Quick Links
Future Events

October 15
GIPHCC luncheon meeting

October 17
Pump Installer Workshop

November 19
GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Toys for Tots

No luncheon meeting
Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber



The October 2014 GIPHCC Ventstack

October 15 GIPHCC luncheon meeting

Where: Primo South

When: 11:30 registration; noon lunch; 12:30  

Speaker: Michael Kaplan

Topic:  The EMyth Perspective

Cost: $25 per person


Successfully building a business requires an owner to take a high-level, strategic view, and see the business from an integrated, holistic perspective.  In this talk you will learn about the Three Personalities of a business owner and the Entrepreneurial Seizure.  You will learn the most common frustrations of business owners and about 7 dynamics, which encompass every activity you do in your business.  You will learn how you can use these dynamics to systematize your business, gain better control, make more profit, regain work/life balance and have a business that runs like a well-oiled machine.


Please be sure to register for this meeting with Ann at mabooth@att.net by Fri., Oct. 10th.



K.I.S.S. and Building GIPHCC Membership


GIPHCC needs to always be encouraging others in the industry to join its ranks.  Often others feel that the organization really doesn't have much to offer them.  Talking points to encourage them to join the group include the following:

  • GIPHCC and PHCC speak for the industry on Capitol Hill, on industry issues, small business issues, and involvement opportunities.
  • Discounts for apprentices enrolled at Mechanical Skills
  • PHCC members are in the Indiana House of Representatives
  • Voting member of the Plumbing Code Review Committee
  • Member on State Plumbing Commission
  • Lobbyist
  • Updates on new laws
  • Education --both for contractors and for apprentices
  • discounts on fuel at Speedway Super Fleet, etc.
  • Promotion of the "Call a Licensed Plumber. It's the Law.
  • FLAG--Find the License, Attorney General
  • newsletters, web site, 24/7 connection with others in the industry 

Now comes the K.I.S.S. philosophy, (Keep It Simple, Stupid); in order to encourage others to join the group, GIPHCC will offer a free visit to a lunch meeting both for the guest and for the host member.  Brochure materials will be available for the guest.  They will have a red name tag so that regular members will recognize their guest status and welcome them and make them feel at home in the group.  So, show your pride in GIPHCC: invite a guest to our meeting, and get a free meal yourself in the process. 


President's Letter


Dear Friends,


The IAPHCC convention was once again a great success.  It was packed with educational and networking opportunities.  I know I'll never take another picture without my head tilted 1% to the right (you had to be there).  Our thanks go out to all who participated in making this a fantastic and profitable event.  We are especially grateful to our sponsors who so willingly give to support our industry.


It's been a while since we've all gotten together for lunch.  We have a great meeting planned in October, so we look forward to seeing everyone at GIPHCC lunch meeting on Octob er 15th at Primo's.  Michael Kaplan, an E Myth Coaching & Consulting specialist will be speaking.  Michael provides business coaching and training to create extraordinary growth, higher income, and a superior quality of life.  This event promises to be exciting and profitable for all who attend.  I look forward to seeing you there.   


Brian Lebo,

GIPHCC President

News of Note


November Toys for Tots Drive.  At the November lunch meeting, we will be collecting new toys and games for the Marines' annual Toys for Tots campaign.  $5 will be deducted from the cost of the price of the lunch for participants.


 Mowrey moved in Sept. to 710 E. Main St., Brownsburg.  They bought the old Blanck Chevrolet building. Mowrey  in was able to use the Façade Improvement Grant to help rehab the building. 


Fite Plumbing also moved.  Their mailing address is PO Box 147, Monrovia, IN 46167; the shipping address is 113 Simmons St., Plainfield, IN 46168.

Pump Installer Workshop - October 17

A person who has held a well driller and/or pump installer license for at least one (1) calendar year must complete at least six (6) hours of approved continuing education during each two year cycle to be eligible for license renewal. Hours are due by December 31 of 2014 in order for a licensed individual to be eligible to renew a license for 2015 .  Indiana PHCC is sponsoring a Pump Installer License workshop on Friday, October 17th from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. at Primo's Banquet Hall, 2615 E National Avenue, Indianapolis, IN  46215.

This course has been approved for 6 hours of credit and participants will receive a certificate upon completion of the course. 

Sign up online now.  Class size is limited!

 Happy Halloween! 





  • Oct. 15, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Oct. 17, Pump Installer Workshop, Primo's South
  • Nov. 19, GIPHCC luncheon meeting, Primo's South
  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!