we hope you enjoy reading CURE's May RiverVoice.
Upcoming Events

When: Wednesday, June 8, 3PM to 9PM
Where: Upper Sioux Agency State Park

When: Saturday, June 11, 10 AM to 5 PM
Where: Minnesota River (Skalbekken County Park, Kinney Landing, and Marsh Lake)

Long time CURE member, Jianhua Qian "Chen" sets out to pedal from the Missouri River to the Mississippi River in Iowa to raise awareness and money for CURE.  This ride will begin on Sunday, July 23 in Glenwood, IA by putting his rear bike tire in the Missouri River and end eight days later putting the front tire in the Mississippi River near Muscatine, IA.

On May 9th the Pesticide Action Network (PAN), an international network working to replace pesticide use with ecologically sound and socially just alternatives, released a report titled "Kids on the Frontline."  The report, which assesses dozens of independent studies, links pesticide exposure to health impacts such as leukemia, brain cancer, and developmental disorders in both children and adults.

On May 9th the Pesticide Action Network (PAN), an international network working to replace pesticide use with ecologically sound and socially just alternatives, released a report titled "Kids on the Frontline."  The report, which assesses dozens of independent studies, links pesticide exposure to health impacts such as leukemia, brain cancer, and developmental disorders in both children and adults.
Water Program

Here is your chance to invest in CURE's work around developing a Minnesota Water Ethic Charter. This Minnesota Water Ethic Print was created from two graphic recordings of roundtable meetings in Renville and Northfield, MN, organized by CURE and the Land Stewardship Project (LSP). CURE and LSP designed the two meetings to answer Governor Dayton's call to begin engaging community members around a conversation to draft a community-based Minnesota Water Ethic Charter. There are only 120 limited edition signed and numbered prints available for purchase. The prints are 18" x 23".

Another way to receive your copy of the print is to join our monthly giving program and become a  Sustaining Member. By giving $10, $15, or $20 a month, you are supporting CURE's important work year-round. Click here to join!
Climate Program
Energy Program
"Allete CEO commits to renewable energy sources," by Tom Olsen, Duluth News Tribune.

"Minnesota utility helps small communities reach out on energy," by Frank Jossi, Midwest Energy News. 

"Stearns nixes moratorium on solar projects," by Kristi Marohn, St. Cloud Times
Events and Adventures

Calling all volunteers from the Minnesota Master Naturalist, Woodland Advisor, Forest Pest First Detector and Master Gardener programs! As you know, invasive species such as buckthorn, garlic mustard and wild parsnip pose serious threats to Minnesota's natural resources, ecosystems and economy. We want YOU to join in a statewide effort to tackle the growing problem of invasive species.

Join us for a one-day workshop (qualifies as AdvanceTraining/continuing education hours!) in which you will learn the impact of invasive species in Minnesota and be trained to identify and remove/treat selected problem species and provide follow-up management and monitoring. Workshop registration fee is $50 (scholarships available), and includes extensive take-home materials and a light dinner.

Be part of the Minnesota River Public Paddle event...

CURE is once again joining the MN DNR Watertrails program "Paddle the MN River in a Day" and will support paddles along three different stretches of the Minnesota River. The trip leader for this event is Peg Furshong the CURE Events & Adventures Coordinator. Participants are encouraged to bring their own canoe or kayak. CURE does have a limited number of canoes and kayaks available by advance registration. The fee is $10 for CURE members with their own canoe or kayak and $35 per person for non-members and includes a CURE annual membership. Your fees help cover our costs for staff and shuttling. To register or get more information, please contact Peg at 1-877-269-2873 or email peg@cureriver.org.

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