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Future Events


January 21 Luncheon Fuel Gas Code


Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


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The January 2015 GIPHCC Ventstack

January 21 GIPHCC Luncheon

Primo South

11:30 registration

12 noon luncheon

12:30 discussion

Topic: New Fuel Gas Code

Cost: $25 per person


Make reservations with Ann at  mabooth@att.net or  mabooth01@gmail.com  

by Jan. 16 so that lunch numbers can be confirmed with Primo's.


Planning for the Future


The March 2015 Vendors Fair already has 23 of the 26 available booths spoken for.  Last year's Fair was a resounding success in spite of nasty weather, and we're hoping this year's fair will be equally well attended.


In June we've signed up to attend the Tuesday, June 16th Durham Bulls vs. the Indianapolis Indians game.  We have reserved 75 seats for the game and picnic event.  The picnic begins at 5pm and the game, at 7pm.  This year, due to early sign up, the seats are on the same side as the picnic.  If you want to reserve seats now, just email Ann at mabooth@att.net or mabooth01@gmail.com with the number of seats you need.


 May 21 will be the annual golf outing.  The location has changed this year to Eagle Creek Golf Course.  Be on the lookout for information on this event in the next couple of months. 


 Message From The President
Brian Lebo, President
 Dear GIPHCC Friends,
Well, the new year is finally upon us.  I hope that for you 2015 will be filled with many successes in all aspects of your life.  2014 was a good year for the GIPHCC.  We had  a strong year, and we are looking forward to 2015 with great anticipation.
For many, the New Year holiday time is a time of reflection and decision.  Many well intentioned people will make resolutions in an effort to start their year off on the right foot.  Some of these resolutions will last; some will not.  We as an industry will have many challenges ahead of us in 2015.  I hope you will resolve to join us in the GIPHCC in being a part of the solution to many of these challenges, I am.
Best regards,
Brian Lebo
GIPHCC President 

News of Note 


Welcome to new contractor, D. W. Anderson Plumbing LLC, Dale Anderson,  3510 US 52 South, Ste. 2, Lafayette, IN 47905, phone 765-414-2080, daleanderson69@yahoo.com.


Also welcome Godby Heating Plumbing Electrical, Bud Hileman, 7852 Moeller Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46268,  

471 -8700, bhileman@godbyhpe.com 



Congratulations to Bill Ciriello on being elected Chairman of the Indiana Plumbing Commission.


Condolences to Dan Canter on the recent passing of his mother-in-law, Dortha Wilson.  


32 Hour Medical Gas Systems NFPA 99, 2015 ASSE 6010 Installer Certicate & Brazing Qualifications, and ASSE 604 Medical Gas Systems Maintenance course

will begin at 8 am, Jan. 12 and end on Jan. 15.  The class meets from 8 am-5 pm at Mechanical Skills.  Applicants must have a minimum of 4 years' documented experience in installation of piping systems.  Attendees must provide proof along with a photo ID before they can take the final exams.  A copy of the NFPA, 2015 edition will be provided for each attendee.  Successful completion of the required 32 hour course requires a passing grade of 75% on a written exam, given on the morning of the last day, and brazing of a coupon in both the horizontal and vertical positions.  Also ASSE 6040 Medical Gas Systems Maintenance class will be held from Jan. 12-14 at Mechanical Skills.  This class does not include brazing.  The class is from 8 am-5 pm.  Contact Indiana PHCC for reservations or sign up online


  • January 21, fuel gas code luncheon
  • Feb. 18, grease receptors, luncheon
  • March 11, Vendors Fair, Eagle Creek Golf Course
  • April 15, Awards/Associates Award, dinner meeting
  • May 21, golf outing, Eagle Creek Golf Course
  • June 16, Indpls. Indians vs. Durham Bulls baseball game & picnic
  • July/August--no meetings
  • Sept. 17--IAPHCC golf outing
  • Sept. 18--IAPHCC Convention, Omni Severin Hotel
  • Oct. 21, GIPHCC luncheon
  • Nov. 18, GIPHCC luncheon
  • Dec.--no meeting
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!