Future Events



 Apr 16

Awards Dinner Meeting

Primo's South 

6 pm registration


May 22

GIPHCC Golf Outing

Eagle Creek Golf Course

Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


Join Our Mailing List
State Convention


The April 2015 GIPHCC Ventstack

Thursday, April 16


GIPHCC Business Meeting

Associates Appreciation Night

6:00 pm Registration, 6:30 pm Dinner

Cost: $30 per person


Denny Smith This will be an action-packed evening.  Denny Smith will be the keynote speaker.  His annual speeches to GIPHCC are anticipated events.


We will also be honoring the 2015 Associates Award recipients: Gary Bynum, Mike Kavanaugh, and Steve Richards.  The 2015 Contractor of the Year Award will be presented as well.


Please note that this is a dinner meeting and that it is being held on Thursday; both of these are departures from our usual procedure.    


Contact Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com or mabooth@att.net before April 11th to make your reservation in a timely fashion. Thus far the following have signed up to attend: TOP Marketing, Ray Basile, Brian Lebo, Randy Vogt, Marty Kavanaugh, Brenda Dant, Denny Smith, Ann, Steg Plumbing (2), Larry Metzler (2), Mike Kavanaugh (2), and Gary Bynum (2).

President's Letter 


Dear Friends,  



I'm so glad Spring is here.  I'm sure you all are as well.  New Year resolutions are great, but now that the days are getting longer and the temperatures are on the rise, we can really grab hold of the opportunities ahead of us.  I hope you will use some of the renewed energy that comes with the season to get involved in your local PHCC chapter.  Our monthly meetings are a great place to start.  The Greater Indianapolis PHCC is working hard to provide a forum where the plumbing and heating professionals of our area can make a difference in their industry.  If you'd like to know more about how to get involved and begin to make a difference, please reach out to any GIPHCC board member.  You can find a list of board members here.   


Our Vendor Expo in March was a huge success.  Many thanks to all our vendors who participated in this special event as well as those who organized and worked so hard to make it a great day for all.  Thanks to all who attended.  We look forward to any feedback on how we might improve this event in the future.


We are looking forward to our Annual Dinner meeting on April 16th with great anticipation.  We are excited and honored to have Denny Smith as our guest speaker.  Denny is a long-time friend to our industry and to our organization.  It's always a treat to have Denny in to speak with us.  We look forward to seeing you all there as we take the time to honor those who have made such positive contributions to our industry over the years.  You won't want to miss this one.


As always, please remember to support our associate members.  They do so much to make our organization a success.  You can find a comprehensive list of these fine vendors on the GIPHCC website


Brian Lebo,

GIPHCC President    

Gentle Reminders:


P-M & Associates is sponsoring a training class on Navien products.  Click here to learn how to get enrolled.


Friday, May 22nd GIPHCC Golf Outing:  Eagle Creek Golf Course.   We like to give members something to look forward to in the midst of our Midwest snow season.  Start rounding up your teams and deciding on sponsorships.  Hopefully with the later date, it won't be as cold as last year. 



Baseball tickets for the June 16th baseball game/picnic may be reserved by emailing Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com.  Price is $27 per person.  Slight increase in price due to food price increase.  Seats are on same side as the picnic.  We've reserved 75 tickets. Tickets need to be reserved by March 31 so that they can be passed out at the April 16th dinner meeting. 

Thus far 40 have been spoken for: Aspinall (4), 2 raffle tickets, Larry Metzler (2), Amerestore (2), WCI (25), Brian Lebo (2), Karl Derr (3), and Frank Bruggner (?).


News of Note

Thank you to participating associates who took part in the March 11th Vendors Fair.  It was a fantastic success.  If you want visual proof, go to the www.giphcc.com
web site and view the slideshow which Brenda added featuring the event.



  • Thursday, April 16, Awards/Associates Award dinner meeting.  Associates Award presentation, GIPHCC Contractor of the Year Award, Denny Smith, guest speaker. 6:00 registration, 6:30 dinner. Please note day and time departure from usual monthly meetings. 
  • Friday, May 22, GIPHCC golf outing, Eagle Creek Golf Course.  Please note date and day change.
  • June 16th (Tues), baseball game/picnic. 5:30 picnic
  • July, no meeting
  • August, no meeting
  • Sept. 17, IAPHCC golf outing, South Grove Golf Course
  • Sept. 18, State IAPHCC convention
  • Oct. 21, grease receptors
  • Nov. 18
  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
Happy Easter!
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!