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Future Events


 No December Meeting


January 21, 2015

Primo's South

11:30 a.m.

Topic:  Fuel Gas Code

Our Officers


Brian Lebo

Ben Franklin 




1st Vice President

Bill Fite

Fite Plumbing, LLC




2nd Vice President

Jamie Carter

Carter's My Plumber


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The December 2014 GIPHCC Ventstack


2015 Calendar of Events


2014 ended on a high, positive note for GIPHCC.  The November luncheon meeting on water heater changes was one of the best attended meetings in the past 15 years.

With that in mind, we hope to see many of you in regular attendance at the 2015 events which have been scheduled.  Mark your calendars accordingly.


The January 21st meeting will be on the Fuel Gas Code.   

Mark Fasel, Fishers Building Commissioner, will be heading up the meeting.


The dates for subsequent meetings will be as follows:


Feb. 18--Grease Receptors

March 11--Vendors Fair, Eagle Creek Golf Course, Associates: be on the lookout for the flyer for this event in your emails shortly.  Please note that spaces will be awarded to the 1st 26 responders!

April 15--Annual Business meeting dinner.  Denny Smith will be the guest speaker.  The Associates Award honorees will be announced and also the GIPHCC Contractor of the Year. 

May 21--GIPHCC Golf Outing, Eagle Creek Golf Course.

June 16th--baseball game/picnic.

July/August--no meetings

Sept. 18--IAPHCC State Convention

Oct. 21

Nov. 18

December--no meeting.   

Toys for Tots/the Marines' Charitable Cause


Thank you all


for your toy donations at the November luncheon and the $150 given to this worthy cause.   



It was a great way to start off the holiday season!






President's Letter 


Dear Friends,


I'd like to begin by taking a moment to publicly thank our Water Heater " Panel of Experts" who were willing to share their time and experience with us at our last lunch meeting on Nov. 19th.  Mark Reed w/MMI-Bradford White, Steve Schultz w/Output Sales-Rheem-Rudd, Ken Shockley with Battersby Danielson-AO Smith-State, and Jim Lyon w/S15-Lochinvar.  They all did an outstanding job helping our membership better understand the changes we will be facing next year in regard to the water heater industry.  Their service to the industry is appreciated and valued by our membership. 


The Greater  Indianapolis PHCC has many exciting opportunities planned for 2015.  Our January lunch meeting promises to be informative as we consider the changes that will take place in the Fuel Gas Code.  We again will have a group of experts in the industry to help us understand how best to respond to these changes.  I hope to see you all there.


I would also like to thank those who serve on the GIPHCC board of directors.  Bill Fite, Fite Plumbing; Jamie Carter, Carter's My Plumber; Dave Nance, Nance Plumbing; Dave Heffner, Heffner Plumbing; Eric Damon, Kellie Plumbing; Cathy Stegemoller, Steg Plumbing; Keith Smith, K2 Plumbing; Frank Bruggner, Viega Co.; Joe Denzio, Plumbers Supply Co.; and Mark Fasel, Town of Fishers.  Thank you all for your dedication and care for this organization and our industry.


Well, this year is almost over.  This is a great time to reflect on the things that matter most.  I saw a sign this week that read "Be sure to love the people God gave you; someday He's going to want them back."  I hope you will take time this holiday season to give your attention to the people in your life that you care about.  We are all so busy that I think sometimes the ones closest to us don't get their fair share of our time and attention.  Best wishes to you.  Merry Christmas and the best in the New Year.



Brian Lebo,

GIPHCC President    

News of Note  


A big thank you to Ken Shockley, Mark Reed, Steve Schultz, and Jim Lyon,
who led the panel discussion on water heater changes at the November luncheon.  This was our best attended meeting in several years. 


Also thank you to Dave Heffner, our resident Marine board member, who once again headed up our Toys for Tots drive.  We collected numerous toys and also received $150 in cash donations.  Thank you to everyone.


Welcome to New Contractor Member, Thornton Plumbing, Nate Thornton, 1427 Morton St., Noblesville, IN 46060, 697-9265,nate@thorntonplumbinglic.com 


Welcome to Returning Associate Member, 1-800-Water Damage, Robert Frankel, 7325 Oakbay Drive, Noblesville, IN 46062, 877-0015, fax 877-0020,


Indianapolis WinSupply

will have their Christmas Party on December 9th from 11 am to 1 pm.  They will be collecting for Toys for Tots.  Lots of good food, good friends, and give-aways.  



  • Dec. no GIPHCC meeting
  • January 21, fuel gas code luncheon
  • Feb 18, grease receptors
  • March 11, Vendors Fair
  • April 15, Awards/Associates Award dinner meeting
  • May 21, GIPHCC golf outing
  • June 16th (Tues), baseball game/picnic
  • July, no meeting
  • August, no meeting
  • Sept. 18, State IAPHCC convention
  • Oct. 21
  • Nov. 18
  • Dec. no GIPJCC meeting
Happy Holidays to One and All.  Have a Safe and Happy New Year. 
Let us know if you have information for the GIPHCC Ventstack Online!