SRCC GreenUp

Waste Not, Want Not!  
Achieving ZERO WASTE by 2025 

GREEN BRIEFS: Celebrating Marin's Sustainability Heroes
Wednesday Evening October 14th
Presented by our Green Business Committee & California Film Institute 

WATCH the videos from our GREEN BRIEFS Events: 
EV WEEK 2015 Let's Go California! in San Rafael on October 9     
Recycle, Upcycle, Share the Wealth!  See Chamber Member 2 Member Deals

Chamber Events:

Essential Seminar Series for Small Business Owners: Staffing Up
September 21st, 11am - Noon
October 8th, 5 - 7pm

October 14th, 5 - 7pm

Evening of October 14th

October 29th, 7:30 - 10am

Women of Industry Luncheon
November 17th 10:30am - 2:30pm

by Casey Poldino - Zero Waste Specialist with Zero Waste Marin *
Zero Waste Marin has a zero waste goal by 2025. We are working with businesses in our community to help us all achieve this goal. According to a survey done by CalRecycle in 2008, the commercial sector generates nearly three fourths of the solid waste in California. There are two primary pieces of legislation that effect businesses waste management practices continue reading 

* Zero Waste Marin is the formal name for the Marin Hazardous and Solid Waste Joint Powers Authority (JPA), which is comprised of representatives from all over Marin County. Our mission is to help residents and businesses meet the county's Zero Waste goal by 2025 by reducing and recycling their solid waste and safely disposing of hazardous materials. We provide information on household hazardous waste collection, recycling, composting and waste disposal. We also ensure our county's compliance with state recycling mandates - all while educating the citizens and businesses of Marin.

Zero Waste Marin is comprised of the city and town managers of Belvedere, Corte Madera, Fairfax, Larkspur, Mill Valley, Ross, San Anselmo, San Rafael, Sausalito and Tiburon and the County of Marin. Zero Waste Marin ensures Marin's compliance with the California Integrated Waste Management Act and its waste reduction mandates. In 1997, the CIWMB recognized Zero Waste Marin as a Regional Agency, allowing our members to report to the state as one political body instead of 12, as was previously required. The Marin County Department of Public Works/Waste Management administers Zero Waste Marin. 

Free Energy AssessmentsSmartLights

We are excited to tell you about an opportunity for you to save money on your overhead while reducing your energy consumption. We have partnered with the SmartLights program, a partnership with Marin County Energy Watch, MCE, and PG&E.

The SmartLights program provides businesses with no cost energy assessments to identify opportunities for upgrades that will cut your overhead costs. It also provides start-to-finish technical assistance and project management.

Over the past two years, nearly 80 businesses in San Rafael completed energy upgrades that cost an average of about $3,000, leading to annual savings of about $2,000 - that's a payback of less than two years! San Rafael businesses also reduced their energy consumption by about 13,000 kWh, on average.

Businesses that complete upgrade projects may be eligible for free MR16 LED replacement bulbs. The LEDs are 6w or 8w and would replace existing 35w or 50w halogen lamps.

You can schedule an energy assessment for your business by filling out this form. If you have questions you can call SmartLights at (510) 981-7750

Here's to saving some $$$ and taking care of the Environment!

   Jennifer Grenier Selvig, Commercial Recycling Coordinator at Marin Sanitary Service  
   [email protected] Direct # (415) 458-5542 

* Tours are offered at no charge for schools and members of the community.  
   Contact Zoe Pearl the Education Coordinator at (415) 458-5539 or email her
   at [email protected] for more information.

Make Way for PeacocksMSS
If you live or work in Marin, you already know that Marin Sanitary Service is an amazing place. If you haven't visited, you should; and bring your colleagues too! * You'll know you're in the right place as soon as you spot the peafowl that help safeguard the property.
MSS has been family-owned and operated since the late 40s. In 1979, MSS started the first countywide curbside recycling program in the United States.  Nearly 40 years later, MSS continues to lead the way. Here are just a few of
the services you will find at MSS... continue reading     

Click here to see how Recycling can Save YOU money! 

Click here to learn more about Resources for Conducting a Waste Audit, Education +   Printable Signage, and Resources for Sustaining a Successful Recycling Program 

Waste-Wise Spotlights: Businesses Leading the Way to ZeroSpotlight  

Learn About the Green Business Committee
The Green Committee's purpose is to provide useful news and tips on green business practices and promote the Chambers' green businesses.  Learn more on the San Rafael Chamber site.

Monthly meetings - join us in the Chamber conference room, second Wednesdays from 9:30 -11:00 am. Contact Committee Chair Chris Yalonis to be added to the Committee Email List or with any questions.  
Sponsor an issue of GreenUP! You can reach more than 1,500 Chamber members and influential local business people for as low as $95 per ad.  We have a limited number of sponsorship slots, so get in touch with the GreenUP! editor now to reserve your space in the next issue.

      Community Green Events & ResourcesResources 
      Please visit the for a complete listing of events
2nd Weds of Every Month, 9:30 - 11:00 am
SR Chamber Board Room
RSVP @ 415-454-4163

Vintage Oaks Shopping Center, Novato
Sat, Sept 19 

Sign Up to receive updates
Fri, Oct 9
2nd Tues of Every Month
5:30-7:30 pm

Oct 13
2015 Bioneeers Conference Overview
Joshua Fouts, Executive Director, Bioneers

Nov 11
GMO Labeling
Debbie Friedman, Co-Chair of MOMS
Advocating Sustainability 

Dec 8
Holiday Party with Organic Wine and
Beer Tasting
Weds Evening, Oct 14
Christopher B. Smith Rafael Film Center
1118 Fourth Street
(check website for further details)

Meet at Chamber Parking Lot
817 Mission Avenue
Meet the 4th Saturday of every month
8:00 - 9:00 am
Help us keep San Rafael beautiful by taking a little time to clean the Southbound 101 exit in Downtown San Rafael. Please Wear comfy shoes, bring a hat, gloves and re-usable water bottle!
Contact Information: Joanne Webster
Renaissance Marin Small Business Program at Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center 
Program Orientation Dates and Food Business Incubator Orientation 
1115 Third Street
(Renaissance Marin will be running programs through December 2015 + moving to a new location. Please Stay Tuned!) 

Good to Know! Whole Foods Local Producer Loan Program
Whole Foods is providing low-interest loans to help local producers flourish. Additional Details and Application can be found @

"In March, 2008 the City Council appointed a 14-member Green Ribbon Committee composed of volunteers with diverse expertise but a common interest in sustainability to prepare a draft plan with extensive community input. The Council also appointed volunteer subject experts to four "Green Teams" which tackled issues such as transportation, waste reduction, land use, green building, energy conservation and adaptation.

The result of this community planning effort is the San Rafael Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) which was adopted by the City Council on April 20, 2009. This document lays out the goals and implementation plan for achieving a 25% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) by 2020, and an ambitious 80% reduction by 2050 to meet state targets. The Implementation Plan is broken down into several distinct areas of action: Lifestyles, Buildings, Environment, Economy, Community Outreach, and City Operations.Quarterly community update meetings on the implementation of the 
Climate Action Plan are generally held the 4th Thursday of the month each January, April, July, and October. Email to get on the email distribution list or learn more."