Quick Links
July 2014


Hope your summer is going well!! We have a lot of announcements in this newsletter including our Alaska Farm Bureau Photo Contest and Board of Directors Nominations.  


Also, if you haven't made your reservations at Land's End for our Friday Forum Conference, you should do that soon. Rooms are going fast!


Thank you everyone for everything you do! 

Happy Trails.....

Jane Hamilton
Executive Director
Alaska Farm Bureau

PS. Please help us grow Alaska Farm Bureau! Forward this newsletter to anyone involved in Alaska agriculture. 


Life is Short - Eat Good Food - The Best Is Always Alaska Grown






The Alaska Farm Bureau is seeking a qualified individual to serve as Executive Director. The Executive Director is responsible for the overall administration and management of the Alaska Farm Bureau.  Areas of responsibility include administration, membership, fiscal management, and public relations.  This is a full-time position.  


The Farm Bureau does not provide office space. Your office will be in your own home.  The Farm Bureau does pay a small stipend towards telephone/fax/IC.  The Farm Bureau provides a laptop, printer, two file cabinets, and a copy machine.  You supply a desktop computer, software, or any other office materials desired. 


The Executive Director is responsible for providing support to the Board of Directors, managing the programs and operations of the organization, and coordinating professional relations.  The Director must be able to compose clear and concise written correspondence, e-mails and reports as well as the ability to document all deliberations and decisions made during meetings through accurate and detailed minutes.  You must have the ability to work with volunteers.  The position requires the ability to plan and arrange agendas, speakers, hotel meeting room and food service arrangements for meetings and conferences.  The Director works in partnership with the State President.  It is understood that all aspects of this position are to be carried out with the approval of the Board of Directors through the State President.  If you are not currently an Alaska Farm Bureau member, you must be willing to become one upon being hired.


This position will be advertised during July and August.  Interviews will be held during October.  The position's start date will be November 1, 2014.  It is expected that you will attend and participate in the Board of Director's meeting, the Friday Forum, Awards Banquet and Scholarship auction, and the Annual Meeting.  These events will be taking place in Homer, Alaska on November 13th-15th, 2014.  The salary is $32,000.  This may be negotiated based on experience and expertise.  We do not provide health insurance or a retirement plan.


To apply, please send a cover letter and resume with references to the Alaska Farm Bureau at PO Box 760, Delta Junction, AK 99737 or via e-mail to [email protected] no later than September 1, 2014.


For inquiries or a copy of the job description, contact Jane Hamilton at

907-803-4752 or [email protected].



Sheering day at Lancashire Farm in Soldotna where about 60 sheep where sheered thanks to the sheering team of Carol Morris, Joe, Barbara McNinch, Beth VanSandt and Lee Corray! #MembershipMonday

Have you been checking our Facebook page?  It changes every weekday! My favorite is "Membership Monday" with a photo featuring a farm, ranch, garden or high tunnel of an Alaska Farm Bureau member.  

The Profiles of Alaska Agriculture is by far our most popular feature netting hundreds of views per picture. 


We are running out of photos and sure would like you to send in a few of your operation!  I think our new webmaster, 23Kazoos, is doing a fantastic job with both our Facebook and webpage - www.alaskafb.org.  

Please send me your photos to use, to promote Alaska Agriculture and YOU!  (We will include your Facebook page or website as well if you send it to us too!)


We certainly would appreciate it and will gladly post them for everyone to see.  Send them to [email protected].


ARRC - Lending to Farmers Is Our Business


Line of Credit loans for all farm-operating costs. (3 years) Chattel loans for equipment new or used (5 years on used 7 years on new). 

Real Estate loans for purchase or improvements to land (up to 20 years.)


All loans are 5 to 9 percent interest depending on credit and collateral.  Call Steve at 907-745-3390 or email at [email protected]. 




The election process for the Alaska Farm Bureau's Board of Directors begins in August.  You will be receiving your Nomination Petition in the mail.  Complete the petition with the name and address of the person you wish to nominate to represent your chapter on the Board of Directors.  


Two General Members who have their 2014 dues paid must sign the nomination petition.  The petition must also be signed by the person nominated indicating that they agree to serve if elected.  The person nominated must be a General Member and have their 2014 dues paid.  A General Member is actively engaged in agriculture or mariculture.


Nominating petitions must be received or postmarked by September 5th.  They are sent to the Alaska Farm Bureau Office at PO Box 760 Delta Junction, AK 99737.  Ballots will be mailed to eligible voters by October 1st. 


Members of the Copper River Valley Farm Bureau Chapter will not be participating in the election process this year as their Director, Marlene Wenger's term of office does not expire until 2015.







The Ag Appreciation Award will honor your neighbor who is exceptional in their service to agriculture and the farmers and ranchers in Alaska.  


The Legislator of the Year Award is to honor an Alaska Representative or Senator who has made a significant contribution to the advancement, promotion, or protection of agricultural producers in the state.


The deadline to nominate is September 1st. The nomination process is not a formal one as there are no applications or forms to complete.  Just send an e-mail or a note with the person's name and a brief description of why you think they should be honored.  Send your nominations to the Alaska Farm Bureau's office at PO Box 760 or e-mail it to [email protected].



23 Kazoos


Building Buzz for Your Business


We do the marketing you need to do, want to do, but don't have time to do!

Social Media Management * Email Newsletters * Websites * Logos *Blogs * More


Alaska Farm Bureau Members Get 20% Off Services!







USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has announced that funds will be available for their organic certification cost-share assistance program.  The funds are available to certify organic producers and processors in Alaska for certification-related expenses that were incurred from October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014.  Payments will be up to 75% of an individual producer's certification costs, up to a maximum of $750 per certification.   


If you have incurred organic certification costs during this time period, contact Barbara Hanson at the Division of Agriculture so that you may receive a cost-share reimbursement application.  Contact Barbara at [email protected] or at 907-761-3854.






Chef at the Market is a program that provides local chefs with funding to perform cooking demonstrations at local Farmers Markets.  The demonstrations feature Alaska Grown specialty crops.  The Division of Agriculture provides the program.  


Contact Jacquelyn Schade at 907-761-3858 or via e-mail at [email protected] for more information.  Chefs will be making demonstrations during August and September at these Farmers Markets: 


Spenard Farmers Market: 
August 30th and September 13th.

Anchorage Farmers Market:  

September 6th and 20th.

South Anchorage Farmers Market:  

August 16th and 30th, Sept. 13th and 27th.

Glennallen Wednesday Market:  

August 6th and 13th.

Homer Farmers Market:  

August 16th and 30th and September 6th and 20th.

Central Kenai Peninsula Farmers Market:  

August 9th and 16th.

Farmers Fresh Market:  August 5th.

Tanana Valley Farmers Market:  

August 13th, 20th and 27th.  Sept. 3rd and 10th.

Downtown Fairbanks Market:  August 11th, 18th and 25th.





Photo credit: Nancy Tarnai


Mom, Dad and all the kids should have their cameras/phones with them this summer because it's time for the Alaska Farm Bureau Photography Contest.    


The Alaska Farm Bureau photography contest is open to every member and their children.  


There are three categories:  

  1. Farm Animals, 
  2. Farm Scenery, and 
  3. Country Children. 

A $100 first prize will be awarded in each category.  Those attending the Friday Forum and Annual Meeting in Homer on November 14th and 15th will select the "People's Choice" from among all the photographs entered.  That winner will also be awarded $100.00.


Photographs will be judged on the following criteria:  creativity, originality and human interest.  


The photographs should be digital and e-mailed to AKFB executive director at [email protected].  


Photos can also be mailed to PO Box 760 Delta Junction AK 99737.  The deadline is October 1st.  


Copies of the photographs may be used by the Alaska Farm Bureau to promote agriculture in our membership brochures, website and Facebook.  Credit will be given to the photographer if their photo is used.



Members who enroll five (5) new members earn travel and two nights to the Alaska Farm Bureau's Friday Forum conference and Annual Meeting in Homer on November 14th and 15th! Just be sure that your name is on their membership application to receive credit for enrolling them.  


Several members are well on their way as they have already enrolled new members.  


Homer is beautiful in November!




Fairbanks Farm For Sale:  Arctic Roots Farm and Bed and Breakfast at 1293 Esro Road, off Chena Hot Springs Road. The parcel includes 25 acres of brome grass, 30 acres of birch forest, a 1-acre moose proof orchard/garden, a 20'x 48' high tunnel and a 20' x 48 greenhouse with drip irrigation. There are 3 homes - a farmhouse and two modern homes which are used as an agra-tourism bed and breakfast, a large shop with a heated utility room, a large barn with sheep handling corrals, a chicken coop, root cellar, and 30 acres with a 5' stock fence.  Contact owner Chris DuBois at 907-750-1514 for more information.  It is listed with Joe Russo at Russo Reality. Joe can be reached at



Rams for Sale:  Black Welch Mountain rams, very gentle, $300 each.  Nancy Davidian and Chris DuBois, Arctic Roots Farm. Call 907-750-1514.


Land For Sale:  70 acres in Salcha. It has Richardson Highway frontage and is near Milepost 315. There is a small stream on the property.  $42,000.  Contact Ann Geise at 907-895-4466.


Wanted:  Locally Grown Food:  The center for Alaskan Coastal Studies hosts a number of camps and overnight programs at our Peterson Bay Field Station throughout the course of the summer.  We provide meals for participants during the programs and would like to source more of our food locally and sustainably. The Center is a 501 c 3 environmental education organization in Homer. It was established in 1982.  E-mail [email protected] for more information. Telephone: 907-235-6667.


Vendors for Center Market Wanted:  The Center Market at The Mall at Sears in Anchorage is looking for vendors with unique Alaska Grown or produced products.  The Center Market is a year round, indoor farmers market.  We are looking for vendors to join us on Wednesdays for this spring.  We will start our Saturday market in August.  For more information, e-mail Alex Davis at [email protected].


For Sale:  2008 Dodge 3500 Pickup.  4 door crew cab, 6.7 l inline diesel engine, turbo charger, duel rear wheels.  Black with Leer Topper.  5th wheel attachment, 6 speed automatic.  Excellent condition with all the bells and whistles. Super chip included.  151,000 miles.  Please call Jeannie Pinkelman in Delta Junction at 907-895-4006 or 895-4594.


Farm for Sale in North Pole:  A 9 acre commercial operation farm/nursery/tourism lodge business at 2100 Nelson Road in North Pole.  A 30'x40' attached, insulated greenhouse, fully landscaped grounds, tree nursery, large vegetable garden (only natural fertilizers used), woods in blueberries and cranberries. There is a 2-story log lodge, stainless commercial kitchen, covered porches, and gazebo for weddings. Good well water. 28 HP hydraulic John Deere tractor with bucket, rototiller attachments and many, many other features. $378,000.  Contact Tracy Pulido at [email protected].


40 Acres for Sale in North Pole:  Gorgeous parcel that is a mix of large spruce, birch, willow and grassland.  East borders Chena Lake Recreation Area at the end of Repp Road in North Pole.  Great spot for farm, rural estate or hunting/fishing aurora-viewing lodge.  Can be subdivided into 5-acre lots. Short walk to river or lake.  Road access, power about � mile away. Very private, but easy access to town. Owner financing is available.  $117,000 OBO. Contact Tracey Pulido at [email protected].


For Sale:  Drill stem pipe.  160 pieces of 2 7/8 inch and 3-� inch.  Each piece is thirty-two (32) feet long and � inch thickness.  Selling for $1 per foot. Call Mike at 907-301-7942 at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center in Portage Glacier.




Classified Ads ARE FREE to Alaska Farm Bureau Members.  Submit your ad to the newsletter editor at [email protected]
or phone 907.803.4752.





August 3rd:  12th Running with the Bulls at the Musk Ox Farm in Palmer. Proceeds help support the Musk Ox Farm's care of their 84 magnificent musk oxen.  Contact them at 907-745-4151 or e-mail at [email protected] for more information.


August 11th-16th:  Centennial Week at the Anchorage Extension Office celebrating 100 years of Cooperative Extension Service. Several classes on a variety of subjects are being offered.  Contact them at 907-786-6300 for more information.


September 1st:  Deadline to apply for Executive Director position with the Alaska Farm Bureau.  Details in above article.


September 1st:  Deadline to nominate Legislator of the Year and Ag Appreciation Awards.


September 5th:  Nominating Petition deadline for candidates to represent your chapter on the Alaska Farm Bureau Board of Directors.


September 8th:  Last day to enroll in the FSA Reimbursement Transportation Payment Program.  Contact your Northern or Southern Farm Service Agency Office.


September 30th:  Deadline to make your hotel reservations with Land's End Resort at the discounted rate for the Alaska Farm Bureau Friday Forum and Annual Meeting.  Call them at 907-235-0400 or 1-800-478-0400. Be sure to mention that there is a block of rooms reserved under the name Alaska Farm Bureau when making your reservation in order to receive the discount.


End of September/October:  Distribution of applications for the Organic Certification Cost-Share Assistance Program.  Applications will be distributed through Barbara Hanson at the Division of Agriculture.  Contact her at 907-761-3854 or [email protected].


October 1st:  Photo Contest entries due.


October 1st:  Ballots will be mailed to vote for the candidate to represent your chapter on the Alaska Farm Bureau Board of Directors.


November 14th: Friday Forum Conference, Awards Banquet and Scholarship Auction at Land's End Resort in Homer.


November 15th: Alaska Farm Bureau's Annual Meeting in Homer, Alaska.



Join the Alaska Farm Bureau and SAVE!  


Members of the Alaska Farm Bureau receive MANY great benefits, just for being a member!  


Click here to see a complete listing of benefits offered to our fabulous members!  


Membership is only $40 a year! Join today and support Alaska agriculture!