Community Newsletter                                                                              Winter 2015 Edition
Community Partners
Herbert Fitzpatrick, AA School/Community Partnerships Director, Saundra Davis-Brody, Sam's Club Representative & Marie Cox, AA Human Resources Director
Sam's Club

Advantage Academy would like to say "Thank you!" to Sam's Club of Dallas for donating $500 in gift cards as rewards to our teachers and staff. 

If you would like to partner with Advantage Academy, please contact our School/Community Partnership Director, Herbert Fitzpatrick @ 214.276.5890

Costco has recently started a Reading Program with our North Duncanville students. Advantage Academy is excited to announce this new program and partnership.
2015-16 New Student Enrollment enrollment
Prospective Family Information Nights 

AA North Duncanville PK-8 Wednesday, March 4th and Wednesday, April 15th @ 6:30 pm 

AA Grand Prairie PK-12 Tuesday, February 24th and Wednesday, April 15th @ 6:30 pm 

AA Waxahachie PK-8 Thursday, March 5th and Tuesday, April 7 @ 6:30 pm


Click campus name above for addresses and directions to each campus. New student enrollment starts March 2, 2015.

National Religious Freedom Day
Student Assemblies at all AA Campuses Assemblies

Pastor Kason Brand of Concord Church (pictured) spoke to our Grand Prairie students at our National Religious Freedom Day Assembly,  Pastor Paul Garrett of Liberty Christian Ministries and Pastor Melissa Lance of The Avenue Church spoke at the North Duncanville campus and Waxahachie campus; respectively. Read the Presidential Proclamation

Student Signs Letter of Intentstudentsigns

Advantage Academy Senior, Sairra Tucker received an athletic and academic scholarship for soccer to play at University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Sairra signed her letter of intent at AAGP West on February 4, 2015. Sarah is pictured here with her parents, along with Mrs. Tammy Bailey, AA Assistant Athletic Director and Coach Northcutt campus athletic coordinator.

Alumni $100 Gift Card DrawingAlumni
If you were an Advantage Academy graduate in 2014 or earlier or know someone who is, contact Sherri Busalacchi @ 214.276.5839 or email her Please provide the alumni name and graduation year. We will send a link to our alumni survey and they will be automatically entered into our $100 gift card drawing. Good luck! 
Quick Links
Did You Know?
2015-16 Enrollment 
Religious Freedom Day 
Student Signs Letter of Intent 
Alumni Survey & Chance to Win $100!
Stay Connected
A Special Thank Youspecial
Advantage Academy would like to say a special "Thank you" to Cheryl Griepp with Jones Day Law Firm. The Dallas law office donated thousands of dollars in office furniture to our district. Thank you for your support!
Did You Know? Did
Advantage Academy has 3 special feeding programs outside of our regular breakfast and lunch program.  

The After School Meal Program provides hundreds of delicious meals to students at all grade levels at each campus. This program is funded by the Texas Department of Agriculture and sponsored by CitySquare. There is no need for parents to apply for your child to be eligible for this program.

Produce Drop is a monthly fruit and vegetable program that provides 5 lbs of produce to PK-5 grade students at each campus.  There is no need for parents to apply for your child to be eligible for this program.

Food 4 Kids is in it's 8th year and provides healthy snacks for the weekend for qualified PK-6 grade students every Friday afternoon. Parents may pickup applications in the nurse's office for this program. More information about these and our Child Nutrition program is available on our website.