The JHS Town Crier
News for Juanita High School
Take a quick look at all the important updates and information below -- class registration, summer opportunities, schedule updates, and more!
Friday, March 11th is now a full day of school.
Need info on what's going on at school?
The Town Crier -- monthly newsletter with detailed info on upcoming activities
Weekly Bulletin -- weekly updates and activities, including daily schedule, clubs, and athletics
JHS Website -- calendar, announcements, links to Haiku, grades
JHS PTSA Website -- PTSA activities, Advocacy, Membership, Volunteer activities
Important Dates
March 9th -- PTSA General Meeting, 7:00pm, Library
March 9th -- Spring Sports Parent Potluck Meeting
March 10th -- Principals' Tea, 10 AM, Main Office Conference Room
March 12th -- Tolo Dance
March 11th -- regular schedule Friday (no longer a LEAP day)
March 30th -- Orchestra Concert, 7:00pm

April 1st - Last Day of Third Quarter
April 4 - 8 - Spring Break, no school
April 13th -- PTSA General Meeting, 7:00pm, Library
April 22nd -- Multi-Cultural Show
Table of Contents
  • From our PTSA President
  • Emergency Preparedness Tips
  • PTSA Scholarship Available
  • Membership
  • Editorial:  Legislators Lose Focus on Education
  • Teacher Grants
  • PTSA Positions for 2016-17
  • JHS is a Green School
  • Senior Celebration
  • Business Sponsorship
School News
  • From our Principal
  • From the Counseling Office
  • Seniors -- FAFSA Forms
  • SAT and ACT Test Dates
  • Registration for 2016-17
  • AP Test Registration
  • Important Dates
  • From the Career Resource Center
  • LW Institute of Technology Open House
  • WaNIC Summer School
  • Expanding Your Horizons
  • Summer Opportunity
  • VEGFEST Volunteers Needed
  • Aviation Academy Class
  • Internship Opportunity
  • Evergreen Beauty College
  • Washington Cement Masons
  • JHS Drama Program
  • TOLO Dance
LWSD and Community News
  • Finn Hill Dinner/Dessert Dash
  • Lake Washington Schools Foundation
  • Lake Washington Special Needs Group
  • Register to Vote

Thank you to our Business Sponsors

From our PTSA President:
March is here and spring is just around the corner, like the daffodils,  things are popping at Juanita too. At our last PTSA meeting we put together a nominating committee that will be looking for new faces for next year's executive board: please read the article later in the Town Crier for details. There are many board positions that need to be filled as well. Serving on the PTSA has been a fun experience for me and I have gotten to know so many more parents and staff in the process. If you care about the school, find a way to serve your PTSA -- kids matter! 

Safety in schools is a hot topic these days. One of the goals of the PTSA is to communicate with parents and guardians about school safety and how we are involved. To address this issue at our February meeting we asked Officer King, our school's designated SRO (Safety Resource Officer), to share information about what law enforcement has in place to protect our school. He presented information about safety protocols that are being implemented throughout the district. The program is called ALICE which is an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. It teaches students to actively participate in their own survival in the event of an intruder on campus. To learn more about this please see our website at and click on School Safety. 

Additional information on the website about safety includes, "What Parents Should Know", a student release form and a link to a booklet called RESPECT, published by the teens of Kirkland Youth Council. It highlights your students rights, responsibilities as well as specific Washington State laws that pertain to youth. Do you know the driving curfew for a new driver? What age your teen can be questioned by police without an adult present? Teen traffic court -- what's that? Still scratching your head? Check out the Respect booklet! 

Finally, as a PTSA we are working hard to advocate for your student. Susan Baird-Joshi, our Advocacy rep and I went to Olympia representing Junaita to ask the legislature to continue to fully fund education in the State of Washington. It's been a long battle, and it continues. Locally, we as a PTSA, endorsed the Lake Washington School District Bond measure that will be offered at a special election on April 26th. One of the most important elements of this bond is that it would rebuild Juanita High School, which is the best news ever! See a related article about it and join our membership by voting YES! 

Our next meeting is March 9 in the Library, as always all are welcome! 

Lile Ellefsen
JHS PTSA President
Emergency Preparedness:  Tip of the Month

Talk to your students about: (i) evacuating the house in a fire or earthquake and (ii) where to meet outside the home in both situations.  Remind them about feeling the door for heat before they open the door (don't open it if it's hot and they have another exit route!) and staying low to the ground to best avoid smoke.  A wet cloth over their nose would be great if they have liquid in the room they can use.
SUGGESTION: Teenagers may feel they don't need to plan ahead for a fire, but ask them to humor you and tell you their exit plan if they were in each room in the house.  Then ask them to do the same and tell you how they'd react in an earthquake.  A meeting location example: designating a neighbor's lawn. The purpose of a meeting location is so that you can quickly confirm everyone is out of the house, and it prevents emergency responders from needlessly entering a burning home.

Juanita High School PTA Emergency Preparedness Co-Chairs Margaret Adams ( and Carla Hedges (
PTSA Scholarship!

All college-bound seniors are eligible for a scholarship!  The PTSA Scholarship deadline is April 28th.  The application form can be found online at the JHS and PTSA website, Haiku site or at Mr. Navalinski's office.  

Question can be directed to Cindy Poon
JHS PTSA -- Are you a Member?
WE NEED YOU!  It's never too late to join the JHS PTSA!

We support our Juanita teachers and families in many ways:
  • Town Crier electronic newsletter to keep you informed on school and community events
  • Teacher grants to support classroom and department needs; PTSA Scholarships to our students
  • Advocacy - support education funding at the state level and informing you with LWSD school bond updates
  • College Prep - informational sessions on college admissions and SAT/ACT practice tests for our students
  • Volunteer support - laptop roll-in, first-day schedule distribution, staff appreciation
You can email Lina Kramer to verify your membership status.  Or you can fill out the membership form and turn into the front office with your payment, or join online at

Thank you!
Editorial:  "Legislators Lose Their Focus on Education"
By Susan Baird-Joshi, JHS PTA Advocacy Chair

Although K-12 education is important, the Washington State Legislature will not be taking constructive financial action this legislative session. Legislators from the 48th and 45th Washington Legislative Districts met with Lake Washington PTA members during PTA Focus Day in Olympia on February 3, 2016. While everyone supported education, no one had clear objectives to make a meaningful impact on the financial requirements for McCleary and fully funding K-12 basic education.

According to Rep. Larry Springer, D-45th, in a postcard from his office, "The importance of a good early education cannot be undervalued." "However, this year is a short session so it is unlikely that there will be major changes to the budget."

JHS PTA President Lile Ellefsen and JHS Advocacy Chair Susan Baird-Joshi attended general information sessions and joined LW PTSA Council members to meet with elected officials. All officials echoed Rep. Springer's postcard statements. Springer and Rep. Roger Goodman, D-45, said the House Democratic caucus estimated that to meet the McCleary mandate of "ample" funding, the state would need $4 billion more in the biennium budget. They said most elected officials agreed it will take new revenues to meet that goal. A key component of McCleary was to not rely so heavily on local levy dollars. This year the state revenues are "a little beyond the 2008 revenues." In 2008 the United States suffered a stock market crash and housing market crash.

Rep. Joan McBride, D-48th, said one option for funding could be a capital gains tax. "Everything's on the table right now because it has to be. The sheer number is so big." McBride, along with Rep. Patty Kuderer and Senator Cyrus Habib, D-48th district, all said the funding piece would come next year.

Senator Andy Hill, R-45th, said the Legislature has focused on reprioritizing state tax revenues first.

Projecting five to six years in the future, Rep. Springer and Goodman said there could be a need for state-wide collective bargaining on salaries. In 1 1/2 years, Lake Washington School District is projected to be the second largest district in the state.

Susan Baird-Joshi, Advocacy Chair,
Teacher Grants

The JHS PTSA is happy to be able to offer teacher grants for the 2015-16 school year. This year financial awards totaling nearly $5,000. were donated to four key areas:
  • DECA:  study material for their students to help them compete in area and state events, as well as purchase a new brewing machine for fundraising purposes. 
  • English department:funds to offset the cost of bringing the Seattle Shakespeare Company for an in-house performance in May.  
  • Science department: more collision carts for the physics classes
  • Music Department: locking cabinets to keep instruments safe. 
These enhancements for the school and student enrichment are made possible by generous donations from members of the PTSA. Awarded staff were so thankful and wrote kind notes of appreciation. The PTSA and the staff thank you very much!
Positions Available for PTSA 2016-17!

One of the many elements that makes JHS a great school is the PTSA.  High School is such an important time to support our teachers and students. We're looking for some great parents to fill these positions for the 2016-17 school year:
PTSA Board:                               Committees:
President                                         SAT / ACT Prep
Vice President                                 Newsletter (Town Crier)
Secretary                                         Website/ Facebook
Treasurer                                         Volunteer Coordinator
Membership                                    Senior Celebration
                                                        Rebel Pride Day
                                                        Finn Hill liaison
                                                        Booster Club Rep
                                                        Parent Education
Questions?  Please ask!  Contact Susan Vossler with questions, details, or if you are interested or would like to nominate someone.

Deadline for nominations is April 22nd.
JHS is a Green School!

Congratulations JHS!

JHS has been recognized as a Level One Green School by King County.  We are the first high school in LWSD to receive this recognition.  Through our recycling/composting efforts, we are diverting 55% of our waste away from the landfill.  Our lunchroom trash production has been cut in half.  That's good for our planet .....and it saves the District money. 

Thanks to  Mr Clark and his Earth Corp team.  Thanks to our custodian, Les Richey.
Thanks to students and staff  for  their efforts.  Being stewards of our environment is part of  our Rebel Pride!!!

For more information or to be part of the 'green" action at JHS, please contact
Susan Vossler:
Senior Celebration! 

We still have a few tickets available for the Class of 2016's Senior Celebration!  Bus sign-ups will begin in April.
Representatives from the Senior Celebration committee will be at lunches on Tuesday and Thursday throughout March to sell tickets, talk about scholarships available for those who can't afford the cost and to collect outstanding balances from those who have paid a deposit. Current ticket prices are $200.
Tickets and forms are online on the JHS website , click on the PTSA link then Senior Celebration.
You can submit forms and checks made out to JHS PTSA to the front office or you can go online and pay with credit card through the link above.
This is the last event your child will attend with their class.  Sign up now! 
Business Sponsorship

Own a business and want to show your support for the JHS PTSA?  Check out our new Business Sponsorship link on our website (click the "Business Sponsorship" button on the left side column)
or click here for the form.
School News
From our Principal:
To our Juanita Family,

I wanted to be sure to over communicate the news that we will have a full school day on Friday, March 11.   This will be the make-up day for the school day we missed on Friday, February 5th due to threats made against the school.  We are continuing to investigate and still hoping to find the student or students responsible.

I also wanted to share that our school's attendance policy will be changing.  Due to a change in state guidelines, 10 or more absences in a class will no longer result in loss of academic credit (an NC grade).  Non-attendance issues are now being viewed as being within the broad arena of school discipline consequences and no longer within the area of academic consequences.  Students who had been assigned NC grades in prior coursework, whether for this recent Fall academic semester or in prior semesters, have since had their credit reinstated.  Additional information on this policy change will be coming your way very soon.

I also wish to remind everyone that Spring sports are staring soon with turnout day on Monday, February 29th.    Students are welcome to turn out for Track and Field (a "no cut" sport)  Baseball, Softball, Boys' Soccer, Girls' Golf, Girls' Badminton (a "no cut" sport), and Girls' Tennis (a "no cut" sport).  It's a lot of fun to be part of a school team and an place in which great friends are often made!

Thanks as always for your continued support and partnership, and Happy Spring!



Gary Moed
Juanita High School
Home of the Rebel Family 

From the Counseling Office:
In March and April seniors will be beginning to look toward their next endeavor, 8th grade students will be thinking about moving to the high school building, and 9th, 10th and 11th grade students will be preparing to move one step closer to graduation.  All students should be concentrating on the options available to them and preparing to make some choices.  
Seniors:  If you are planning to attend a 2-year or 4-year college after high school, you should already have applied for admission and be well along in the financial aid application process.  Complete and submit financial aid forms and scholarship applications ASAP in order to get priority consideration.  There is free information and advice about how to complete the FAFSA at several websites:,,, and
Approximately 1-3 days after filing the FAFSA you should receive your Student Aid Report (SAR).  This is a summary of the information you entered on the FAFSA.  It will inform you of your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), and of whether you are eligible for a Pell Grant.  Check the information immediately!  The FastWeb Student Bulletin explains the SAR and the EFC. Read it online at

Attention Juniors and Sophomores! 

It's time to start planning to take the standardized tests for admissions to College.
Check and for registration information, and practice tests.
SAT test dates
Register by
ACT test dates
Register by
Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors!

Registration Time!  This year registration for the coming academic year took place in February.  Some students may be interested in participating in some special programs of study which are available at JHS and are designed to enhance a student's high school program.  Some of these include: 
  • Advanced Placement (AP) is a program administered by the College Board.  It includes courses for highly motivated students who wish to pursue college-level studies in the high school setting.  Qualifying grades on end-of-year AP examinations can be submitted for college credit and/or waiver of course requirements in the freshman year of college.  JHS offers AP classes in English, mathematics, music, science, social studies, and world languages.
  • WaNIC (Washington Network for Innovative Careers) is a consortium that offers approximately dozens of professional/technical classes to high school students in participating school districts like Lake Washington School District.  Courses are intended for juniors and seniors in good academic standing.  To register for a WaNIC  course, please see Ms. Johnson in the Career Center.
  • Running Start is a dual enrollment program through which participating students may take college-level courses, tuition-free, at one of the area community colleges.  Students simultaneously earn high school credit and college credit in eligible Running Start course work.  Students interested in Running Start should: a) have junior or senior standing in high school; b) take an assessment in Literacy and Math at the community college; c) attended one of the Information sessions about Running Start. We'll offer an orientation session on 3/2 (Bellevue College and Lake WA Technical Institute interest) and one on March 3 (Cascadia interest). Both sessions will take place in the library after school. Students who missed these Orientations should come to the counseling office to get copies of the information distributed at the time.
  • Tech Prep College Connections is a program that combines high school and community/technical college classes in one course of study taken at the high school.  Students who are successful in a Tech Prep class can receive community college or technical college credit by submitting an application for credit. Many of the courses offered in the Occupational Education department at JHS are eligible for CC&CN credit.  These courses have a special designation in the Course Catalog.
For information on any of these programs, contact the Counseling Office at (425) 936-1610, or visit us at
AP Registration Coming Soon
IMPORTANT AP INFORMATION!! Registration for this year's AP exams will take place from  3/14 - 3/18. The cost is $94 per test. The tests are held at Juanita High School 5/2 through 5/13. Students will register and pay at the bookkeeper, and bring the receipt to the counseling office so we can order the correct number of tests. Students that qualify for free or reduced lunch can request a fee reduction from Ms. Zhou in the counseling office and pay only $12 per test.
Important Dates for March - April 2016
March 2 - 3          Running Start Orientations after school in the library  
March 4               Registration deadline for the 4/9 ACT
March 14-18        AP registration    
April 6 - April 10  Spring Break, no school
April 22                SAT registration deadline for 5/7 test date 
From the Career Resource Center:
The Career Resource Center is a place where students may come to find out about college visits, scholarships, job openings, field trips, or how to earn credit while working. . We have numerous resource books available for check out including the Official SAT Study Guide for the redesigned SAT. The class of 2017 will be taking this new test. 
Lake Washington Institute of Technology -- Open House!

Lake Washington Institute of Technology Open House, March 1st, 4 - 7pm

Interested students will have the chance to tour campus, meet instructors, ask questions and participate in hands-on activities. LWIT offers three bachelor's degrees, 43 associate degrees and 89 certificate programs. 
Scholarship Opportunities!

Scholarship season is in full swing. Check out opportunities through the daily bulletin, Haiku (under the Extra tab), the JHS website or stop by the CRC.  

WaNIC Summer School

WaNIC offers fun classes this summer. Is your student missing a Health credit? Interested in Cyber Security? Has your student ever wanted to build a car stereo system (and get a discount on parts), learn about Health Careers or Culinary Arts? Work with DNA and visit Fred Hutch? Are they into Animation, Robotics, or Video Game Programming? (DigiPen offers these same classes for over $1200.)

 All WaNIC classes are $50.00, and assistance is available. Students earn .5 credits. Registration opens March 15th. Sign up through

See attached flyer for class details. 
Expanding Your Horizons
Math, Science, & Technology Conference for Girls

Designed to increase awareness of career options, students will meet and interact with professional women whose careers are based on math, science or technology. Students may choose from over 50 hands-on workshops. Conference is Friday, March 25th at Bellevue College.

This field trip fills fast; interested girls should stop by the CRC for a brochure.
Summer Opportunity

The University of Washington is offering a free week long summer camp for juniors or seniors interested in Engineering and Materials Science. It's a combination of mini-demonstrations and field trips with extensive involvement in laboratory, facilities, and instruments to actively explore materials science, engineering, and bio- principles. Application deadline is April 29th. This will fill fast as it's a great opportunity.

VEGFEST -- Volunteers Needed

VEGFEST is coming, April 8 - 10th!

This is a great volunteer opportunity for which you get a free Vegfest T shirt; free admission to the event, and the satisfaction in helping people experience vegetarian food and learn their benefits. 

More information at and to volunteer, go to 
Come Fly With Me...

Do you have the Right Stuff to fly an airplane? The Aviation Academy is looking for students ages 13-18, curious about aviation. This one month class is designed to give you a "real world" look at all aviation has to offer, culminating in a ride in a small plane (weather permitting). If you have any interest in this unique opportunity, stop by the CRC for a flyer. Class is limited to 30 students, on a first come, first serve basis. Cost is $75.00. The students who went last year had an awesome experience.
Internship Opportunity!

CIIID Scholars Summer Internship Program - Center for Innate Immunity and Immune Disease

A 10-week hands-on lab experience at the University of Washington. This is a rare and unique opportunity for high school students to get real world experience in a functioning biomedical research lab. This program is designed for highly engaged high school students entering their junior or senior year in high school or their freshman year of undergraduate studies that are local to the Seattle Metro area. Interns will be selected from a pool of highly qualified applicants. 

Registration closes April 1st. This is a paid internship. 

Evergreen Beauty College

Evergreen Beauty College will be in the CRC during 5th period on March 9th. Students will get an insight into Cosmetology options, as well as helpful hints on how to land a job, budgeting, and how to prepare for life following graduation. Sign up to attend in the CRC.
Washington Cement Masons -- Apprenticeship Summer Camp

High school seniors who will be graduating are invited to attend a one week training camp with the Cement Masons Apprenticeship Training Center this summer. This class is structured for students (male and female) who are looking for a career in the concrete construction trade. Students will learn all the aspects of the trade. Upon completion students may be hired as an apprentice. Stop by the CRC for a flyer.
JHS Programs
Juanita Rebel Drama

The Pirates of Penzance!

March 17, 18, 19 at 7:30pm
March 24, 25, 26 at 7:30pm
$10 Students, $15 Adults
All tickets are sold at the door

TOLO date has been moved to Saturday March 12th!
Tolo is a school dance organized by the JHS Chapter of the National Honor Society.  Traditionally at Juanita, the girls ask the boys to this dance and the dance has a fun costume theme (but you do not need a date to attend).   
The dance will be held in the Juanita High school Cafeteria/Commons area the evening of Saturday March 12th.
This year's Tolo theme is "Olympics"!  Students can dress in costumes representing this theme. Some ideas are dressing up from other countries, as referees/officials, or dressing up in team gear (soccer team, etc.).  Costumes are NOT required to attend.
Tickets will go on sale at school the week before the dance for $10.   Tickets will be sold at the door for $12. 
Honor Society members can get chapter sponsored volunteer hours by helping decorate the school on Friday March 11th (late morning - late afternoon).
Chaperones for this event will be needed! 
 2 shifts 7:30-9:30 and 9:30-11:30pm, 10 volunteers per shift. 
If you can help chaperone, or need more information about Tolo please contact the Juanita National Honor Society advisors Annie Zhou or Stacey Barber
Community News
Lake Washington School District
Finn Hill Pasta Dinner and Dessert Dash!

Greetings students, teachers, staff and Juanita High School Learning Community, Mark your social calendars as you are cordially invited to attend the Finn Hill Middle School Annual Pasta Dinner/Dessert Dash/Fund-a-Need and Raffle Event. The date is Tuesday March 1st from 6:00-8:30pm at Finn Hill Aroma Restaurante known locally as the  Finn Hill Middle School Commons. Cost is $10.00 per person so invite your friends and family to this great event. The FHMS Jazz Band will be playing that evening for everyone's entertainment. Hope to see everyone there! Ciao Mr. Scarpelli
Victor Scarpelli, Jr.
Principal, Finn Hill Middle School
Principal, Environmental & Adventure School
Lake Washington School District
Lake Washington Schools Foundation

Local Sports Stars To Speak at Spring Fundraising Events 

Former Seattle Seahawk and Pro Football Hall of Famer Walter Jones is the highlighted speaker for the Spring for Learning Luncheon on April 20th. Walter played 12 seasons for the Seattle Seahawks as left tackle. He was the first-team selection of the NFL's All-Decade Team of the 2000's. Following the 1999 season, Jones became the first offensive lineman in Seahawks history to be elected to the Pro Bowl. Jones has two students in the Lake Washington School District. 
Seattle Sounders Coach Sigi Schmid will speak at the Spring for Learning Breakfast scheduled for April 27th. Sigi is the winningest coach in MLS history. Since 1999, Schmid's teams have won 11 major titles, including two MLS Cups. Schmid is a member of both the National Soccer and UCLA Hall of Fame. Schmid's niece graduated from a Lake Washington School District high school in 2013 and he has a nephew in the district. 
The Lake Washington Schools Foundation will host its 11th annual fundraising events at the Marriott Hotel at Redmond Town Center. Please join us to support a beyond-basic education for all students in the Lake Washington School District. Register to attend or donate to support the event at or call (425) 936-1414 to be a table captain, corporate partner or volunteer to help make the event a success.

Questions?  Contact George Hu, LWSF Ambassador,
Lake Washington Special Needs Group
 Helping with your Child's Feelings  

Raffael Boccamazzo, PsyD, LMHCA (Doctor of Clinical Psychology and social skills coach with Ryther - Aspiring Youth program) and Rebecca Kinnestrand (Washington State Coordinator for the Selective Mutism Group) will help us identify and understand emotions and anxiety with strategies for parents and children.  
Date:    March 15, 2016 (Tuesday)
Time:   7 - 8:00 p.m.  Presentation, 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. Questions & Answers
Where: Board Room @ LWSD Resource Center
             16250 NE 74th St, Redmond, WA 98052 (at Redmond Town Center)
*Selective mutism (SM) is best understood as a childhood anxiety disorder characterized by a child or adolescent's persistent inability to speak in one or more social settings (e.g., at school, in public places, with adults) despite being able to speak comfortably in other settings (e.g., at home with family).  Affected individuals understand language use and, although they have the physical and cognitive ability to speak, they demonstrate a persistent inability to speak in particular settings over a particular period of time due to anxiety.
Dr. Raffael Boccamazzo has a private psychology practice in Bellevue offering individual therapy and assessments to adolescents and adults. He is also the clinical director of, a national nonprofit focused on mental health and the gamer community. He provides parent and clinician trainings on technology in psychology. Much of his work focuses on high functioning autism, problematic technology usage, social anxiety, trauma, and games. 
Rebecca Kinnestrand is the Washington State Coordinator for the Selective Mutism Group, a national non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to those impacted by a child with the anxiety disorder known as Selective Mutism. Rebecca's daughter was diagnosed with SM in 2012. Rebecca has since become an advocate for children and the parents of children with SM. You can read about her journey with SM here:

Margaret Adams, Special Needs contact:

For up to date information on presentation for the 2015-16 school year (dates and subjects) go to 
Community Notes and Announcements
Register to Vote by March 28th

Will you be 18 by April 26, 2016?

By March 28 register to Vote online, by mail or in person. Go to King County Elections:
Thank you to our Business Sponsors!
The JHS Town Crier
a service of the JHS PTSA 02.08.90

Juanita High School PTSA | | 10601 132nd St, Kirkland, WA  98034 | JHS PTSA

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