Future Events


No December luncheon


Jan. 20 Luncheon

Andy/Denny Smith, 2nd generation transitioning the business.






Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


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The December 2015 GIPHCC Ventstack

 The Holiday Spirit


religion_candles.jpg The holiday spirit begins to make itself evident in November with Thanksgiving.  We give thanks for family and friends and share our blessings with others.  The spirit was apparent at the GIPHCC lunch meeting with the outpouring of toys and cash support for the Toys for Tots drive.  Thank you to all who participated.


Now December's here and hopefully the true spirit of the season will continue.  Spirit is defined as "the breath of life, the soul, zeal, real meaning."  In the rush of commercialism, often the true meaning of the season is lost or momentarily forgotten.  Obviously the religious significance of Christmas is the most important aspect of the holiday.  Unfortunately, like children, we too often become consumed with "getting" --not with sharing.


This is a time to give, to share, and to connect not only with family, but also with those in need.  It is a time to continue the spirit of appreciation of others, of love and goodwill.


Let's stop and appreciate the lights, the songs, and the true meaning and hope of the season.


Happy holidays to one and all.   

President's Letter 


If you missed our November luncheon, you missed a great meeting.  I would like to offer a special word of thanks to Frank Bruggner with Viega Co. for bringing an informative presentation on the subject of Legionella to us at the November luncheon meeting.  This is an important topic that will continue to impact our industry for years to come.  I appreciate Frank's insight and willingness to bring us all up to speed on this timely issue.  If there are any other topics you would like to have presented at these meetings, please let me know.


I would also like to thank Dave Heffner for representing the Marine Corp and Toys for Tots at the November luncheon.  Thanks to everyone who gave to this good cause.  In keeping with the generosity and quality of the people in our organization, we had a tremendous amount of donations.  Thank you all.


Once again we approach the end of the year.  This is always a great time to reflect on the achievements and challenges of the year and to look ahead to the opportunities that lie before us.  I am extremely thankful for the dedication and hard work of our board of directors for the GIPHCC.  These individuals continue to offer their time and service to give back to the industry:  Bill Fite, Jamie Carter, Dave Nance, Dave Heffner, Cathy Stegemoller, Keith Smith, Chris Harris, Frank Bruggner, Joe Denzio, and Eric Damon.  Thanks you all for making a difference.


I know we are all very busy.  I hope you will slow down long enough during the holiday season to spend some quality time with family and friends.  You'll be glad you did.  My best to you all. 



Brian Lebo,

GIPHCC President    

Toys for Tots


The November Toys for Tots drive was highly successful. 
Four boxes of toys and gifts and an outpouring of cash were collected at the November meeting. They were taken to the Marines' drive by GIPHCC's resident Marine, Dave Heffner.


This was the best response we've had to the fund raiser. Pictured below is the Mister Quik team and the toys they collected from their employees.  What a great idea!  It is a wonderful way to kick off the holiday spirit.  Thank you so much to all who participated.  

News of Note
Thank you to Frank Bruggner, Viega, and Chris Moore, Old National Insurance, for their presentations at the November meeting.

Address Change:
Mr. Quik, new address is 4625 W. 86th St., Ste. 800,  Indianapolis 46268.
Don't forget: Associates: Check your December emails.  We'll be sending out the sign up application file to reserve a space/booth for the March 9th Vendors Fair.  Wait for the form to reserve your space; however, don't forget that it's restricted to only 26 booths.  First come, first served.


Mark your calendars and sign up for the June 16th (Thursday) Indianapolis Indians vs. Pawtucket Red Sox baseball game/picnic. Cost is $27 per person. We need to have the reservations for this fun summer event firmed up in January.  Tickets will be passed out at the April Associates Appreciation Night event.  A block of 75 seats has been reserved on the same side as the picnic area.  Look for the first flier on this event in December as well.  

Mark Your Calendars 
  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
  • Jan. 20, Andy Smith, 2nd generation, transitioning the business
  • Feb. 17, Current Health Care Legislation
  • March 9, Vendors Fair
  • April 20, Associates' Appreciation Night, dinner meeting
  • May 19, GIPHCC golf outing
  • June 16, Thursday, Indianapolis Indians vs. Pawtucket Red Sox baseball game/picnic
  • July/August no GIPHCC meeting
  • September 23, Indiana PHCC Convention, Belterra


Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!