Maria Shaw's StarScopes Newsletter
Good News this Month!                           July 14, 2013
Special At Website Store





Maria's Mystic Moon Necklace

In celebration of wonderful Grand Trine in the Water Signs and the Sun in Cancer this month, we are offering the Mystic Moon Necklaces at our website store and at our fairs.



Coming this Our Annual Fall,
 Cosmic Connections Convention

Save the Date!

October 25, 26, 27

Sheraton Four Points, Saginaw MI


Classes, lectures, special events, readings, gemstones, jewelry, hositlic health 


Psychic Fair $5 admission $10 readings from psychics and special guest psychics from around the country. Astrology, numerology, tarot, palmistry, cards, channeling, pet psychics, love advisors, I Ching and much more.


Fair Hours

10a.m. to 7p.m. Friday

10a.m. to 7p.m. Saturday

10a.m. to 5p.m. Sunday

20 tables of new gemstones, jewelry and new age items. 



Schedule of Classes 

Friday October 25


Maria's Got Your Number...

Learn Numerology and find your Destiny!


Numbers have power and information to access. Using your birthday and your given name, you will learn to easily calculate yor Life Path, Soul, Personaity and Destiny Numbers. This information can help you discover the gifts you have and the purpose in your life. When you complete this class, you will be able to do mini numerology readings for yourself and your friends.

You may consistently see the same numbers over and over. What do they mean?

You have a Birth Number that colors your entire life. What does it tell you about your personality and destiny?

This all day seminar hosted by Maria reveals the magic of the number in your name, phone number, address and how they affect your life and future.

If opening a business, you will learn how to pick a prosperous phone number and business name.

Maria will teach you how to discover Compatibility between lovers, business partners, friends and family based on numerology. Find out if your number matches  or clashes?

Predict major events in your life with Maria's predictive number systems

Discover your personal lucky numbers

And more!

This class is included in your weekend premium pass or alone is $85 per person



Friday Evening


7p.m. Our Most Popular Event - Maria's Crossing Over Gallery.   This class is included in your weekend pass or alone $35 per person


Saturday October 26


Track 1

11a.m. Animal Omens and Totems bring signs from God-  Dr, Midge



2p.m. Reincarnation -

We will examine how your next life is chosen,  past life influences and what happens in between lives. What is the real purpose of reincarnation? How does it work? What is the role in this mysterious process of the soul, free will, karma, soul mates, and God? Rev. Cindy Buning explains all




4p.m. Working with the Fairy Realm 



Track 2


11a.m. - Your Spirit Guide and Angels Revealed through Automatic Writing Catherine Levar - Special Guest from Minneapolis MN 



2p.m.  Flower Power, the magical essences with Pam Mann



4p.m. . Face Reading with Miss Betty Brnig photos to class of your friends, famly, boss, lover, exes, kids and guys on this dating sites you may be interested in!  LOL (the last one is optional) 



Saturday Evening


7p.m. Lawson Paranormal Event

This event is included in your weekend pass or alone is $25 per person


October 27



Track 1

11a.m. - For Women Only! How to Get a Man to do Anything You Desire with Maria Shaw Lawson. There is a specific language and very preise words only men relate and will react positilvey to. Learn the phrases, the pitfalls and the language to get the man in your life or a future mate to do your bidding. This will be an entertaining class but also a very informative one. You will walk away with some immediate tools you can use that will make a difference in your relationships with the opposite sex.


2p.m. MaryBeth Romach - Near death experiences and supernatural events.



4p.m. Maria;s 2014 Astrological Predictions. Be the first to know what lies ahead in 2014


Track 2

11a.m. TBA


2p.m. Stinkin' Thinkin' and Living through the Heart with Dr. Midge 



Convention fees

Premium Weekend Pass -Includes Maria's Numerology Class, admission to psychic fair all three days, all classes, lectures, special Crossing Over and Paranormal evening events. $135 before September 1st. After that $150


Regular Weekend Pass - Includes everything above except Maria's Numerology Class $99


Individual Classes - $20 each


Crossing Over Gallery - $35 each


Paranormal Event - $25 each


Saturday and Sunday Pass - $80 (includes evening event Saturday night and classes)


Day Pass - $50 Includes classes and evening event for that day

You must call 810-631-6887 to book as we have limited seats available.


If you would like to rent vendor space for holisitic health or healing please call m

Maria at 810-631-6887


If flying in it is suggested you fly into MBS airport in Freeland.


Hotel rooms at the Sheraton Four Points 

And ask for the Maria Shaw Lawson conference rate.













We are in the process of reworking everything on our newsletters. So this is a very basic design but wanted to get the newsletter out to you tonight!


If you or a friend are not already signed up for StarScopes they can register today so they don't miss a single issue.

I have some wonderful astrological news to share later in this newsletter but first here's our summer schedule updated. 


Upcoming Events 

This week:

Boston - private readings, sold out

NYC - private readings sold out

Note to Chicago and outlying area StarScopers: this Milwaukee show will be the closest one we have for you this year so please let your friends know and come out and spend the day or weekend with us! 


Friday August 2 - Milwaukee WI 

I have 5 private reading slots available. Please call 810-631-6887 to book 


Saturday and Sunday

August 3-4 - Milwaukee, Psychic Fair and More! 

Landmark Building
WildHearts Studios
316 N Milwaukee Street
Suite 410
Milwaukee, Wi 53202

$10 admission includes free lectures and classes
$15 weekend pass
11am to 5p.m. both days

$20 readings with a variety of psychics and intuitives coming in from Chicago, Minneapolis. Michigan and of course Milwaukee!

Healers and holistic health professionals available on site.
Angel artist Paulette Salo. Aura Photography with Bobby. Gemstone and jewels! New age shopping too.    

FREE Lecture Schedule 
12noon - Reiki Class - Reiki is a natural laying on the hands healing technique that is over 2500 years old. Reiki relaxes the body. It gently removes stress and crystallizatons on all levels. Many people have been able to release long standing difficulties with Reiki. Reiki creates an increased energy flow and sense of well-being. This Reiki Demo will describe the healing technique and explain Reiki attunements. With Annette Dillon Reiki Master Teacher, CranioSacral Therapist, Milwaukee WI

2p.m. - Psychic Development Class with Marybeth Rombach, Detroit MI - learn some easy to use techniques that help you connect with your higher self. Author and intuitive, Marybeth Rombach will help you harness your intuitive gifts so you can easily work with them at anytime!

4p.m. - Connect with Your Angels with Angel Artist Paulette Salo, Minneapolis MN - Learn how you can create a solid link to your Angelic friends and call on them anytime you need to.

3:30p.m. - Group Meditation Class - As we begin to close our weekend show in Milwaukee, we offer a chance for you to indulge in a healing meditation class.

Dissolve old energetic patterns, blocks and karmic knots that prevent mental, emotional and spiritual growth. * Accelerate Personal Transformation * Open each participant to their own innate gifts, abilities and intuition with Annette Dillon, Milwaukee WI, Reiki Master Teacher, CranioSacral Therapist

Special Weekend Events Saturday Evening

Connect with Loved Ones from the Other Side! 

6p.m. - 7:30p.m. on Saturday there will be a Crossing Over Gallery with Maria
Advance Tickets are highly recommended as we sell out this popular event. $35 tickets by calling 810-631-6887.

8p.m. - 9:30p.m. - Lawson Paranormal presents Ghost Hunting 101 

$25 tickets at the door. Learn about the tools of the trade, paranormal investigations around the country including The Lizzie Borden House, Salem MA, New Orleans, Gettysburg and more! Plus Founder Joseph Lawson will be using some equipment to demonstrate and more messages from the other side with Maria using the Spirit Box.

Special Event Sunday 
12:30p.m. - 3:30p. m. An Enchanted Afternoon with Maria Shaw Lawson 12:30p.m. to 3:30p.m. $35 ticket 
Advance registration highly recommended as we have limited seating.
Learn how to work with the crystal kingdom, astrology, numerology and how to Predict the Next 9 Years of Your Life! Plus Maria gives her astrological predictions for the summer and fall.

Maria and Joe will be doing private readings Thursday and Friday in Milwaukee. To book yours ahead of time call 810-631-6887.   



August 8 and 9 - Minneapolis MN -
Private readings sold out


But if there is is a group of 5 or more, I will come in town early on Wednesday and do readings. Contact me at 810-631-6887


August 10-11 - Maria in Minneapolis! Psychic Fun Fair  Roseville MN - The Radisson Hotel on Cleveland Ave    

9a.m. to 5p.m. both days
$10 admission includes a free gift and free holistic services 
$20 readings   



6p.m. - 7:30p.m. on Saturday there will be a Crossing Over Gallery with Maria - Come with an open heart and open mind as Maria receives messages from loved ones on the other side. Advance Tickets are highly recommended as we sell out this popular event. $35 tickets by calling 810-631-6887.

8p.m. - 9:30p.m. Lawson Paranormal presents Ghost Hunting 101 - $25 tickets at the door. Learn about the tools of the trade, paranormal investigations around the country including The Lizzie Borden House, Salem MA, New Orleans, Gettysberg and more! Plus Founder Joseph Lawson will be using some equipment to demonstrate and more message from the other side with Maria using the Spirit Box.

August 15-16 - Fort Lauderdale -Sold out for Private readings but if there is a group of 5 or more, I will work on Saturday.


Saturday, September 28 - New Orleans, LA  
Learn Beginners Astrology with Maria in New Orleans    

Whether you are a local or just visiting from out of town, you are welcome to join Maria as she hosts a day long beginner's astrology class in the French Quarter.

11a.m. to 5p.m. with lunch included in your class tuition of just $85. Limited to 12 people. Pre registration is a must at 810-631-6887

Nice Letters 

Maria thank you! I cannot say this enough to you, your readings always comfort me, good or bad the light you shine is always helpful.  

Love and blessings to you! Tina




The Granite Mountain Hotshot Wildfire Firefighters, lost their lives fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire on Sunday June 30th, 2013.  A storm came in over the fire area, the winds shifted rapidly, causing the fire to blow up from 50 acres to 2,000 acres.  They became trapped, with no means of escape.


Most of the men were in their 20's, several in their 30's, and the leader was 43.  One firefighter was engaged, several had wives that were pregnant with their first child, one had four young children, another two, and two of the firefighters were from the same family.


All of these firefighters were from Prescott, Arizona.  Prescott is about one hour southwest of Sedona, in the middle of the state.  It has been a great loss for this small community.


About 31/2 years ago I moved from Michigan to Prescott, Arizona.  When I lived in Michigan, I attended all of Maria's events, and still get her newsletters.  Thank you Maria, for printing this in your newsletter, and all that you do.

                                                                Mary Arndt



Dear Maria - I am so glad you are coming to Milwaukee! I have been picking up the Alternatives Magazine here and love it. I started following you on Facebook and love the daily posts you do on astrology. I am looking forward to meeting you and taking your classes. Hope your visit here is lovely.... Pam



Astro News By Maria Shaw Lawson


This coming week we have a wonderful astrological aspect that hasn't come around for 166 years..this is a rare and joyful aspect that will affect most of us, July 17-19th but especially those of you that are born under the sign of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio or those who have planets at 5 degrees in those signs. This means if you were born around June 25-28, February 21-26 and October 23-30 you will be especially lucky. This is a time to make  your dreams come true. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, trine Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio, while Saturn trines Neptune. 


The meaning of this is we have an opportunity to create the life we want to live. The universe is working with you. Early this week, get some clarity on what you really want to do. Be specific and even if  you do not have a solid game plan, at the very least state what you want...see it....ask for it...pray for it. Then expect the universe to show you the steps or offer the opportunities to get where you want to go. I cannot tell you how many people I have talked to in the past several weeks that have had great things happen to them...out of the blue! I have had two really great things happen just in the past week. Others have reported to me meeting someone wonderful, selling their home, landing a job out of the blue, having a child....the list goes on and on. I am so happy to hear the good news. Each day someone is calling or dropping me a line about good things coming their way out of the blue. This is what this summer is about and I told everyone this a few weeks ago. I also mentioned that home sales would go up. They are and so are prices. I have heard from many people who are buying and selling! This will continue for another year.


So make the most of the week.....update your vision board. Write down the things you want. Speak aloud of your dreams. Pray. Ask others for help. But mostly EXPECT great things to happen. They can and they will. Remember this aspect hasn't come around for 166 years. It is big! It is rare and it is an opportunity for many of us to make our wildest dreams come true. Continue to drop me a line as good fortune comes your way. It really does make my day!


This quote is so true....

"If you really want to do something you'll find a way.

If you don't, you'll make an excuse." 



Finally, I would like to thank my website guru and wonderful friend of a dozen years, Rich Evers who has handled my website. Without Rich sharing his talents and time, we would not have had a way to share this information in a timely manner to so many. His dedication and hard work over the years has been a blessing in my life and I thank him wholeheartedly for all of the work he has done.  He wants to dedicate more time to his own projects he has put on hold to help me with my business and is handing over the reins to some wonderfully talented new people. I will introduce them to you as we begin our new journey. But thanks to Rich for being so wonderful!











If you have a question you'd like answered, please order a question from my website store.



Also be sure to like my new fan page French Quarter Medium Maria Shaw Lawson


FREE daily horoscopes posts on Facebook at French Quarter Medium Maria Shaw Lawson
"Like" my page today!

Milwaukee Fair Goers - Come before 12noon and enjoy a "BUY one Get one Free" admission for you and your friend. Print this coupon off and bring it to the front greeter table!

Offer Expires: August 11 2013