Quick Links
October 2014



It's with absolute pleasure that I announce that we have hired a new executive director for the Alaska Farm Bureau! 

Amy Seitz will be taking over on November 1st  and I will be officially heading off into retirement on November 15th!  Amy is a third generation farmer from Lancaster Farms in Soldotna. Read more about her below. We are excited about bringing her on board!


It has been my pleasure to serve you all of these years. I have made so many friends. It will be hard to not interact with you every day. However, I am looking forward to spending more time with my grandchildren!


If you haven't already, it's your LAST CHANCE to register for the Alaska Farm Bureau Friday Forum Conference and Annual Meeting.  See below for the complete agendas and registration form. 

There is a lot of news this month include the results of the Alaska Farm Bureau annual election. Congratulations to everyone and thank you for serving!! 


I hope to see you in Homer in a couple of week!! 


Happy Trails.....

Jane Hamilton
Executive Director
Alaska Farm Bureau

Life is Short - Eat Good Food - The Best Is Always Alaska Grown






Amy Seitz of Lancashire Farms has been hired as the new Executive Director for the Alaska Farm Bureau. She is a third generation farmer on her grandfather's farm in Soldotna. She officially begins her job on November 1st.  She is well qualified and we are confident that she will do a great job working for the Alaska Farm Bureau and the farmers, ranchers, and growers in Alaska.  We are sure you will agree once you meet her if you don't already know her.


She is currently Vice President of the Kenai Peninsula Resource Conservation Development District and has organized the Kenai Peninsula Agriculture Forum for the past three years.  She has been a legislative aide to state representatives and senators, so she knows the ins and outs of Juneau quite well.

Lancashire Farms raise, slaughter and freeze about 400 chickens for sale, sell eggs from 100 laying hens, have the largest flock of sheep in the state and are active in the fiber industry. 


She can be reached at the Alaska Farm Bureau's new office at:  37075 Nicholas View Lane in Soldotna, AK 99669.  Her e-mail address is:  [email protected] and the telephone number is 907-252-5064.

You will meet her next month at our events in Homer.




ARRC - Lending to Farmers Is Our Business


Line of Credit loans for all farm-operating costs. (3 years) Chattel loans for equipment new or used (5 years on used 7 years on new). 

Real Estate loans for purchase or improvements to land (up to 20 years.)


All loans are 5 to 9 percent interest depending on credit and collateral.  Call Steve at 907-745-3390 or email at [email protected]. 





The registration form and the agendas for the Friday Forum conference, Awards Banquet, and Alaska Farm Bureau's Annual Meeting are finalized and can be found at http://akfb.fb.org/friday-forum-registrationA registration form can be found at the end of this newsletter. 


The registration fee includes a choice of soup and grilled chicken green salad or roasted chicken.  The registration fee is now $35.00 as the early registration discount has expired. 


Thursday, November 13th:  

Free workshop "Advocate From the Farm Gate". Advocacy and Social Media for your farm and your farm business.


The workshop begins at 7:00 p.m.  Although there is no cost, please indicate you will be attending on the registration form.  Seating is limited due to the size of the room.


Friday, November 14th:  

Friday Forum conference, Awards Banquet and Scholarship Auction.


Saturday, November 15th:  Annual Meeting.


There may still be rooms available at Land's End Resort.  Please tell them you are with the Alaska Farm Bureau.  The price we pay for our meeting rooms on all three days depends on how many hotel rooms are reserved for our events.  To make hotel reservations:  Telephone:  907-235-0400. 







Commissioner Joe Balash will be the keynote speaker at the Alaska Farm Bureau banquet on November 14th in Homer.  He was appointed DNR Commissioner in November 2013.


Prior to his appointment, he served in the Office of the Governor as special assistant to the Governor for energy and natural resource development issues. In that position, he coordinated policy on behalf of the Governor's office, the departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, and the Alaska Energy Authority.


He earned a bachelor's degree in Political Science and Government from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. He grew up in the Air Force and graduated from Ben Eielson High School in Fairbanks, Alaska. He is married with two daughters. 






Ballots have been tabulated for the Alaska Farm Bureau Board of Directors election. 


Fairbanks Chapter:  Charles Knight unanimously re-elected with 26 votes.


Mat-Su Chapter:  Arthur Keyes was declared the new Director with 27 votes, narrowly defeating Gerald DeVilbiss.  There was 1 write-in vote for Wayne Brost.


Kodiak Chapter:  Lorne White was unanimously re-elected with 7 votes.


Kenai Peninsula Chapter:  Robert Gibson was elected with 9 votes.  There were 2 write-in votes cast for Lee Coray-Ludden.


The directors will serve a 2-year term of office.




A major cable network is looking for American family farmers for a new series.  We are interested in featuring family farmers with great stories and big personalities who are striving to succeed against all odds.  If you are driven to make your farm thrive - up at dawn and in the field getting your hands dirty - we are looking for you!


We are searching for family owned and operated farms that stand in the midst of challenges like harsh weather conditions, tough competition with large factory farms, government struggles or predators attacking their livestock. 


Please share your story with us by e-mailing [email protected]


Make sure to include:  Names and ages of family members, where you live, back story on you and your farm, challenges and current photos of your family and farm.  Jacqueline Shakta Castaneda, Casting Director for T Group Productions. 310-270-5480.



Photo Credit: AWCC , Alaskawildlife.org



Reindeer Needed for 4-H Program:  The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center is building a new herd of reindeer for a 4-H reindeer husbandry program.  In the winter months, 4-H students will stay in the wildlife center's bunkhouses learning all aspects of reindeer husbandry and wildlife husbandry. 


Students will be sourced from the Kenai Peninsula, Prince William Sound Villages, Anchorage and Mat-Su Valley.  Spring calves will all be bottle fed by the students.  Each student will then stay at the center for 2 weeks during the summer.  An approved enclosure will be built at the student's home.  In the fall, the student will take their reindeer calf or calves home and continue their 4-H project.


There is no cost to the student for this program and the calf is donated to them.  The University of Fairbanks, School of Natural Resources and Agriculture Science has had great success with this program in Fairbanks.  We hope to do the same in our area.


We gathered a few reindeer from breeders along the road system, but we could use more as we have more applicants than animals.  We ask reindeer breeders to consider a tax-deductible donation.  The value of the reindeer plus the transportation expense would be 100% tax deductible.  AWCC's CPA would create the necessary paperwork for IRS. 


Mike Miller, Executive Director Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center (AWCC) PO Box 949, Mile 79 Seward Highway, Portage, AK 99587. Phone 907-301-7942.


Classified Ads ARE FREE to Alaska Farm Bureau Members.  Submit your ad online or send to Executive Director Amy Seitz, [email protected].





November 13th: Workshop:  "Advocate From the Farm Gate." No charge, but space is limited, so reserve you space on to the registration form for Homer events.  Workshop begins at 7:00 p.m. at Land's End Resort in Homer. 


November 14th: Friday Forum Conference, Awards Banquet and Scholarship Auction at Land's End Resort in Homer.


November 15th: Alaska Farm Bureau's Annual Meeting in Homer, Alaska. 


December 3rd SARE Grant Deadline:  Alaska producers may apply for five grant opportunities.  Detailed descriptions visit:  www.westernsare.org/Grants/Types-of-Grants or contact Steven Seefeldt, Western SARE coordinator for Alaska at [email protected] or call him at 907-474-2423.


April 2nd - 3rd, 2015: Southeast Farm & Fish To School Conference:  In Juneau.  Travel scholarships will be available.  For more information, e-mail:  [email protected].






Wood bison at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center Photo Credit AKWC.org

Mike Miller is offering free admission to the 

Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage for Alaska Farm Bureau members as you travel to and from Homer for the Alaska Farm Bureau's November events. Regular admission price is $12.50 for adults. 

The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving Alaska's wildlife through public education, conservation, and quality animal care to displaced, orphaned and injured animals.  The center provides up close viewing of a great variety of animals such as moose, wood bison, elk, musk oxen, bears, caribou, black-tailed deer, lynx, and others along with Snickers, the popular porcupine.  Be sure to visit their gift store as well. 

Mike is the founder and Executive Director of the Conservation Center as well as an active Alaska Farm Bureau member. Be sure to take advantage of his generous offer! Thank you Mike!! 



Need a Website?


Special Offer Just For Members of Alaska Farm Bureau


Starter Websites regularly $1250 now only $699!!




  • Custom Designed Wordpress Site
  • Up to 5 pages including Home, About, Services or Products, Location, Contact (or any 5 pages you choose)
  • Blog
  • Responsive website (as recommended by Google) automatically adjusts for best viewing on computers, tablets or smartphones
  • Ability to add unlimited pages yourself
  • Ability to add content or photos 
  • Initial search engine optimization and submission to Google
  • Training provided on how to manage your site 
  • You own the site forever
You provide your own images and content. You will also need to pay for hosting. I recommend Hostgator which costs about $48 a year. 

This is for new websites only, not an upgrade of existing sites.  For an upgrade, please contact for quote. Not valid for websites requiring online shopping. 

Not valid with any other discounts.

Expires December 31, 2014.

Meet me at the Alaska Farm Bureau Friday Forum!
Wendy Kenney
Webmaster for Alaska Farm Bureau




Saturday, November 15th - Land's End Resort in Homer


7:00 A.M.        Breakfast Buffet in Restaurant (scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, oatmeal with craisins and candied pecans, fresh fruit, yogurt parfait, coffee, tea, and juice.)  $15.00 - pay at the restaurant.


 8:00 - 8:30 A.M. Registration, coffee and cinnamon rolls


 8:30 A.M.    Call to Order

                      Determination of Quorum

                      Introduction of Guests and new Executive Director

                      Agenda: Additions/Changes/Adoption

                      2013 Annual Meeting Minutes

                      President's Report, Bryce Wrigley

                      Treasurer's Report, Eileen Herman, Accountant


9:00 A.M.        Farm Bureau Proud - Opportunities, Networking and Engagement -

                        Robin Kinney, American Farm Bureau Federation


9:30 A.M.        Ratification of Election for Directors

                        Presentation to Chapter Presidents that met membership quota. List of candidates developed for President and Vice President


 9:45 A.M.  Hail and Farewell - A few moments to recognize and remember those we have lost this year.  Bring the names of your friends and neighbors who have passed away so that we can remember them.  The Kenai Peninsular Farm Bureau Chapter will be making a special remembrance in honor of Bruce Willard.


10:00 A.M.   Break and opportunity to check out of hotel


10:30 A.M.   Chapter Reports - What has been going on in each of the chapters. (Approximately 10-minute report from each)


11:30 A.M.    WUSATA - (Western United States Agricultural Trade Association) Andy Anderson


12:00 P.M.     Lunch - Compliments of COUNTRY  Financial

                      COUNTRY Financial Presentations and door prize drawing


 1:00 P.M.      Waters of the U.S. - EPA's Proposed Rule will Affect EVERY Alaska Farmer - Bryce Wrigley, President


1:30 P.M.      Alaska's Energy - Alaska Farm Bureau Energy Committee


 1:45 P.M.      Develop Farm Bureau's Priorities for the 2015-2015 Alaska Legislative Session


2:30 P.M.      Items from the Floor - Open Forum:  What's on your mind? 








November 14, 2014 - Land's End Resort - Homer, Alaska


7:00    Breakfast Buffet in Restaurant (scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, oatmeal with craisins and candied pecans, fresh fruit, yogurt parfait, coffee, tea, and juice.)  $15.00 - pay at the restaurant.


8:00    Friday Forum Registration 


8:30    Welcome - Bryce Wrigley, Alaska Farm Bureau State President


8:45    On the Hill - Rita Jo Visits the White House and our Alaska Leaders, Rita Jo Shoultz, Alaska Perfect Peony and President, Kenai Peninsula Farm Bureau Chapter - Fritz Creek


9:00    Farm to Restaurant Fact Sheet:  Helping farmers get products into local restaurants - Covers fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, dairy and eggs. Jacquelyn Shade, Program Assistant, Division of Agriculture


9:30    Growing Certified Weed-Free Forage, Katie Matthews, Matthews Farm - Ninilchik


9:45   Misty Mountain Farm, Scott Mugrage - Delta Junction


10:00    Break and Scholarship Silent Auction bidding


10:30    FSIS Laws and Poultry Exemptions, Richard Atkinson, Supervisory Investigator, USDA, FSIS, OIEA, CID:  Regulations related to inspected slaughter, poultry slaughter exemptions, and the slaughter and processing of exotic species in Alaska.


11:00    Gardens at the Eco-Village of Ionia, Eliza Eller - Kasilof


11:15    Alaska Department of Transportation, Sgt. Jess Seward, Anchorage Area Supervisor for Measurement and Standards and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement.  They have heard the concerns from the agriculture community and are willing to answer specific questions that you have.


11:45    Lancashire Farm Fibers, Jane Conway - Soldotna


12:00    Lunch and Scholarship Silent Auction bidding.


             There are two lunch selections and each has a different serving style:


The Herb Roast Chicken will be served as a Buffet.  Please bring your tickets to the buffet line, as they will be collected. 


Those having the Soup and Grilled Chicken Salad, please remain seated with your tickets placed on the table in plain sight, as you will be served your lunch.


Cookies, iced tea and lemonade come with both lunches. 


1:00    Port Chilkoot Distillery, LLC, Heather Shade, owner - Haines


 1:15     Strawberry Fields Nursery, Lorne and Elana White, - Kodiak


 2:00     Animal Care Standards and Alaska HSUS, Dr. Bob Gerlach, State Veterinarian


 2:30     Alaska Aquaponics and a Self-contained Barley Fodder Growing System, Tom and Sonja Martin Young - Homer


 2:45     Alaska Agriculture Day - Taking Advantage of the Opportunity, Amy Pettit Development Specialist Manager, Alaska Division of Agriculture.


 3:15     Short Break.  Silent Auction Ends - Payments Accepted - take your items with you


3:30     Alaska's Meat Industry:  Business as Usual or Can We Do Better:  What Needs To Be Done?  Can It Be Done and How?  Roundtable discussion/brain storming session.


 5:30     Cash Bar Opens in our same meeting room, as this is where the banquet will be held.


 6:00     Awards Banquet


The Trail Blazers 4-H Club of the Lower Kenai Peninsula will again be assisting us at the registration table as well a setting up the scholarship silent auction.  We certainly do appreciate their help!







 Forum Conference - Workshop - Awards Banquet and Farm Bureau's Annual Meeting


Your Name _________________________ 

Address ____________________________

E-Mail Address ______________________


November 13th Free workshop.  7:00 P.M. "Advocate From the Farm Gate", Advocacy and Social Media with Johnna Miller, American Farm Bureau Federation.  No Charge, but seating is limited due to the room size.  

Number attending: _________________


November 14th Friday Forum Conference "Strengthening Alaska's Agriculture" 

space and meals limited registration 

@ $35 x _____ people   $ ________                                                                                                                     

Friday Forum Conference Luncheon - No Charge, but you MUST make your selection.


____ People.  Buffet of Herb Roasted Chicken, Potatoes, Vegetable, and Dessert  OR

____ People.  Plated lunch of Grilled Chicken Salad with beets, walnuts, Gorgonzola, fresh lemon, Soup of the day, and Dessert.                


Awards Banquet and Scholarship Auction Friday evening

$25/person x ___ people (Prime Rib, Potatoes, Vegetable Medley, Assorted Desserts)        $ ________


November 16th Saturday Annual Meeting Luncheon

Spaghetti, Caesar salad, and garlic bread.  Compliments of COUNTRY Financial 

(No Charge, MUST reserve) _____ People



Total Amount Due           $ ________


Please make checks payable to the Alaska Farm Bureau, Inc. (address below.) OR 


You may send us your credit card information and we will enter your payment through PayPal.  Your credit card number: ___________________________.  


The expiration date: _____________ and the security code from the back of the card:  __________. 


Signature: ___________________________________   

OR Registration and payment may be made on line:
