was heartwarming and deeply appreciated.  Thank you Tom Falco and Coconut Grove residents!  And thank you, all St. Stephen's church and school members who came forward with financial and emotional support.  You turned our sorrow into singing! 

May the joys of Christmastide bless all of you and your families now and throughout the coming year.   

Remembering someone at Christmas?
Order altar flowers now

If you would like to order flowers for the altar on Christmas in honor of a loved one, please order soon by calling Anna Rosas in the parish office at 305.448.2601.

The deadline to place orders is December 19.

Thank you!

Pageant rehearsals have started
Children and youth ages three and older are invited to take part in the annual St. Stephen's Christmas Pageant.  Rehearsals started two Sundays ago and will be held on Sunday, December 21 at noon in the Great Hall and on Wednesday, December 24, at 2 pm.  The pageant is presented as part of the 4 pm Family Mass on Christmas Eve, December 24.  Parents and grandparents are needed to help with costumes and other behind-the-scenes tasks.  To learn more, contact Chris Faiella at (786)218-1117 or

Children and youth Birthday Party for Jesus
All children and youth are invited to a festive birthday party for Jesus on December 21 at 9:30 am.  We will have a pinata and Miss Annie will lead us in singing Christmas carols.  Each child is asked to bring a new, unwrapped gift for a child of the same age.  Presents will be shipped to our partner church, Divina Providencia, in the Dominican Republic in time for their Epiphany celebration.  Gifts should be modest and not require batteries.  Questions?  Contact Rev. Jo-Ann.

Our children's choir sang last Sunday
Thanks, kids!

Pictured left to right, Ayla Kalser-Munoz, Lassha Pafford, Zachary Roncallo, Karina Holcombe, Liam Pafford, Marissa Gagliano, Caleb Carlson, and Caroline Carlson.

Under director Analy Mendez, our children's choir has become quite accomplished.  Last Sunday they provided us with a wonderful rendition of "A Star, a Sing, a Sign," sung in harmony and with confidence and skill.  It was a lovely addition to our service, particularly welcome at this time of year.

Congratulations, kids!  Thanks for being choir members.



Cold weather is coming
Our neighbors need our help!

The St. Stephen's Community Brunch Closet distributes clothing and toiletry items to those in need during our Community Brunch each month. 

The Closet is in need of lady's pants medium and large size, tooth brushes, wash cloths, and for the coming cold weather socks, sweatshirts, jackets and blankets, any size.

They also need two heavy duty rolling clothing racks, single-rod if possible.


It's a busy time of year
Please don't forget the Annual Report!

If you head a ministry such as the Prosperity Center, the Sandwich Ministry, the Homeless Assistance Center volunteers, or the Community Brunches, please remember that we will be printing our annual reports in early January for the Annual Meeting on January 18.  Please prepare your statistics (how many meals served, etc.) and anything else you want to tell our parish about your ministry, and get it to Anna in the parish office as soon as possible.

Thank you!
Lessons and Carols at Trinity
Sunday, September 21, at 5 pm

An annual event at Historic Trinity Cathedral since 2007, this service comprising scripture and song is made famous by the annual broadcast from King's College in Cambridge, UK. Nine short readings (lessons) are interspersed with festive choral music, sung by the award-winning Florida's Singing Sons Boychoir and the Anglican Chorale of Southeast Florida. Composers featured this year include Byrd, Howells, Rutter, Chilcott, and Robert Heath.

Trinity Cathedral
464 NE 16 Street
Miami, FL 33132
305 374 3372

Sending Christmas Cards?
Find an up-to-date directory of parishioners online

Good news:  We keep an online directory of parishioners on our website for your use.  To access our membership directory,

1.  Go to the upper right corner of the St. Stephen's website home page and click "Members"  (see the blue arrow above).

2.  In the form you will then see, type in your user ID and password.
  • Your user ID is your last name (unless there is more than one parishioner with your last name.  In that case, if just your last name doesn't work, add your first initial at the end.)  Example:  User ID - smith, or smithj
  • Unless you have changed it, your password is SSEC2013 or SSEC2014 (all caps!), depending upon the year your information was entered. Long-time members will have the first password.  Members who joined St. Stephen's this year are likely to have the latter password.
3.  From the members' menu, select the directory.

If you have trouble accessing the directory, please email

Rector's Open House!
Save the date

Each year our rector, Pastor Willie, hosts a holiday open house for all parishioners and friends at her home.  All are invited to taste her wonderful home-made food (perennial favorites such as caviar mousse and beef-horseradish dip) and enjoy the company of other parishioners.  Come any time after 5 pm on Saturday, January 3, and stay as long as you like.

Watch for your email invitation with address and driving directions, coming soon.


Upcoming Events
Don't Forget These Dates     



Sunday, December 21 - Birthday party for Jesus at 9:30 am

Saturday, January 3 - Rector's open house

Sunday, January 18 - Annual meeting in the Great Hall after the 10:30 am Mass 

At St. Stephen's All Are Welcome 

Said Mass at 8 am
Sung Mass with choir at 10:30 am,
with child care for children under three
and Children's Chapel for children seven and under
1st & 3rd Sundays
@Our Table, a dinner church 
 at 5:30 pm (child care available)
Parish Center

Christmas Services 
Christmas Eve 
Christmas Pageant at 4 pm 
"Midnight" Mass at 10:30 pm 
Christmas Day 
Low Mass at 9 am 
Christmas 1, December 28  
Lessons and Carols with Eucharist at 10:30 am

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 to 5.