Future Events


Sept. 17

IAPHCC Golf Outing

South Grove GC



Sept.  18

IAPHCC Convention

Omni Severin


Oct. 21

GIPHCC Luncheon Meeting

Primo South



Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


Join Our Mailing List
State Convention


The September 2015 GIPHCC Ventstack


Friday, Sept. 18:  

Guest Speakers will include Beth Dobkin, "Evolve or Die"  The Ever Changing World of Business Ownership" and Kirk Alter, "Technology for Profit".  The Indiana PHCC Plumbing Workforce campaign will also be explained in detail.

Sign up online!  


GIPHCC's own Mark Helm, P.I.P.E., Inc. will become the new Indiana PHCC President.  Come celebrate with Mark as he is sworn in at the President's Party at 7:00 p.m. on September 18th at the Omni.  There will be lots of great auction items you can bid on as well! 



Thursday, Sept. 17:

This year's golf outing will take place at South Grove Golf Course in Indianapolis. Foursomes are still available!  Sign up here or call Brenda at (317) 575-9292. 


President's Letter 


 Well, summer is winding down, and the school year is back in full swing.  Your Greater Indianapolis PHCC is planning many helpful topics at our upcoming lunch meetings in October, November and on into the next year as well.  I hope you'll plan to join us at these meetings.  In October, John Bain with RT Moore will speak about his work on the IN State PHCC Board to attract new talent into our industry.  Recruitment is a huge issue for us all.  This initiative promises to pay big dividends for all PHCC members in the future.  In November Frank Bruggner with Viega Co. will be talking about how Legionella can negatively impact the potable water systems in our customers' homes and businesses and what can be done to safeguard against this threat.  These topics are specifically selected to be timely and informative.  If there are any other topics you would like to have presented at these meetings, please let me know.
Remember: The Indiana State PHCC convention is just around the corner.  I hope you are planning to come to this event.  It will be a fun and profitable time for all.  I look forward to seeing you there. 

Brian Lebo,

GIPHCC President    

How Indiana PHCC Is Helping You Find Your Next Plumbing Tech

The State Association has launched the workforce development initiative www.thebestcareer4you.com.
Put simply a prospective employee requests information, and that request is sent to Indiana PHCC contractor members.  The contractor connects the person to see if they are a good fit!  In the first few weeks there have been over a hundred inquiries made through the site.  To learn more come to the Indiana PHCC Convention!

News of Note

Welcome to new contractors: 

  DP Mechanical Services LLC, David Perry, PO Box 39568, Indianapolis 46239, 443-4753, 352-1103, dperry@dpmechanical.com.


Larry Stokes Plumbing, Larry Stokes, 1133 E. Perry St., Indianapolis 46227, 782-4776, 782-4766, Plumberlarrystokes@sbcglobal.net.


Preferred Mechanical Services, Greg Williamson, 67 N. 2nd Ave., Beech Grove 46107, 924-4024, 924-4098, gwpms@yahoo.com


September 2: Plumbers Supply Pork Chop Dinner, 11 am-1 pm.  Raymond St.


September 22P-M & Associates will be offering Navian Training at their 1203 E. St. Clair St., Indianapolis location.  NPE Level II & III Water Heaters will be from 9 am--noon. Combi & Boiler 101 will be from 1-4 pm.  Click on the class for more information.  To register contact Debbie Ford at (317) 775-6283.

Tabletop Opportunities:  Please take note of the luncheon meeting topics listed below in Mark Your Calendar.  If there is a topic or a date you'd particularly like to be the tabletop presenter for, please contact Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com and get signed up. 



  • Sept. 17, IAPHCC golf outing, South Grove Golf Course
  • Sept. 18, State IAPHCC convention
  • Oct. 21, John Bain, recruiting young members
  • Nov. 18, John Gallagher, Legionella
  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
  • Jan. 20, Obamacare
  • Feb. 17, Andy Smith, 2nd generation, transitioning the business
  • March 9, Vendors Fair
  • April 20, Associates' Appreciation Night, dinner meeting
  • May 19, GIPHCC golf outing
  • June, baseball game
  • July/August no GIPHCC meeting


Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!