Future Events


January 20

GIPHCC luncheon


February 17

GIPHCC luncheon


March 9

Vendors Fair

4-7 pm

Eagle Creek Golf Course






Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


Join Our Mailing List


The January 2016 GIPHCC Ventstack

Start the New Year off by attending the GIPHCC Meeting!

January 20, 2016

GIPHCC Luncheon

11:30 registration

noon luncheon

12:30 speakers:  

Denny and Andy Smith


 Generational Business Transitioning


Denny and Andy Smith will be discussing how to transition a business from one generation to the next, what the issues are for each generation.  This topic is particularly pertinent to many GIPHCC companies.  Please join us --both generations--to participate in the meeting.


In attendance at the meeting as a guest will be the new PHCC National EVP, Michael Copp.  Copp has a strong background with trade associations, as well as experience in the construction industry.  He wants to meet Indiana PHCC contractors and will speak briefly about some exciting new ideas at National PHCC. 


Cost: $25 per person.


Please make your RSVP for this meeting by emailing Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com by Fri., Jan. 15th  so that reservation numbers can be confirmed with Primo's in a timely fashion.
President's Letter 


Dear GIPHCC Friends,


So again we come to the  end of another year.  Where does the time go?  2015 falls into the pages of history, and we each are granted an opportunity to start fresh.  The new year is a great time to evaluate the past, learn from our mistakes, and build on our successes.   


As you make your plans for 2016, I hope you will be willing to commit your time and resources to the continued success of the Greater Indianapolis PHCC.  2015 was a good year, and currently we are a strong organization with many benefits to offer our members.  Just as importantly, you have much to offer the GIPHCC.  Organizations only remain as strong as their committed membership.  I have learned that being involved in any worthwhile organizations takes investment, but generally the return on these investments is significant.  For me, this has been the case with the PHCC.  I'm sure it will be for you as well.


Come join us at our monthly meetings and other events throughout the year and see how you can be part of the solution to many of the challenges we face in our industry today.


Best wishes to each of you in this new year.


Brian Lebo,

GIPHCC President    

2016 Vendors Fair
March 9th, 4-7 pm.

Eagle Creek Golf Course

26 booths will be available for this event on a first come, first served basis.  Be sure to send in your registration form to Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com to take part in this popular annual event. 

News of Note


MMI is Moving!

Effective 1-4-2016, MMI will have a new home at 5342 West 78th Street, Indianapolis.  All other contact information will remain the same.


Tabletop Opportunities

Please take note of the luncheon meeting topics listed below in Mark Your Calendar.  If there is a topic or a date you'd particularly like to be the tabletop presenter for, please contact Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com and get signed up.


Spring Fever 

June 16th (Thurs.) Indianapolis Indians vs. Pawtucket Red Sox baseball game/picnic.  Cost is $27 per person.  We need to have the reservations for this fun summer event firmed up in January. 

Tickets will be passed out at the April Associates Appreciation Night event.  A block of 75 seats has been reserved on the same side as the picnic area.  Look for the first email on this event shortly and respond quickly.


  • Jan. 20, Denny & Andy Smith, 2nd generation, transitioning the business
  • Feb. 17, Current Health Care Legislation
  • March 9, Vendors Fair, Eagle Creek Golf Course
  • April 20, Associates' Appreciation Night, dinner meeting
  • May 19, GIPHCC golf outing
  • June 16th (Thurs.), baseball game
  • July/August no GIPHCC meeting
  • Sept 24, Indiana PHCC Convention, Belterra


Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!