August 2013   LinkedIn Facebook Twitter YouTube   

Click on the ad above to
check out the SRCC's new
"I Belong" campaign

In this issue:

Countywide Mixer
Countywide Networking Opportunity -
Marin Council of Chambers

Providing Quality Networking Opportunities

When: Wednesday, July 31, 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Inn Marin in Novato and Ricky’s Restaurant, Novato
Cost: $5 for all Chamber members, $20 for non-chamber members

More information: Click on image.

Coffee with the Board Chair and CEO

Promoting and Connecting the Community

When: Friday, August 9, 9:00-10:00am
Where: San Rafael Chamber, 817 Mission Ave., San Rafael
Cost: Free for members, RSVP required. Please contact the Chamber for more details.

More information: Click on image


August Mixer

August Networking Opportunity at Bank of Marin

Providing Quality Networking Opportunities

When: Wednesday, August 14, 5:00-7:00pm
Where: Bank of Marin, 4460 Redwood Highway, San Rafael
Cost: Free for Chamber members, $20 for Guests

More information: Click on image.


25th Annual San Rafael Business Showcase,
"Set Sail for Success"

Strengthening the Local Economy

When: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 4:00-7:30pm
Where: Embassy Suites, 101 McInnis Parkway, San Rafael
Cost: $5 admission fee for attendees

Exhibitor Booth Fees vary. Reserve your space NOW!
More information: Click on image.

"I’ve participated in the Business Showcase since I opened my business in 1995. It provides an opportunity for me to meet and greet other business people in a friendly, supportive environment. I often find new volume clients from areas I hadn’t considered before. I’ve experienced great sales from follow up to business owners I have met at the Showcase. Plus, since the Showcase is a key event for the Chamber, it helps to strengthen the Chamber and contribute to a strong local economy."   - Jerry Tallman, Minuteman Press

Business Showcase


Redwood Credit Union Free Shred-a-Thon
Promoting and Connecting the Community

When: Saturday, September 7, 9:00am-1:00pm
Where: San Rafael High School, 185 Mission Ave., San Rafael
Cost: Free

More information: Click on image.


SAVE THE DATE - Spirit of Marin
Strengthening the Local Economy

When: Friday, September 27, 11:30am-1:30pm
Where: St. Vincent’s School for Boys, San Rafael
Cost: Registration opens August 1 at

More information: Click on image.

Spirit of Marin

Online Benefits
Using Your New Online Benefits & Opportunities
Strengthening the Local Economy

Thousands of people visiting our website have already made an important decision; they are looking for a local business right here in our area. In order for these consumers to find YOU, we want to make sure that you have logged onto the Chamber website and updated your business information. It’s easy... Here’s what one member has to say about it...

"What a delight to use the new San Rafael Chamber of Commerce online member portal—easy, efficient and it really works. These folks thought of everything and made it friendly. Just a few minutes of input and the potential for exposure is awesome!"   - Valerie Lofrano, F. Lofrano & Son, Inc.

Check your email inbox or spam filter for your personal member login information. Then simply go to and click the member login link to get started.

Call the Chamber office for more information.


Want Greater Online Visibility and Stand Out From the Crowd?

Upgrade your free basic listing to an enhanced directory listing for the duration of your membership for only $125, and get a banner ad free for 3 months. Featured Members with Banner Ads are viewed tens of thousands of times, the banner ad builds awareness and and gives your company visibility throughout the site-not just within a specific category. Companies with banner ads are clicked on 6x more than a basic listing and 10x more direct visits to your company's website.

To view an enhanced directory listing with banner ads click here

Show Me the Money!!

Strengthening the Local Economy

Want to save money this year? Refer businesses to the Chamber and you could receive your entire membership for FREE... Really! It's a win-win for everyone!

Member Sponsorship "I love the fact that the Chamber is offering me $50 per referral as an incentive to invite my neighbors, friends and business colleagues to join the Chamber! The new member gets $50 and I earn $50 which helps pay for my investment in the Chamber for my business too. I have introduced two of my neighbors who became members - that’s a Win Win for both of us!"   - Sean Murphy, RPM Mortgage

Nearly $1,000 has already been mailed out to Chamber members this year!

Click here for more details.

Member2Member Program
Member2Member Discount Savings Plan

Strengthening the Local Economy

Do You Belong? Over 75 members participate in the Member2Member discount savings program and offer a wide variety of products and services just for Chamber members. Incentivize members to get to know you and your business. Also posted on Sign up today.

To sign up: Click on image
Cost: Free for Chamber members

**This Month's Featured Deal**

Nutritious Living

10% discount off any Health & Coaching Program.

Current Deals!


Promote Your Business
Promote Your Product, Service, or Event!

Strengthening the Local Economy

We’ve made it even more affordable to promote your business with us!

Advertising in our monthly electronic E-Brief for Business newsletter is now only $100! Unbeatable advertising value!

Click on these links for advertising information and rates for the
E-Brief for Business and for the E-Vents Insider.

2013 North Bay Heart Walk -
Sonoma and Marin County

Promoting and Connecting the Community

When: Sunday, September 29, 9:30am in Marin
Where: McInnis Park, 350 Smith Ranch Road, San Rafael
Cost: Free

More information: Click on image.

North Bay Heart Walk

Zaaz Studios
Zaaz Studios

10 Minutes = 1 Hour at the Gym!

With modern advancements in fitness we now have the power to transform our bodies with less effort, and in less time. With Whole Body Vibration (WBV), profound results in weight loss, toning, metabolism and muscle strength can be realized in just 10-minute workout sessions.

$3 per Session!

More information: Click on image.


  More Member News
Chamber members, please send your latest news to