Future Events



November 18

GIPHCC luncheon

Primo's South



Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


Join Our Mailing List


The November 2015 GIPHCC Ventstack

Nov. 18 GIPHCC Luncheon
Primo's Banquet Center
2615 E. National
11:30 Registration
12 noon Luncheon
12:30 Speaker: Jeff Gallagher
Topic: Legionella

Each year an estimated 56,000 to 113,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Estimated fatalities due to Legionella are around 4,000 annually.

Legionnaire's disease is a severe, often lethal respiratory infection, caused by the Legionella bacteria. Waterborne pathogens like Legionella rank among the top causes of outbreaks in public water systems in the U.S. Legionella bacteria are found in the environment, usually in warm, stagnant water-in domestic potable water plumbing systems, dental equipment, cooling towers, hot water tanks, decorative fountains, and pools and spas.

Cost: $25 per person
Please send in your reservations to Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com by Fri., Nov. 13th so that plans can be coordinated with Primo's.

President's Letter 


Our thanks go out to John Bain for addressing the GIPHCC at the October luncheon.  John did an outstanding job bringing us up to speed with the work the IN state PHCC has been doing.  Their efforts to address the workforce demands that we will face in the future have been outstanding.  This endeavor will provide all PHCC members the opportunity to address our future workforce struggles in an intentionally proactive manner.  Thanks again to John and the rest of the INPHCC board for their insight and initiative in this project.
Please mark your calendars for the November 18th GIPHCC lunch meeting at Primo's.  Frank Bruggner with
Viega and his partners will be presenting on the topic of addressing the problems associated with Legionella.  We have all been counseled to turn down the temperature of hot water for safety reasons; now we learn that this creates its own set of problems.  Come and learn the best ways to respond to these complex challenges.
I have to say that I'm so glad the Thanksgiving holiday is just around the corner.  It's probably my favorite holiday and a truly great time of year to reflect on the many blessings we all have.  I hope you'll take some time this year to tell the people you care about that you are thankful for them.  Possessions matter precious little if we have no one to share them with.
Here are some practical ways you can express your gratitude for the opportunities this nation has given you:
  • Tues., November 3rd is Election Day.  You can't complain if you don't vote.  Well, you can, but no one's going to taking you seriously.  
  • Wed., November 11th is Veterans Day.  Find a vet and do something nice for him or her.

Have a great month.  See you at the luncheon.  


Brian Lebo,

GIPHCC President    

How Indiana PHCC Is Helping You Find Your Next Plumbing Tech

The State Association has launched the workforce development initiative www.thebestcareer4you.com.
Put simply a prospective employee requests information, and that request is sent to Indiana PHCC contractor members.  The contractor connects the person to see if they are a good fit!  In the first few weeks there have been over a hundred inquiries made through the site.  Click here for John Bain's presentation from the October GIPHCC meeting.

News of Note


Thank you to John Bain and Frank Bruggner
for their presentations at the October meeting.


Welcome to new contractor: 

Summers Plbg Htg & Clg - Brownsburg, Gary Line, 463 Southpoint Circle, Brownsburg, 46112, 858-5248, Gary.line@summersphc.com.


November 18th luncheon meeting, Toy Collection: As in past years, we will be starting off the holiday season by collecting toys for the Marines' Toys for Tots.  $5 will be deducted from the luncheon cost for each company/person who brings a toy.  Please remember that the 11+ age range is often overlooked in this endeavor.  Monetary donations will also be accepted.

Tabletop Opportunities:  Please take note of the luncheon meeting topics listed below in Mark Your Calendar.  If there is a topic or a date you'd particularly like to be the tabletop presenter for, please contact Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com and get signed up. 



  • Nov. 3, Election Day
  • Nov. 11, Veterans Day
  • Nov. 18, Jeff Gallagher, Legionella
  • Nov. 26, Thanksgiving
  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
  • Jan. 20, Andy Smith and/or Denny Smith, 2nd generation, transitioning the business
  • Feb. 17, Current Health Care legislation, Federated Ins.
  • March 9, Vendors Fair
  • April 20, Associates' Appreciation Night, dinner meeting
  • May 19, GIPHCC golf outing, Eagle Creek
  • June 16 (Thursday), baseball game/picnic, Pawtucket Red Sox  5:15 picnic time
  • July/August no GIPHCC meeting
Military & Thanksgiving
In 1621 the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared in an autumn harvest dinner. In 1789 Washington issued the 1st Thanksgiving proclamation. He called on Americans to express their gratitude for the conclusion of the revolution and for the ratification of the Constitution. In 1817 New York was one of the 1st states to officially adopt an annual holiday. The South remained unfamiliar with the tradition. I827 Sarah Josepha Hale started a campaign to establish Thanksgiving as a national holiday.

In 1863, in the middle of the Civil War, Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day be held the last Thursday of each November. All Americans were to ask God to "commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners, and sufferers in the lamentable civil strife" and to "heal the wounds of the nation." In 1939 FDR moved the celebration up a week to spur retail sales during the Depression. Finally in 1941 FDR signed the bill making the 4th Thursday in November officially Thanksgiving Day.
May we all take time this year to honor the original intent of this important holiday and seek to heal the wounds of the nation and to give thanks for the bounty which we do enjoy.

That was a doggone good Thanksgiving meal!
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!