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Future Events


Nov 19
Luncheon Meeting

11:30 a.m.
Primo's South


No December Meeting 


Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


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The November 2014 GIPHCC Ventstack

November 19th GIPHCC Luncheon Meeting


11:30 am registration - Primo South

Topic: Water Heater Changes


Panel:  led by Mike Michaud, Battersby Danielson: Mark Reed, MMI; and Steve Schultz, Rheem.


The panel discussion will discuss changes in federal standards for water heaters and their impact on the industry.


A major change to the water heater market is on the way, creating both challenges and opportunities for plumbing, heating and HVAC contractors, designers and engineers.

New energy efficiency mandates from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will take effect on April 16, 2015. They require higher energy factor (EF) ratings on virtually all residential water heating products including gas-fired, oil-fired, electric, tabletop, instantaneous gas-fired and instantaneous electric.  Tankless systems already exceed these EF requirements, and all other water heating products manufactured before the DOE mandates take effect can still be bought and installed after the changeover date.  


Cost: $25 per person


** $5 will be deducted from the cost of the lunch for those bringing new toys to be donated to Toys for Tots, GIPHCC's annual charity contribution.  





Please contact Ann at mabooth01@gmail.com to reserve a seat at this meeting.  Reservations should be made no later than November 14th; we anticipate heavy attendance.

 Message From The President
Brian Lebo, President
Dear PHCC Friends, 
Well, autumn has certainly arrived.  Change is in the air and so are the leaves, at least for a brief moment, just before they land in my yard.  Change is inevitable, and our industry is certainly no exception.

Our last lunch meeting was well attended and for good reason.  E-Myth speaker and certified business coach Michael Kaplan presented his dynamic approach to taking control of your business rather than it controlling you.  Michael can be reached at https://calendly.com/michaelkaplan for those who may want further information on how he can help your business respond to these times.

Please mark your calendars for the November 19th GIPHCC lunch meeting at Primo's.  We will have a representative panel from 3 manufacturers to give us an update on the changes they are anticipating in April of 2015 for water heaters and how their organizations are responding to meet these challenging requirements and to answer questions you may have concerning these new standards.

Leaders of industry anticipate and prepare for change.  Come join us on November 19th and learn how your company can best prepare to meet these challenges.  You won't want to miss this meeting. 
Best regards,
Brian Lebo
GIPHCC President 

History of Veterans Day 


Veterans Day gives Americans the opportunity to celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of all U.S. veterans.  However, most Americans confuse the holiday with Memorial Day.  Memorial Day honors servicemen who died in service.  Deceased veterans are also remembered on Veterans Day, but the day is set aside to thank and honor living veterans who served honorably in the military--in wartime or in peacetime.


Some Americans don't know why we commemorate our veterans on November 11.  Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally "dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be hereafter known as 'Armistice Day.'"  It was to honor WWI veterans. WWI officially ended at 11 am on 11/11.  In 1954 Congress struck the word "Armistice" and inserted "Veterans".  It became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.

Take time this month to let our country's veterans and current servicemen and women know that you're proud of them and thankful for their service for our country, whether in time of war or peace.

News of Note 


Welcome to new contractor, Dixon Plumbing, Kevin Dixon, 3725 S Arlington Ave., Indpls. 46203, 786-0066 phone, 786-0664, fax, Dixonplumbing3@aol.com.


Also welcome new contractor Res-Q Plumbing, Adam Tames, 7845 S Madison Ave., Indpls. 46227, 758-6246, adamtames@yahoo.com


**Toys for Tots donations**


will be collected for the Marines' annual charity drive at the November GIPHCC luncheon meeting.  $5 will be deducted from the price of your luncheon for those bringing toys.  

Thank you to Michael Kaplan and Dave Bertolet for their contributions to the October meeting.  They truly gave attendees much food for thought.


  • November 11, Veterans Day
  • Nov. 19, GIPHCC luncheon meeting,
    Primo's South
  • November 27, Thanksgiving
  • Dec. -  No GIPHCC meeting
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!